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Saturday, June 4, 2011

The American Dream

Hello Kiddies,
    What is the American Dream?   A car or two and a plot of land with a house on it?   I put it to you that the American dream is slowly being eroded.
     I never had an American dream, that's probably why I have never owned a house.  Any way I think the American dream can be sliced into two definitions.
   1.  The 2 cars and house people.
   2.  The people who are grateful to have an apartment in a country that isn't constantly attacked.
     In all honesty I think the American dream is a state of mind, you are either in that zone or not.   I am not condemning either, we all need something to get us through the day.   My American dream is to retire onto a 40 foot boat in the northwest, with the woman of my dreams, what is yours?   
      You see I think we are being tricked or manipulated into the housing market, it means a lot of money for business, ask yourself can an apartment provide the same quality of life as the home does?   I think it can and we are being pushed by PR firms into buying a house, don't fall into the trap...the American dream is really a state of mind if you are happy in a Studio apartment and saving for a house, spend the money on a hybrid and help save the ecology for the generations ahead.   I know about the tax incentives but you never know when Uncle Sam may take those away.    Find a place where you are happy, even if it's just a box, if you are happy there bless you.

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