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Sunday, April 17, 2011

Further expansion on procrastination

Hi Kiddies,
   You ever wonder why I start off with hello kiddies?  Well it's quite simple, someone once wrote "we are who we were in kindergarten", I'm a firm believer in this, that being said let's move on.
    I think that it is in our nature to half do things , cut corners if you will, if we think we can get away with it.   If you don't believe this just watch the National or Local news sometime and it will bare out what I'm conveying to you.   We have been warned against building our homes on sand, yet every hurricane season we see what happens to coastlines.   The views are truly mesmerizing but not at the expense of having to rebuild every year.
   Now if you knew even a little about Nuclear power, common sense dictates that you would want it near H2O and even more importantly on the most stable ground possible, in light of recent events I don't think I need to expound beyound that.   The entire planet can no longer afford to play kick the can any longer, we are at worldwide peak oil or very near to it and yet we tailor our driving habits based on the cost of fuel.   Most of you are too young to remember the 1970's oil embargo that OPEC imposed on the US, did we not learn anything?  The US still has no comprehensive energy policy!
     Look I know we live in the land of the Free and Home of the Brave but some sacrifices need to be made for us and YOUR children to continue to enjoy a decent quality standard of life.  What ever happened to taking one for the team?   It's been discovered that we have Vast expanses of Natural gas reserves in deep underground shale basins and the most economical way to get the gas out is by a means called Hydraulic Fracturing, or fracking for short.   I learned about this initially from a documentary called "Gasland*" and more in this months Discover magazine*.
     Don't get me wrong I'm all for using our resources before buying them abroad but fracking is doing extreme damage to water tables underground and turning pristine lands into future superfund sites.   Well according to this months Discovery Magazine there is a means of fracking that is MUCH less toxic than the current method, which is not only poisoning ground water and polluting the surface but is also making people violently ill.   HERE IS THE REAL RUB, THE EPA CANNOT EVEN ENFORCE IT'S CLEAN ENVIRONMENTAL ACTS BECAUSE WHEN THE LAW TO ALLOW THIS PRACTICE WAS WRITTEN "THANKS DICK C." THE COMPANIES THAT PRACTICE THIS ARE EXEMPT FROM EPA INSPECTIONS AND INVESTIGATIONS, IS THAT A KICK IN THE BALLS OR WHAT".   In Central Arkansas they have actually been experiencing earthquakes for the first time in "ever" after fracking began there, some above 4.0.  Fact:  The New Madrid, Missouri earthquake of 1812 might have been the biggest ever recorded in the US*.  That is smack dab in the MIDDLE of the US.   
    We as a nation have been living to excess for so long that we don't know how to economize until there is a threat literally inches from our face.   The point to all this is simple: live within your means and raise taxes on the Uberwealthy "it is after all our money that they got rich on, people seem to forget that".   Have your paychecks risen 800% over the last 15-30 years?  Of course not, unless you had a brilliant Idea, or you work in a sector of our economy that rewards GREED over human trust & plain decency.  I plead with you again don't let our great country fall into despair, if you have an idea on how to fix this mess please write your Congressional Representative or better still, the people of the United States should fund our own Lobby to promote the general welfare "this line is in the preamble to The US Constitution", which currently isn't happening.
*1.  GasLand -
Directed by Josh Fox
Produced by Trish Adlesic
Molly Gandour
Josh Fox
David Roma
Written by Josh Fox
*2.  Discover Magazine -
May 2011 edition
Fracking Nation By, Linda Marsa
*3.- Wiki Answers

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