Poor Herman Cain, he is being shot down by his own Party because of 999, pity. I thought it sucked and he will have to eat a shit sandwich. I hope he finds out who TRULY conspired against him and switches sides. That being said most "Ordinary Americans" believe that America was founded on 3 principled ideals: 1. Free Enterprise, Freedom of Religion and third, Democracy. These are all fallacies, no truth in any of it, for the common person, those in control actually dictate what happens, a sort of steerage comittee if you will.
Think I'm wrong? Here is an example of each and you tell me what you think after reading.
Free Enterprise: This is the only one of the 3 that most anyone can take advantage of. Our founding fathers were greedy men who had no need for taxes, they saw human beings as property. Think about it, the free enterprise model demands a rational pay for a days work. Now if you can rationalize slavery out of that equation, please explain it to me.
Freedom of religion clearly is ok, so long if it is Christ centered otherwise it's a cult. Most people don't believe Mormons are a real religion, come on it's no wackier than Catholics and the Virgin birth! The Native Americans were nearly wiped out for their land and "heathen beliefs", you know why they were heathens? Not Christ centered.
Surely you cannot believe we live in a Democracy, if this were the case when nearly every American opposed the bank bailouts, why did it pass? Why did our Representatives ignore our wishes? They new better, ah I don't think so, isn't this how Capitalism is supposed to work, survival of the fittest? Well apparently if the Congress Members money is at stake they seem to feel that suddenly they know best.
Folks we need to get away from professional Politicians, they will, 99% of the time will vote on their own interests over their constituents. For those of you who think this is ok, just keep your head in the sand. All others please don't remain complacent. Talk to your neighbors, union busting since Reagan has become an art, Germany has unions in it's Walmarts for God's sake! We just need the Political will to follow through. Write your Congress people, if you don't know who they are it's only a few clicks away. Pledge support to the 99%, they are the best thing going on right now for us commoners. Frustration will crop up but it's better to fight than to acquiesce to the demands of the 1% and that's exactly what they want. Fight the Power!!!
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Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
The Truth about MJ...
Q: What is hemp? Just another word for marijuana?
Yeah, and that's one of the things that happened in 1937. Cannabis Hemp was one of history's most widely used plants. Tincture of Cannabis was the basis for almost every patent medicine prior to the discovery of aspirin. Hemp was used for rope, twine, and cloth. Sailing ships were loaded with hemp. The word "canvas" is derived from "cannabis", because that's what canvas was. Sails were made of hemp because salt water deteriorated cotton. Old sails were made into wagon covers and ultimately original Levi's Jeans. And the pressed oil from hemp seeds was used for paints and varnishes. Everyone knew what hemp was. But nobody knew what marijuana was.
Basically, it came down to this. America in the 1900's saw two powerful rivals, agriculture and industry, faced off over several multi-billion dollar markets. When Rudolph Diesel produced his engine in 1896, he'd assumed it would run off of vegetable and seed oils, especially hemp, which is superior to petroleum. Just think about that for a second. A fuel that can be grown by our farmers that is superior to foreign oil. What a lot of history would have been rewritten!
Ok. So we have an elite group of special interests dominated by Du Pont petrochemical company and it's major financial backer and key political ally, Treasury Secretary Andrew Mellon. Mellon was a banker who took over Gulf Oil Corporation. In 1913, Henry Ford opened his first auto assembly line, and Gulf Oil opened its first drive-in gas station. In 1919, with ethanol fuel poised to comptete with gasoline, Alchohol Prohibition descended on the nation. Lucky Mellon. When President Harding made him Secretary of the Treasury, he was considered the richest man in America. In the 1920's, Mellon arranged for his bank to loan his buddies as Du Pont money to take over General Motors. Du Pont had developed new gasoline additives and the sulfate and sulfite process that made trees into paper.
In the 1930's, Ford Motor Company operated a successful biomass fuel conversion plant using cellulose at Iron Mountain, Michigan. Ford engineers extracted methanol, charcoal fuel, tar, pitch ethyl-acetate and creosote from hemp. The same fundamental ingredients for industry were also being made from fossil fuels.
