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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Lighten Up...

Hello Kiddies,
    I'm in a good mood so I won't make fun of Huckabee and his Kenya comment , it's too easy a  target.    What concerns me is the level of downright anger shown the leader of the free world from HIS own PARTY.
 I've ranted about this before but I mean come on KENYA...   
    OK, for those of you who don't realize this we are all statistics to the US Government, which is both good and bad.   The Census which people have many misconceptions about especially the poor, "who need the count to be as inclusive as possible" does a physical count of the population to determine the allocation of funds.   When the Government counts GDP you are just another value in an equation.   So you go from a human being to a number in the blink of an eye but I digress.  
Here is how it's supposed to work:
1. Finish High school
2. Finish College or the Military
3. Get Married
4. Buy a house, car & furnishings, etc...
5. Have 2.3 kids
6. Save for College and retirement
7. Put kids through college & finish paying off home
8. Retire & sell home
9. Social security & Medicare
10.  You've been buying life ins. since you bought the house
11. Major or Minor illness kicks in eating into your nest egg.
12. One of you dies, followed by the other.
      This is the perfect scenario for every American as per the US Government.  They don't advertise this, it wouldn't come across as caring or campaign friendly.  They go through the same cycle only they "most of them anyway" know about the game ahead of time...In short we are all merely worker bees that the hive master needs to keep count of and that's it.   Ever think your life could be summed up in a paragraph, :) .
     Fairly depressing no?    Well friends, family and hobbies are there to distract us, otherwise life would literally be hellish.   So we are just counting our time until death, I'm not fond of the God theory for many reasons but if said being does exist as an Omniscient Entity beyound any and or all Universes, it would have to be a Woman or at least a hybrid of male & female emotional feelings.
      Would a male create flowers, or the smell of freshly cut grass on a rainy day.   The feel of sea water against your face in the summer or rainbows, Definitely NOT!   Only a Female would come up with these tiny
Jewels.   So as the title implies, lighten up...The world is going to hell in a hand basket but it's bound to be a fun ride!

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