Maybe I'm just frustrated because my new phone won't sync with my email account but I thought I'd take a minute and let you in on a few things.
Now if you've ever read anything written by me you know I have very little confidence in the intellectual capacity of the American public. I do not however think I've explained why, I will attempt to do so now. If the following statement is true about you then you will understand what I am bitching about.
If you feel more comfortable eating a pizza, drinking a beer and watching Lifetime, SportsCenter or worse something on MTV (except the cartoons) then you do about discussing the environment, US governmental policies and the Geo-political destabilization that is currently happening, then I am writing about your ignorance.
I keep begging and pleading with you guy's to wake up! Yes this Kony caricature is important but that's a fucking world away and I was always taught to clean your own home before criticizing others. Doesn't matter if you're Liberal, Moderate or Conservative, we are all being duped by a corrupt Government that's playing a masterful hand of bait and switch. I honestly don't know if it's a conspiracy or if they are all just like minded but it's happening. It's always been this way but today it's more insidious then in the past and I say this because the lies were mainly for our protection, example: Hide under your desk or in a ditch if a nuclear bomb goes off. Now as there was really no safe place to be in the event of a nuke attack it's kinda of a justifiable lie just to keep moral up. Today it's completely about GREED and RULING the world, I mean as the only real super power left, the balance is out of kilter and truthfully we are less safe now then during the cold war.
The next time you go out consider buying a Time or Newsweek magazine and read them, occasionally turn on the science channel. Don't depend on Cnn or Fox etc... They don't have any credible investigative Journalist who dig deeper than the Whitehouse Press Secretary.
Entertainment \ Infotainment is fun and enjoyable, hell I enjoy the idea of an X-Box, personally I rather do a puzzle but I won't let it take up so much of my time and energy that I won't spend Sunday morning watching GPS on Cnn, which I highly recommend by the way.
Wake up soon, this election is pivotal.
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