During the same period, Du Pont was developing cellophane, nylon, and dacron from from fossil fuels. Du Pont held the patents on many synthetics and became a leader in the development of paint, rayon, synthetic rubber, plastics, chemicals, photographic film, insecticides and agricultural chemicals.
From the Du Pont 1937 Annual Report we find a clue to what started to happen next: "The revenue raising power of government may be converted into an instrument for forcing acceptance of sudden new ideas of industrial and social reoganization".
Ok, enter William Randolph Hearst. Hearst's company was a major consumer of the cheap tree-pulp paper that had replaced hemp paper in the late 19th century. The Hearst Corporation was also a major logging company, and produced Du Pont's chemical-drenched tree pulp paper, which yellowed and fell apart after a short time. Fueled by the advertising sold to the petrochemical industries, Hearst Newspapers were also known for their sensationalist stories. Hearst despised poor people, black people, chinese, hindus, and all other minorities. Most of all he hated Mexicans. Pancho Villa's cannabis-smoking troops had reclaimed some 800,000 acres of prime timberland from Hearst in the name of the mexican peasants. And all of the low-quality paper the company planned to make by deforesting it's vast timber holdings were in danger of being replaced by low-cost, high quality paper made from hemp.
Hearst had always supported any kind of prohibition, and now he wanted cannabis included in every anti-narcotics bill. Never mind that cannabis wasn't a narcotic. Facts weren't important. The important thing was to have it completely removed from society, doctors, and industry.
Around 1920 or so, a new word arose - "Marihuana". Through screaming headlines and horror stories,"marihuana" was blamed for murderous rampages by blacks and mexicans. Hearst continued to use his power of the press to impress on his readers the dangers of the "marihuana" plant.
When the Federal Bureau of Narcotics was formed in 1932, Mellon's nephew Harry Anslinger was appointed its head, a job in Mellon's treasury department that was created just for him. Treasury agents were beginning to operate on their own agenda. Deep in the throes of the depression, congress began to reexamine all federal agencies. Anslinger began to fear that his department was in danger of emasculation. Although worldwide, hemp was still big business, in 1935 the Treasury Department began secretly drafting a bill called The Marihuana Tax Act. The Treasury Department's general counsul Herman Oliphant was put in charge of writing something that could get past both Congress and the Court disguised as a tax revenue bill. Congress wasn't all that interested in the matter, seeing as all the information they had to work with was what was provided to them by Anslinger. They deliberately collected horror stories on the evils of marihuana pulled primarily from the Hearst newspapers, called Anslinger's Gore Files. Crimes that had never happened at all were being attributed to marihuana.
So, in 1937, Anslinger went before a poorly attended committee hearing and called for a total ban on marihuana. He stated under oath "This drug is entirely the monster Hyde, the harmful effects of which cannot be measured". Bureaucrats planned the hearings to avoid the discussion of the full House and presented the measure in the guise of a tax revenue bill brought to the six member House Ways and Means Committee, chaired by Du Pont ally Robert Doughton of North Carolina. This bypassed the House without further hearings and passed it over to the Senate Finance Committee, controlled by another ally, Prentiss Brown of Michigan, where it was rubber stamped into law. Once on the books, Anslinger would "administer" the licensing process to make sure that no more commercial hemp was ever grown in the United States. Clinton Hesterm assistant general counsel for the Department of the Treasury, explained to the House Committee " The leading newspapers of the United States have recognized the seriousness of this problem and have advocated federal legislation to control.. marihuana...The marijuana cigarette is one of the most insidious of all forms of dope, largely because of the failure of the public to understand its fatal qualities."
At the last minute, a few pro-hemp witnesses showed up. Most of the confusion came from the using of the word "marihuana". Most people had no idea that "marihuana", merely a slang word taken from a drinking song celebrating Pancho Villa's victory, "La Cucaracha", was the same thing as cannabis hemp, a plant which had been an important crop since the founding of the country. Ralph Loziers of the National Oil Seed Institute showed up representing paint manufacturers and lubrication oil processors, and stated that hempseed was an essential commodity. Dr. William C. Woodward of the American Medical Association spoke in defense of cannabis medicines and in protest of the way the bill was handled. Woodward complained that there was no certain data that marihuana use had increased, and stated that if it had, the "newspaper exploitation of the habit had done more to increase it than anything else". Asked point blank if he thought federal legislation was necessary, he replied "I do not .. it is not a medical addiction that is involved." Woodward went on to criticize the way the word "marihuana" had been used to deliberately confuse the medical and industrial hemp communities. "In all you have heard here thus far, no mention has been made of any excessive use of the drug or its excessive distribution by any pharmacist. And yet the burden of this bill is placed heavily on the doctors and pharmacists of the country, and may I say very heavily - most heavily, possibly of all - on the farmers of this country... We can not understand yet ... why this bill should have been prepared in secret for two years without any initiative, even to the profession, that it was being prepared ... no medical man would identify this bill with a medicine until he read it through, because marijuana is not a drug, ... simply a name given cannabis."
