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Friday, February 17, 2012

Let's all fight...

   Yeah sounds silly and I don't mean anything by the title other than to get your attention.   No, religion or politics this week.  Figured I could spare a week to just discuss us, you know people.
   You hear so many horrific stories on the news about what people are doing to one another I think we sometimes forget we are human(e) at all.  I took both an intro to psychology and sociology class in college and I just cannot wrap my head around what's going one.  Am I alone in this?
   Kids killing adults, adults killing adults and kids and worst of all kids killing kids.  Is it the air, the water, video games?  It's none of those things and we all know it.  It's not even the schools or even the parents for that matter.
    I have a theory, ever heard of subliminal messaging?  Basically it's when a message is relayed to you without you being conscience or fully aware of it.  There is also a little item called repetition.  Now if we add these two together what do you get?  Well not a day goes by where some dysfunctional idiot doesn't say America is the Greatest country on Earth.  Why not say we aspire to be the Leading nation on Earth.   Now most any Behavioral shrinks will tell you if something is repeated over and over ad nauseam, the behavior will sink in and be adapted by most anyone.
    I will give you a few examples:  Any Church and The Military.   Since between those two most of our population is covered (and since they overlap quite a bit, there is no need for other examples).  My point is they tell you what to do over and over and rarely does anyone question this.   Now think about our children all day long hearing "by birthright they are not only live in the best country but have the best values and morals of anyone else".   No wonder it gives kids an overwhelming sense of entitlement.  Our country pretty much sticks it's nose in where ever it wants and does what it wants.  And you ask why the people settle issues with guns?  It's the American way.

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