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Saturday, July 23, 2011

Be Careful what you fall for...

Hello Friends,
   I realize that me calling nearly all Americans idiots on a recent FaceBook post may not have endeared myself to a lot of you but when you refuse to look the obvious in the eye and rejoice at voting against your own self interest's what do you expect to be called?
    I will try another approach this time, it's called an analogy and see if you can follow this:
You are the proud parent of a child who is beginning his or her first day of school and a bully approaches them.   The bully then demands half of YOUR child's lunch money for the rest of the year or there will be dire consequences.   Your child isn't vocal with you regarding this so you know nothing about it.   How should the child attempt to handle this situation?
1.  Physically fight the bully
2.  Confront the bully with all the others he is terrorizing and take away his power
3.  Give in and pay so that the dire consequences do not occur.
    This is a kindergarten argument but it applies to American Politics today, there is an ASSHOLE named Grover Norquist, he founded and runs the  Americans for Tax Reform  established in 1985.   Well this powerful lobbyist has the Republican party shaking in their soiled underwear.   He pressures them into signing a pledge, stating that under no circumstances will they agree to ANY tax hikes.   If you recall Ronald Regan was President in 1985 and he raised the debt ceiling several times and no one got their panties in a bunch.
    Now all of the sudden instead of cooperating with our current President they are all falling for this pledge that they signed, as if it were some law of the land when factually it's just a BULLY, attempting to get his way.   In the 1960's the tax rate for the uber-wealthy was triple what it is now and suddenly letting the ill advised Bush era tax rebates expire are even off limits.   This guy is the worst kind of BULLY, he uses intimidation and fear against people he supposedly respects.    The Republicans have to know, that cuts in spending and raising revenue is the only route that makes any sense but their hands are tied due to this FOOL Norquist.       
    So I say to the Republcans ignore that dumb ass piece of paper and do what is best for the countrty.   A bully only has power over you if you let him have it, gang up on this piece of SHIT AND TELL HIM TO FUCK OFF.   Or just stay in kindergaerten and keep acting like children as the Titanic sinks beneath your feet.
P.S.  Most Republicans don't earn over 250K per year so the adjusted tax rate wouldn't even affect them.

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