A few days later, Representative Fred Vinson of Kentucky was asked to summarize the AMA's position. He lied to the effect that the medical group's legislative counsul (Woodward) "Not only gave this measure full support, but also the approval from the AMA."
The act passed without a roll call vote. Now we can see why it was prepared in secret - passage of the Act put all hemp industries firmly under the control of the very special interests that most benefited from its repression over the years - prohibition police and bureaucrats working in collusion with the petrochemical companies, the timber companies, the alcohol and tobacco industries, the pharmaceutical drug companies, and today, the urine testing, property seizure, police and prison industries.
In that same year, 1937, Du Pont filed its patent on Nylon, a synthetic fiber that took over many of the textile and cordage markets that would have gone to hemp. More than half the American cars on the road were built by GM, which guaranteed Du Pont a captive market for paints, varnishes, plastics, and rubber, all which could have been made from hemp. Furthermore, all GM cars would subsequently be designed to use tetra-ethyl leaded fuel exclusively, which contained additives that Du Pont manufactured. All competition from hemp had been outlawed.
The historical essay above was written by Bud Fairy and originally published on SF Net, the coffee house network. The HTML version - with emphasis, pictures and minor editing - was done by Hogeye Bill.
Yeah, and that's one of the things that happened in 1937. Cannabis Hemp was one of history's most widely used plants. Tincture of Cannabis was the basis for almost every patent medicine prior to the discovery of aspirin. Hemp was used for rope, twine, and cloth. Sailing ships were loaded with hemp. The word "canvas" is derived from "cannabis", because that's what canvas was. Sails were made of hemp because salt water deteriorated cotton. Old sails were made into wagon covers and ultimately original Levi's Jeans. And the pressed oil from hemp seeds was used for paints and varnishes. Everyone knew what hemp was. But nobody knew what marijuana was.
Basically, it came down to this. America in the 1900's saw two powerful rivals, agriculture and industry, faced off over several multi-billion dollar markets. When Rudolph Diesel produced his engine in 1896, he'd assumed it would run off of vegetable and seed oils, especially hemp, which is superior to petroleum. Just think about that for a second. A fuel that can be grown by our farmers that is superior to foreign oil. What a lot of history would have been rewritten!
Ok. So we have an elite group of special interests dominated by Du Pont petrochemical company and it's major financial backer and key political ally, Treasury Secretary Andrew Mellon. Mellon was a banker who took over Gulf Oil Corporation. In 1913, Henry Ford opened his first auto assembly line, and Gulf Oil opened its first drive-in gas station. In 1919, with ethanol fuel poised to comptete with gasoline, Alchohol Prohibition descended on the nation. Lucky Mellon. When President Harding made him Secretary of the Treasury, he was considered the richest man in America. In the 1920's, Mellon arranged for his bank to loan his buddies as Du Pont money to take over General Motors. Du Pont had developed new gasoline additives and the sulfate and sulfite process that made trees into paper.
In the 1930's, Ford Motor Company operated a successful biomass fuel conversion plant using cellulose at Iron Mountain, Michigan. Ford engineers extracted methanol, charcoal fuel, tar, pitch ethyl-acetate and creosote from hemp. The same fundamental ingredients for industry were also being made from fossil fuels.
During the same period, Du Pont was developing cellophane, nylon, and dacron from from fossil fuels. Du Pont held the patents on many synthetics and became a leader in the development of paint, rayon, synthetic rubber, plastics, chemicals, photographic film, insecticides and agricultural chemicals.
