Hello Folks,
You probably don't want to know what chaps my ass, but i am gonna tell you anyway. Whenever someone I don't know calls me and addresses me by my first name. Is this the new trend? When I was growing up if you were calling someone you addressed them by their last name, not as if you were an old friend calling up for a chat.
Now I will be the first to admit that I have old school values but I see this as a sign of disrespect and will usually hangup on these people. Many a Head hunter has lost me before a discussion due to this. Show the proper respect. If we are not acquainted then I am Mr. Penn, not "hello is Kenn there". It's just another sign of how our country is falling into an abyss of non-respectability.
I am not attempting to hurt anyone's feelings but if you contact me about a position or even if you are a bill collector my name is Mr. Penn, not Kenn, Kenneth or Kenny. If you approach me on the phone with this type of introduction, usually you will hear a dial tone immediately. Please indulge me and others, it is rude and disrespectful. Grow up, not all of us are used to the Microsoft culture nor do we want to be.
I have been called Mr. since I was in grade school because of the way I carry myself and the last thing I wanna hear on the other end of the line is some 12 year old calling me Kenn and having no idea about who I am just to make a sale.
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