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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

WEED: It's time to grow up America !!!

Hello Again,  
   Guess what?   In 1619 Jamestown colony law declared that all settlers were required to grow hemp. George Washington grew hemp at Mount Vernon as one of his three primary crops. The use of hemp for rope and fabric was ubiquitous throughout the 18th and 19th centuries in the United States.

Shortly before marijuana was banned by The Marijuana Tax Act of 1937, new technologies were developed that made hemp a potential competitor with the newly-founded synthetic fiber and plastics industries. Hemp's potential for producing paper also posed a threat to the timber industry.  Those 2 sentences brought about the death of legalization of the cannabis plant!  Men with powerful connections in Washington made this useful plant and harmless byproduct on it's way to being illegal and we are still ignorant to how it all started to this day!    Evidence suggests that commercial interests having much to lose from hemp competition helped propagate reefer madness "the funniest movie ever created, watch it while you are high and you will laugh your ass off" " hysteria,  BIG BUSINESS used their influence to lobby for Marijuana Prohibition. It is not known for certain if special interests conspired to destroy the hemp industry via Marijuana Prohibition, but enough evidence exists to raise the possibility " Use your own common sense".

Basically, it came down to this. America in the 1900's saw two powerful rivals, agriculture and industry, faced off over several multi-billion dollar markets. When Rudolph Diesel produced his engine in 1896, he'd assumed it would run off of vegetable and seed oils, especially hemp, which is superior to petroleum. Just think about that for a second. A fuel that can be grown by our farmers that is superior to foreign oil. What a lot of history would have been rewritten!
Ok. So we have an elite group of special interests dominated by Du Pont petrochemical company and it's major financial backer and key political ally, Treasury Secretary Andrew Mellon. Mellon was a banker who took over Gulf Oil Corporation. In 1913, Henry Ford opened his first auto assembly line, and Gulf Oil opened its first drive-in gas station. In 1919, with ethanol fuel poised to compete with gasoline, Alchohol Prohibition descended on the nation. Lucky Mellon. When President Harding made him Secretary of the Treasury, he was considered the richest man in America. In the 1920's, Mellon arranged for his bank to loan his buddies as Du Pont money to take over General Motors. Du Pont had developed new gasoline additives and the sulfate and sulfite process that made trees into paper.
In the 1930's, Ford Motor Company operated a successful biomass fuel conversion plant using cellulose at Iron Mountain, Michigan. Ford engineers extracted methanol, charcoal fuel, tar, pitch ethyl-acetate and creosote from hemp. The same fundamental ingredients for industry were also being made from fossil fuels.
William Randolph Hearst "Newspaper Mogul" had always supported any kind of prohibition, and now he wanted cannabis included in every anti-narcotics bill. Never mind that cannabis wasn't a narcotic. Facts weren't important. The important thing was to have it completely removed from society, doctors, and industry.
Around 1920 or so, a new word arose - "Marihuana". Through screaming headlines and horror stories,"marihuana" was blamed for murderous rampages by blacks and mexicans. Hearst continued to use his power of the press to impress on his readers the dangers of the "marihuana" plant.
When the Federal Bureau of Narcotics was formed in 1932, Mellon's nephew Harry Anslinger was appointed its head, a job in Mellon's treasury department that was created just for him. Treasury agents were beginning to operate on their own agenda. Deep in the throes of the depression, congress began to reexamine all federal agencies. Anslinger began to fear that his department was in danger of emasculation. Although worldwide, hemp was still big business, in 1935 the Treasury Department began secretly drafting a bill called The Marihuana Tax Act. The Treasury Department's general counsul Herman Oliphant was put in charge of writing something that could get past both Congress and the Court disguised as a tax revenue bill. Congress wasn't all that interested in the matter, seeing as all the information they had to work with was what was provided to them by Anslinger. They deliberately collected horror stories on the evils of marihuana pulled primarily from the Hearst newspapers, called Anslinger's Gore Files. Crimes that had never happened at all were being attributed to marihuana.
So, in 1937, Anslinger went before a poorly attended committee hearing and called for a total ban on marihuana. He stated under oath "This drug is entirely the monster Hyde, the harmful effects of which cannot be measured". Bureaucrats planned the hearings to avoid the discussion of the full House and presented the measure in the guise of a tax revenue bill brought to the six member House Ways and Means Committee, chaired by Du Pont ally Robert Doughton of North Carolina.

Okay, enough of the past, can Americans get away from this Puritanical bullshit and realize that more people die from cigarettes and Alcohol than Weed has in it's entire history.  The tax revenues alone would justify it's legalization.   If there is a demand you will have "criminals" who will fill that void.   Just think back to the prohibition act, there was no lack of alcohol!


*How Marijuana Became Illegal - Bud Fairy

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Be Careful what you fall for...