From the Du Pont 1937 Annual Report we find a clue to what started to happen next: "The revenue raising power of government may be converted into an instrument for forcing acceptance of sudden new ideas of industrial and social reoganization".
Ok, enter William Randolph Hearst. Hearst's company was a major consumer of the cheap tree-pulp paper that had replaced hemp paper in the late 19th century. The Hearst Corporation was also a major logging company, and produced Du Pont's chemical-drenched tree pulp paper, which yellowed and fell apart after a short time. Fueled by the advertising sold to the petrochemical industries, Hearst Newspapers were also known for their sensationalist stories. Hearst despised poor people, black people, chinese, hindus, and all other minorities. Most of all he hated Mexicans. Pancho Villa's cannabis-smoking troops had reclaimed some 800,000 acres of prime timberland from Hearst in the name of the mexican peasants. And all of the low-quality paper the company planned to make by deforesting it's vast timber holdings were in danger of being replaced by low-cost, high quality paper made from hemp.
Hearst had always supported any kind of prohibition, and now he wanted cannabis included in every anti-narcotics bill. Never mind that cannabis wasn't a narcotic. Facts weren't important. The important thing was to have it completely removed from society, doctors, and industry.
Around 1920 or so, a new word arose - "Marihuana". Through screaming headlines and horror stories,"marihuana" was blamed for murderous rampages by blacks and mexicans. Hearst continued to use his power of the press to impress on his readers the dangers of the "marihuana" plant.
When the Federal Bureau of Narcotics was formed in 1932, Mellon's nephew Harry Anslinger was appointed its head, a job in Mellon's treasury department that was created just for him. Treasury agents were beginning to operate on their own agenda. Deep in the throes of the depression, congress began to reexamine all federal agencies. Anslinger began to fear that his department was in danger of emasculation. Although worldwide, hemp was still big business, in 1935 the Treasury Department began secretly drafting a bill called The Marihuana Tax Act. The Treasury Department's general counsul Herman Oliphant was put in charge of writing something that could get past both Congress and the Court disguised as a tax revenue bill. Congress wasn't all that interested in the matter, seeing as all the information they had to work with was what was provided to them by Anslinger. They deliberately collected horror stories on the evils of marihuana pulled primarily from the Hearst newspapers, called Anslinger's Gore Files. Crimes that had never happened at all were being attributed to marihuana.
So, in 1937, Anslinger went before a poorly attended committee hearing and called for a total ban on marihuana. He stated under oath "This drug is entirely the monster Hyde, the harmful effects of which cannot be measured". Bureaucrats planned the hearings to avoid the discussion of the full House and presented the measure in the guise of a tax revenue bill brought to the six member House Ways and Means Committee, chaired by Du Pont ally Robert Doughton of North Carolina. This bypassed the House without further hearings and passed it over to the Senate Finance Committee, controlled by another ally, Prentiss Brown of Michigan, where it was rubber stamped into law. Once on the books, Anslinger would "administer" the licensing process to make sure that no more commercial hemp was ever grown in the United States. Clinton Hesterm assistant general counsel for the Department of the Treasury, explained to the House Committee " The leading newspapers of the United States have recognized the seriousness of this problem and have advocated federal legislation to control.. marihuana...The marijuana cigarette is one of the most insidious of all forms of dope, largely because of the failure of the public to understand its fatal qualities."
At the last minute, a few pro-hemp witnesses showed up. Most of the confusion came from the using of the word "marihuana". Most people had no idea that "marihuana", merely a slang word taken from a drinking song celebrating Pancho Villa's victory, "La Cucaracha", was the same thing as cannabis hemp, a plant which had been an important crop since the founding of the country. Ralph Loziers of the National Oil Seed Institute showed up representing paint manufacturers and lubrication oil processors, and stated that hempseed was an essential commodity. Dr. William C. Woodward of the American Medical Association spoke in defense of cannabis medicines and in protest of the way the bill was handled. Woodward complained that there was no certain data that marihuana use had increased, and stated that if it had, the "newspaper exploitation of the habit had done more to increase it than anything else". Asked point blank if he thought federal legislation was necessary, he replied "I do not .. it is not a medical addiction that is involved." Woodward went on to criticize the way the word "marihuana" had been used to deliberately confuse the medical and industrial hemp communities. "In all you have heard here thus far, no mention has been made of any excessive use of the drug or its excessive distribution by any pharmacist. And yet the burden of this bill is placed heavily on the doctors and pharmacists of the country, and may I say very heavily - most heavily, possibly of all - on the farmers of this country... We can not understand yet ... why this bill should have been prepared in secret for two years without any initiative, even to the profession, that it was being prepared ... no medical man would identify this bill with a medicine until he read it through, because marijuana is not a drug, ... simply a name given cannabis."
