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Sunday, February 13, 2011

What if ???

Hello Kiddies,
    You even wonder what if?   You know like the John Lennon song, "Imagine".   What if we actually did everything to the best of our ability, this is mainly for Nation States, but it applies to the individual as well.  You remember being taught about Right and Wrong, and that which ever you chose, would have consequences.   I would rather suffer consequences related to being wrong while attempting what is right.  Did that make sense?
    What if in the Reagan era, he wouldn't have said "Mr. Gorbachev,"tear down your wall".   This was just a bit sanctimonious, seeing that the Soviet Empire was near collapse anyway, but what if he  "Reagan" hadn't sang that little tune.   I bet you every paycheck I've ever made "the wall" would have come down, as it represented old think, it had to die so the Greater good could prevail.  Now the countries of the old Soviet block including Russia have made legal, what most of them were up until then "The fall Of The Soviet Empire" illegal operations.    On average the life of the average Russian hasn't been affected as much, beyound greater freedoms of speech, know the basics of our Bill or Rights.   They are Neo-Capitalist now, is the average man better off, not likely.
    So back to right and wrong, I suppose to a great degree your idea's of right and wrong come from the environment you we conditioned in.    You can take the pig out of the pen but never the other way round.  What if we tackled one real problem, per President and they use 2 years per idea,"seems impractical", not if you look at our track record.   American Presidents have 4 or 8 years best, to do what they feel is right for the nation.   The problem here is actually two-fold, 1. the President doesn't write the laws, Congress does and 2.  If most Presidents could get even one good thing done in 8 years it would be stupendous.   Let's just go back to the previous 2 administrations Bush, Cheney or rather Cheney, Bush.   Their legacy: 9/11 and 2 unfunded wars, The Katrina Debacle, their Environmental Policy that the EPA had no say in what so ever, oh and the adorable bush twins.   Clinton, Gore.  Their legacy: Balanced budget, National debt clock set to surplus.   The chipping away at deregulation of the banks actually started before Clinton\Gore and got grandfathered in if you will.   Near as I can tell, in my lifetime they were the greatest duo to date.   I've been around since just after Kennedy was assassinated.   So I've seen my share, so what if Clinton had a blow job, he was stressed and to my knowledge it was consensual.  WTF, we lost our minds over that yet Bush\Cheney do the Largest land grab since the Louisiana Purchase and nobody blinks an eye.
   Aside from, FDR no other American President has come close to getting so much done in so little time.   In his time I'm sure that their were scandals, bribes and the same crap that is still going on today, I just think the scale was toned down enough, that "the lobbyist of there day" were discreet and weren't standing on the Capital stairs with suitcases of money, waving it as Our Statesmen and Women walk by.
     There has always been crime and will always be criminals and I don't see the difference between the crack head selling head to get ahead, Vs. A sitting US President giving himself and his cronies pardons until after perpetuity.   Sounds a lot like what have happened to Kennedy but that's another story.
     So just kick back in your favorite chair, enjoy man at his peak, we've been 1 million years in the making and prepare for the longest fall since God cast Lucifer down from the pearly gates.   Nations know Right from Wrong because they are run by people who know the difference between Right and Wrong.   Bristol, I give you props for hanging in there with mom, but honey think before you speak next time, you've caused thousands of people to start packing there bags, if your mom makes it to the White house, there will be another great Whooshing sound^ from the USA but it won't be equipment for industry it will be people in u-hauls head north and south.
^"I think", H Ross Perot, coined that term, when NAFTA was enacted.   Sleep well America...

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