Hello Again Kiddies,
Yes I'm alive and kicking and had an epiphany. If you don't know what that is please look it up. Anyway, have you ever heard the term brainwashing? Well essentially all Americans have been, from day one in school. Say the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag or our sing the National Anthem. Have a look at our currency, listen to the oath taken in our court room's. God is Fucking Everywhere!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We have all been Subliminally Duped into being this Great Christian Nation, it's all a crock of shit! Let's say for a minute that I'm wrong, how many of you Bible thumping Christians have ever read that book cover to cover? Well how about the first 2 chapters, they contradict one another about the creation of woman.
Look it's your right to be ignorant to the fact's [evolution] and believe in fairy tails, I do however believe that without the external influences [listed above] not so many of us would call ourselves anything more than American Humanist's. The "book" has much wisdom and it also has Many flaws, try reading the entire book in one sitting and tell me honestly that you really find it necessary to call yourselves "Christians". Most of you go to church once a week listen to the sermon and feel absolved, then go right back out doing the same crap you were doing before. Heaven fore-fend you have an original or independent thought! Well, heavy is Crown that the King must wear and soon I fear we will be dethroned and possibly de-clawed.
Sadly we seem to be the biggest religious zealots on the planet, we just don't use the term holy war. Isn't the true Christian teaching, that when offended "turn the other cheek" and "Love thy Neighbor". You wear your beliefs on your shoulders as a badge of honor, cow towing to them not even knowing that it's been put into place to placate you.
Religion truly is the opiate of the masses and as American's we are hooked. When the cool aid wears off keep your wit's about you and look deeply into the mirror America, do you like your reflection anymore, I know I don't.
The beauty of it is, we get a second chance each day the sun rises. Let's not give into the dark side in the name of God or we shall become that which we have despised for so very long.
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