Hello Kiddies,
Is it just me or do we all long for the fun days of the 80's. It was my generations 60's era. The music was fun, the cold war had ended and I was starting college. Nothing was insanely overpriced and computers were coming into the mainstream of all cultures, at a relatively affordable price. I didn't like or dislike our President at the time as I consider most of them to be transitional figures but Reagan did have something that I can't quite put my finger on. Pell grants and student loans were plentiful and frankly I think the air even smelled a little better. Sounds insane right, but even with the possibility of Nuclear war hanging over our heads we kinda knew things would work out. Surely neither country was insane enough not to launch them! We did have our share of problems but now we have states near bankruptcy not to mention the Countries 17 trillion dollar debt.
Well my life didn't turn out like I wanted it to but I did learn many a lesson along the way, I'm trying to figure out a way to leave myself hints so when this whole cycle begins again I'll know exactly what to do. I know that sounds foolish, possibly crazy but I will concede, that yes maybe there is a Grand Designer better known to you Christians as GOD. The trick to it is how do you keep the thought alive once everything compacts back down into a singularity event? Black holes gobble up light as we breathe air, Stars larger than our sun have been eaten by these things and never seen again. What if there are parallel Universes which many Physicists think is possible. Lets say our "Universe" disappears "devoid of all matter" sometime long into the distant future, long after mother Earth can sustain life. What if there is another governing law of physics that we haven't discovered yet? According to Physicists matter can never be destroyed or created, what we have is what we get, matter can only be converted. If our brains are composed of matter and if our thoughts are composed of electrical impulses then they cannot be destroyed either. You all know what deja vu is no? We've all experienced it, what if our lives are continually rerun in a cycle until we get them right? Sounds nut's, I realize this but what if?
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