Hello Friends,
   I realize that me calling nearly all Americans idiots on a recent FaceBook post may not have endeared myself to a lot of you but when you refuse to look the obvious in the eye and rejoice at voting against your own self interest's what do you expect to be called?
    I will try another approach this time, it's called an analogy and see if you can follow this:
You are the proud parent of a child who is beginning his or her first day of school and a bully approaches them.   The bully then demands half of YOUR child's lunch money for the rest of the year or there will be dire consequences.   Your child isn't vocal with you regarding this so you know nothing about it.   How should the child attempt to handle this situation?
1.  Physically fight the bully
2.  Confront the bully with all the others he is terrorizing and take away his power
3.  Give in and pay so that the dire consequences do not occur.
    This is a kindergarten argument but it applies to American Politics today, there is an ASSHOLE named Grover Norquist, he founded and runs the  Americans for Tax Reform  established in 1985.   Well this powerful lobbyist has the Republican party shaking in their soiled underwear.   He pressures them into signing a pledge, stating that under no circumstances will they agree to ANY tax hikes.   If you recall Ronald Regan was President in 1985 and he raised the debt ceiling several times and no one got their panties in a bunch.
    Now all of the sudden instead of cooperating with our current President they are all falling for this pledge that they signed, as if it were some law of the land when factually it's just a BULLY, attempting to get his way.   In the 1960's the tax rate for the uber-wealthy was triple what it is now and suddenly letting the ill advised Bush era tax rebates expire are even off limits.   This guy is the worst kind of BULLY, he uses intimidation and fear against people he supposedly respects.    The Republicans have to know, that cuts in spending and raising revenue is the only route that makes any sense but their hands are tied due to this FOOL Norquist.       
    So I say to the Republcans ignore that dumb ass piece of paper and do what is best for the countrty.   A bully only has power over you if you let him have it, gang up on this piece of SHIT AND TELL HIM TO FUCK OFF.   Or just stay in kindergaerten and keep acting like children as the Titanic sinks beneath your feet.
P.S.  Most Republicans don't earn over 250K per year so the adjusted tax rate wouldn't even affect them.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

We Live in Perilous times my friends...

Hello Everyone,
   You had to know sooner or later I'd get to theses nut bags.  I don't have a very favorable opinion about the Tea Party, in all fairness I will attempt to provide a bit of information both pro and con.
    I think most reasonable people will agree that life is in a constant state of flux and change is the only constant in the world not to mention the Universe.
    The Boston tea party was really about perceived over taxation.   Since it was a long time ago and I have no perception of what the populous thought was fair, I won't comment on that except to say that if everyone in America paid $0.00 in taxes, someone would BITCH it was still too high.  Honestly, I am for fiscal responsibility, I am not for intolerance to other idea's.   Now I will on occasion watch what the Tea party Constituents say, while standing around in crowds.   Often yelling they want to return to the ideals of the founding father's.   Okay, so what did the founding fathers have in mind?  
   Well if you'd pick up a book, about the only thing they all agreed on without compromise is that they wanted to be free of the yoke of England and they felt religion was about the worst thing that could have any influence on the political process.   Nearly everything else was discussed in committees and compromises were made.
    Funny thing about the Tea Party is they have erased compromise and debate for that matter from their vocabularies.   So for all you who were so determined for change and voted these nut bag non-intellectuals into office, congratulations.   Not only have you betrayed the founding fathers intent but maybe they'll bring back slavery and abolish women's rights for good measure.  100's of years of progress could be flushed down the toilet.   Nothing the President puts forth is good enough for these people.   If the President offered them EVERYTHING they asked for, they would still turn it down, simply because Obama is involved in the process.  
    There was an organization in the 1920-1940's that had an absolutist ideology and things went really bad for several years and millions of people died, I won't mention the name of the German Party I am referring to  "The NAZIS" how ever if these Tea Party folks ever come into real power and they really want what the founding fathers had, look out America, a civil war will soon follow, mark my words.

Sunday, July 17, 2011


Hello Everyone,
   I have done my best to treat you as children who need lessons in life and I changed gears and attempted to write to you as educated adults but apparently the message just won't get through, so you know what, Fuck 99.7% of you, if you don't want to be educated than you deserve exactly what you will get while I relax in Canada.
    I recently found out that the majority of Republicans are signing onto a document, originally created by a kid in high school.  Try to follow this logic:

Grover Glenn Norquist-born October 19, 1956) is president of taxpayer advocacy group Americans for Tax Reform. He has been described as "the driving force in pushing the Republican Party toward an ever-more rigid position of opposing any tax increase, of any kind, at any time.*   By the way in case you are not aware, this only helps zillionaires, which none of you will ever be, sorry!

