Hello Kiddies,
Yes I'm back once again to feed you information that you won't find the least bit important but it eases my mind to let you know of the dangers out there non-the-less. Today's subject is actually water. Yes fresh from the tap drinking water.
There are Reservoir's, Fresh rivers, Lakes and Aquifers. Guess what, the water you are drinking has probably been processed several times since it came from the original source. Fresh drinking water is becoming more and more difficult to come by. By processed I mean it's been through a sewage treatment plant or 2 before it reaches you. Sounds a bit icky don't you think. But wait it get's ickier. You know all those pills you take, the injections, not to mention God knows what they are feeding our livestock, guess where all that stuff eventually goes. Down the sink or toilet, then to a processing plant and it's supposed to be as good as new for the next community. One small problem is that the filters in our plants "for the most part" were not designed to cleanse the water of medications.
So what does it mean, well odds are you are taking penicillin in one form or another, not to mention insulin, Vicodin and God only knows what else just by taking an innocent drink of water. Oh yea, most bottled water comes from taps, thought I'd put that in for you snobs who think you're beating the system by polluting the landfills with those dumb ass empty PLASTIC bottle water containers.
So the next time you are feeling ill, don't run out to the Doctor, have you water examined by a lab for pharmaceuticals, you may be surprised what the report indicates. You could be on estrogen and not even know it.
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