A few days later, Representative Fred Vinson of Kentucky was asked to summarize the AMA's position. He lied to the effect that the medical group's legislative counsul (Woodward) "Not only gave this measure full support, but also the approval from the AMA."
The act passed without a roll call vote. Now we can see why it was prepared in secret - passage of the Act put all hemp industries firmly under the control of the very special interests that most benefited from its repression over the years - prohibition police and bureaucrats working in collusion with the petrochemical companies, the timber companies, the alcohol and tobacco industries, the pharmaceutical drug companies, and today, the urine testing, property seizure, police and prison industries.
In that same year, 1937, Du Pont filed its patent on Nylon, a synthetic fiber that took over many of the textile and cordage markets that would have gone to hemp. More than half the American cars on the road were built by GM, which guaranteed Du Pont a captive market for paints, varnishes, plastics, and rubber, all which could have been made from hemp. Furthermore, all GM cars would subsequently be designed to use tetra-ethyl leaded fuel exclusively, which contained additives that Du Pont manufactured. All competition from hemp had been outlawed.
The historical essay above was written by Bud Fairy and originally published on SF Net, the coffee house network. The HTML version - with emphasis, pictures and minor editing - was done by Hogeye Bill.
Monday, November 21, 2011
Penn’s Perspective: Let's move it a bit further out West...
Penn’s Perspective: Let's move it a bit further out West...: All across the world the populations are in revolt. In the Near and middle east the Government is killing off popular dissent. Her...
Let's move it a bit further out West...
All across the world the populations are in revolt.
In the Near and middle east the Government is killing off popular dissent. Here in America we are under fiscal attack, something that has never happened before in the history of the United States. I always thought you could pretty much do anything so long as it did not impinge on another persons Liberty. As I recall it reads life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Well whether these multinationals realize it or not they are impinging, I am not talking about normal competition, I am talking about huge monopolies that literally kill competition.
During a time period in the distant past, Laws were written to specifically arrest the tentacles that these huge corporations were able to infect the market. Market dynamics are not inherently evil, the people who manipulate them on the other hand are not bound by moral constraints. Walmart is bulldozing everyone in site and no one has called them on it, small business owners should file a class action lawsuit against them, a clever lawyer can come up with a great argument. This is the same company who tells it's employees to go on food stamps, the employes gave huge donations to the Katrina victims, owners gave less than 10 grand. Don't talk to me about a family atmosphere. With family like this I'd rather hang with wolves, at least there I would know where I stood!
See here is what I am getting to, we have a Representative Government, it's a Republic using a loosely defined form of Democracy, look it up. There are other places on the planet which have much better representation than we do currently, do you know who your Congressional Representatives are, Congress person and Both Senators? When they stop representing the majority of us then I believe we are morally if not Legally bound to walk up into their offices and reject them as our voices in DC outright.
OWS has a good idea but it has to be turned into political power to be affective. Do not let the power elite dictate to you how to live your lives, we are approaching a pinnacle and it's next November. Please stand up and let your voice be heard. I believe we all have to chip in for this to work, uber wealthy individuals need higher taxes "Fuck Grover Norquist, Republicans are handicapped by this fool the minute they walk up the hill". Cutting or trimming the big 3 on the Democratic side is only fair, even though many of the Assholes who started this are in the 1% and a modest tax increase will not affect them nearly as much as someone on disability but if this is what it takes so be it. Keep your eyes and ears open, change is coming. I just pray it is orderly and without any bloodshed.
In the Near and middle east the Government is killing off popular dissent. Here in America we are under fiscal attack, something that has never happened before in the history of the United States. I always thought you could pretty much do anything so long as it did not impinge on another persons Liberty. As I recall it reads life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Well whether these multinationals realize it or not they are impinging, I am not talking about normal competition, I am talking about huge monopolies that literally kill competition.