   This son of a Bitch has so much power over the Reptilian party [GOP] that no one dares oppose him, forget that Obama is being reasonable in the latest rounds of negotiations regarding raising the debt ceiling.   These MORONS [The Reptiles] have painted themselves into a corner, so even when he leans to the right they still have to disagree with him.  When you Republicans go into the voting booth, your vote does not really count because once they are elected they take an oath of absolute FUCKING stupidity.   Are your Representatives working for you or for this Asshole!   I am all for fiscal responsibility, we had it under Clinton. G.W. Bush, aka  "Alfred E. Newman Jr." is the one who stuck us in this FUCKING MESS yet you people are so INCREDIBLY STUPID IN FOLLOWING FOX NEWS "WITH IT'S IMPECCABLE RECORD FOR BEING FACTUAL"  you lose site of the fact that they are not a news organization, they are a business as is Cnn and BBc but at least they will attempt to give both point's of view.
    Are you IDIOT's so intimidated that a BLACK MAN is running the country that you won't listen to REASON or did you just not finish the 3rd grade and don't know what the concept of reason is?   If that's the case you are excused and please never vote again as you are a total waste of space on the planet, just go kill yourselves right now and if you want some bonus points take a few of those Reptilian's with you.   You can meet your imaginary Deity together and butt fuck each other while it smiles then sends you both to Hell for being complete MORONS.
    It almost saddens me to call myself an American anymore, you people are making me sick between Batshit Bachman and an IDIOT who hasn't even said she will run yet, you just follow the sound bites and lick the TV screen for more.   The founding fathers are turning over in their graves, most of whom felt religion was the absolute worst kind of corruption possible, yet you TeaBaggers embrace it.   Read something by Thomas Jefferson, he had his faults but he got the division on church and state dead on right.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Are you a prostitute?

Hello All,
   Once upon a time, one of my Bosses called everyone with a job a prostitute.   I thought about this long and hard and could only equate that word with people who sought out money for sexual favors.   Below are 2 of the definitions of prostitutes:

1. work of prostitute: the act of engaging in sexual intercourse or performing other sex acts in exchange for money, or of offering another person for such purposes
  [Sounds like a couple of spouses I know, not that I am judging]
2. misuse of talent for gain: the use of a skill or ability in a way that is considered unworthy, usually for financial gain.

    Well the first definition, while being the most obvious, the second applies to anyone of us.    I don’t even think that misuse of your talent should be a part of the definition.   It should read as follows:
The use of a skill or ability in a way that is for financial gain. 

   In a nutshell if you use any part of your being in the pursuit of financial gain you are in effect a prostitute.    Don’t we all misuse our talents in one way or another and I’m not rationalizing here but think about it.
When ever you have done something you considered ethically or morally questionable either at your own behest or because you have been requested “ Ordered” to do so by someone higher up, you belong to this club.    Now I think that if we didn’t hold this Puritanical attitude about morality and family structure we would be much better off.   Why shouldn’t a man or a woman be able to sell sexual pleasure for a living?    Some of the laws we have on our books are arcane and just flat out stupid!   Did you know in certain area’s in Michigan if you curse aloud in public you can be arrested!   WTF…
    I won’t even begin to start on marijuana, for those of you who have not seen the movie Refer Madness, watch it, it’s quite entertaining but has no basis in fact.    Drunks kill off more people in a month than MJ users do in 5 years.   It all comes down to profits and who makes them, many states have legalized the use of “ Medical MJ ”, but you can still be arrested by Federal Government Agents.
    I say legalize & regulate both of these endeavors as they both were at one time and still are in several countries.   Sexual purchase is Legal in Canada and Australia right this minute.   As for MJ, can’t the US be progressive and ahead of the curve just once!  
    We are losing our grip and foresight on the future due to over medication of “Legal” pharmaceuticals.   If we are gonna lose it I say I wanna do it with a joint in one hand and a red head on the other arm, let’s all grow up!    Not to mention the new tax revenue!    Lumber Barons no longer need to fear hemp, so lets all go get stoned and if they can’t take a joke Fuck ‘em.


Saturday, July 9, 2011


Hello Folks,
    You probably don't want to know what chaps my ass, but i am gonna tell you anyway.   Whenever someone I don't know calls me and addresses me by my first name.    Is this the new trend?   When I was growing up if you were calling someone you addressed them by their last name, not as if you were an old friend calling up for a chat.
     Now I will be the first to admit that I have old school values but I see this as a sign of disrespect and will usually hangup on these people.    Many a Head hunter has lost me before a discussion due to this.   Show the proper respect.    If we are not acquainted then I am Mr. Penn, not "hello is Kenn there".    It's just another sign of how our country is falling into an abyss of non-respectability.
     I am not attempting to hurt anyone's feelings but if you contact me about a position or even if you are a bill collector my name is Mr. Penn, not Kenn, Kenneth or Kenny.    If you approach me on the phone with this type of introduction, usually you will hear a dial tone immediately.   Please indulge me and others, it is rude and disrespectful.   Grow up, not all of us are used to the Microsoft culture nor do we want to be.
    I have been called Mr. since I was in grade school because of the way I carry myself and the last thing I wanna hear on the other end of the line is some 12 year old calling me Kenn and having no idea about who I am just to make a sale.