Hello again Kiddies,
It saddens me yet again to have to report to you the true disarray of our country. In the early 20th Century I recently found out about a Documentary on HBO regarding the triangle Fire. Now most of you have probably never heard of this before but it set in motion reforms that are protecting us to this day.
Briefly, there was a garment factory in Manhattan which had been attempting to organize a union, they were not asking for anything spectacular like a living wage, these women merely wanted safe working conditions. They went on strike and the police and goon squads went after them, WOMEN! Well one day soon after the walk out was put down a fire started in that building which resulted in the deaths of nearly 150 Workers, many young women & a few men jumped to their deaths.
This in my opinion is where the labor movement truly began, the owners were found not guilty as no laws were instated to protect them, not so much as a fire escape plan was enacted. Well soon there after New York formed a committee which would ensure many of the reforms these young women, some as young as 17 went on strike for. In fact FDR put many of these reforms into law for all Americans, during the New Deal Era.
Can you please tell me why owners of companies feel they have the right to use other human beings as indentured servant's. This is America Dammit, what do we really stand for? Fuck your workers as long as you make a profit? Well it's clearly headed back to that era, many states are attempting to kill the collective bargaining clause of these peoples contract's. Why is it right that the top 400 people in America make more than the lower 50% of the countries wage earners, and pay less in taxes than I do? General Electric is the largest corporation in America and they not only paid no taxes last year but got billions in refunds.
PLEASE WAKE THE FUCK UP, THIS CANNOT CONTINUE! Do you really think anyone from a CEO to an athlete is worth hundreds of Millions of dollars a year? Come on, no one does that good a job, ever in the history in mankind! The disparity of wealth between the uber rich and the dwindling middleclass will continue until we stand up FOR OURSELVES!!! We need lobbyist, since our representatives don't give a fuck about us!
Do you realize how much organized labor has done for nearly every working \ middle class family in America?:
A minimum wage
Health care provided by employers
Safer working conditions
The 40 hour work week
What happens when this gets eroded away? Well I'll tell you, we are back to the beginning of the 20th century, that's what. Robots, have put massive numbers of line workers out of jobs, having one person do the job of two people is another cost cutting tool they use " They is Big Business". Pension funds are being destroyed all over the country and do you know what's the cause, GREED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How many toys can you collect before you die to make you happy? The average CEO or owner of a company makes 500-800 times what the average worker makes, is that even remotely equitable? At this moment I have to think back to Henry Ford, he produced vehicles that his workers could afford to buy, makes a little bit of sense don't you think. Capitalism in it's pure form laissez-faire, which thank GOD we cannot practice in this country is inherently EVIL!!!!!!! Capitalism lite, which we have is sustainable if the GREED FACTOR wasn't so prevalent!!!
American union membership in the private sector has in recent years fallen under 9% — levels not seen since 1932. Unions allege that employer-incited opposition has contributed to this decline in membership.*
Many of the people who fought and many died attempting to enact these very things we take for granted today are turning over in their graves. Ok, so lets say all Unions disappeared from the USA, then what? Well for one never trust a company that say's we are one big family, that is code for you are the newest red headed step child and we will take out all our anger on you! In all fairness I do believe that unions have fucked themselves to a big extent. An Example I know personally:
I was at an Auto Engine manufacturing plant, I met a gentleman who made $45.00 per hour plus benefits for doing essentially nothing. What was his job you ask? He was in charge of putting oil dipsticks into engines as they went past him on a slowly moving assembly line. Well Fuck no, this idiot who sat and read the newspaper all day didn't deserve all that money for a job a chimp could do, but similarly the CEO of the very same company didn't deserve a 100 million dollar bonus. The big steal big the little steal little. We have to come to the realization that corporations must pay more in taxes, not to long ago they made up 30+ % of the tax revenue in this country, it's now below 6%. Fuck fair, How is this shit even legal? Get your heads out OF THE FUCKING SAND AND CONTACT YOUR CONGRESSMAN AND SENATOR AND TELL THEM YOU ARE AS MAD AS HELL AND YOU'RE NOT GONNA TAKE IT ANYMORE, if you don't know who they are, contact me and I will find out and reply to you, I PROMISE. Ever since Reagan fired the Air traffic controllers, which was illegal BTW, corporations have been looting pension funds and reducing wages, what's next indentured servitude? Think about it.
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