To Anyone who reads this. Well what's new? Americans need to get a life!!!!! Why is someones sexuality so titillating ? Why is who fucked whom and where it occurred so exciting to Americans.
Why is this shit water cooler fodder. I myself sometimes "like to get busy in a Burger King bathroom" That's from an old rap tune by the way and may or may not be true but who gives a rat's ass. You know when celeb's "come out" it's, all over the world the next day, over 5 million people have been killed in Africa over some politigous non sense. I just created a new word combine political & religious = politigous. Okay so people are starving, being murdered, raped, just flat out anarchy. No one cares, it's depressing and what do I care...It's not affecting me, or is it? I mean let's face it people are always fighting over something, I don't think the near east has seen any semblance of peace in 2,000+ years. So why should we give a damn about all those other people, we have a lot of home grown problems. Yes while it is true we have had a rough time of it lately, people losing their life savings, their homes and jobs. But the truth of it is the Federal Government "all Branches for the most part" , before I go any further can you name the 4 branches of our Government...If you answered yes you're an IDIOT, there's only 3 branches you moron. This is grade school shit, no wonder most adults aren't smarter than a fifth grader.
I'd be willing to bet you that if the President wasn't of a dark persuasion, many of you wouldn't even know his name. THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT IS SUPPOSED TO WORK FOR US REGULATE CERTAIN ASPECTS OF OUR LIVES AND KEEP US SAFE, Now there are individuals and vocal groups screaming keep your overbearing hands out of my state you Fed.'s, I remember a few years back when Texas threatened to leave the Union, well states do have the right to be stupid as we all do but after banging your head a 100 times and it get's you no where isn't it time to get a new strategy? That was "by the way" the definition of insanity. Frankly I don't know Ex President Chene...opps I meant Bush, he's probably a decent guy but as a president he stank, You get up in arms about Ex-President Clinton getting a blowjob, but I'll tell you a little secret...Now you have to promise not to tell anyone. IT WAS ON CLINTONS' WATCH THAT ALL THIS DEREGULATION GOT STARTED...SHHH, and aside from that I think he was a Great President, and continues to be a Statesman don't get me wrong he's no Jimmy Carter...yet? So what's the point to all this it's very simple A man once wrote "Know thy history lest you're destined to repeat it" I know that's not the actual quote but I think it sounds better. Oh and by the way trickle down economics for the ultra rich is just their way of saying fuck all you little monkeys "that's all of us in case you didn't get it". Now you don't hear them whining about the economy & the possible tax hike, no they don't want it SO they hire lobbyist and PAC's to basically BUY you're representative so they have the money to get reelected. It's a vicious circle, and I'd rather write about it than be in it. Do you guy's even know that a country went Bankrupt after all the shit hit the fan, can you name the country...I'll bet you 10 to 1 you don't, It was depressing and they aren't of any particular importance to us so what the fuck, I think CNN might have said 2 words about it and the BBC to their credit may have said 5 words or so, I realize anyone in the world could be reading this and a lot of you know more about our history than we do, the questions were aimed at Americans but feel free to play along. So how to tie this into a nice little bow, not easily so I won't. BUT... A Sitting President shouldn't be able to pardon anyone in Administration for anything by anyone from now until perpetuity. Whatever deregulation caused this shit needs to be put back into place exactly as it was, I mean for fuck sake we've sold our Great grandchildren's future to the Chinese, let's hope they never call our note due to a lack of funds, as oh so many banks did to we poor and not so poor little primates. Lastly I really will move to Canada if you Asses elect S. Palin to anything other than garbage commissioner. Have a pleasant Week, and pick a topic worthwhile to chat about.
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