During a time period in the distant past, Laws were written to specifically arrest the tentacles that these huge corporations were able to infect the market. Market dynamics are not inherently evil, the people who manipulate them on the other hand are not bound by moral constraints. Walmart is bulldozing everyone in site and no one has called them on it, small business owners should file a class action lawsuit against them, a clever lawyer can come up with a great argument. This is the same company who tells it's employees to go on food stamps, the employes gave huge donations to the Katrina victims, owners gave less than 10 grand. Don't talk to me about a family atmosphere. With family like this I'd rather hang with wolves, at least there I would know where I stood!
See here is what I am getting to, we have a Representative Government, it's a Republic using a loosely defined form of Democracy, look it up. There are other places on the planet which have much better representation than we do currently, do you know who your Congressional Representatives are, Congress person and Both Senators? When they stop representing the majority of us then I believe we are morally if not Legally bound to walk up into their offices and reject them as our voices in DC outright.
OWS has a good idea but it has to be turned into political power to be affective. Do not let the power elite dictate to you how to live your lives, we are approaching a pinnacle and it's next November. Please stand up and let your voice be heard. I believe we all have to chip in for this to work, uber wealthy individuals need higher taxes "Fuck Grover Norquist, Republicans are handicapped by this fool the minute they walk up the hill". Cutting or trimming the big 3 on the Democratic side is only fair, even though many of the Assholes who started this are in the 1% and a modest tax increase will not affect them nearly as much as someone on disability but if this is what it takes so be it. Keep your eyes and ears open, change is coming. I just pray it is orderly and without any bloodshed.
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Penn’s Perspective: Lets just laugh it off
Penn’s Perspective: Lets just laugh it off: "Today's financial age has become a period of unbridled excess with accepted risk soaring out of proportion to possible reward." 'Theodor...
Lets just laugh it off
"Today's financial age has become a period of unbridled excess with accepted risk soaring out of proportion to possible reward." 'Theodore J. Forstmann, a longtime Wall Street financier'. " Our Blacks are better than their blacks" 'Ann Coulter' SERIOUSLY! Did she know she was miked?
Everyone wonders when the great battle of good verses evil will begin. It's here, it has always been here! If you're anticipating Jesus' return, well you'll probably have a very long wait.
I happen to think that our Democracy is one of the best Governmental systems on earth. With this mantle we should take our responsibilities very Serious. Instead of greatness we have settled for mediocrity. I don't need to remind you of what's going on here in the US, I write about it weekly, have you been reading? I have been screaming since 2005 about how we cannot survive without a healthy middle class but alas I am but one voice in the night.
So what's my point? Well put simply, the over monetized uber upper class knows full well what's going on and they are simply in their own little world competing for who has the most yachts. These people have no morals, scruples and apparently no conscience. There was a time not so long ago when a single modest salary was enough to support a household. Don't believe me ask your parents about their parents as we are now 2 generations deep in this quagmire. We are working harder and for less. For the longest time I used to wonder how the $27,000 my dad made supported us in the early 70's and my $50,000 could barely sustain me in the 80's\90's. I didn't live beyound my means, I had a modest car and apartment so what changed?
It is truly amazing how our Congressional Representatives have twisted the law in effect to amass huge fortunes and personal gain. I would really like to just go off grid, I am just sicked by our leaders. It breaks my heart that we as a Nation founded supposedly on freedom and fairness "in theory anyway" have fallen to the bottom of the rung.
I know that in all honesty our founding fathers were greedy men who wanted to avoid taxation, yet even they were smart enough to know that taxes were necessary, to build this nation. Since President Ford, yes that is where I set the boundary, Since he reigned we have been going downhill, BTW that's about the same time that we went off the gold standard and basically began using our name for credit to the world. Are they connected, well that's for another paper and another time. I promise to research it and fill you in on what I find.
Everyone wonders when the great battle of good verses evil will begin. It's here, it has always been here! If you're anticipating Jesus' return, well you'll probably have a very long wait.
I happen to think that our Democracy is one of the best Governmental systems on earth. With this mantle we should take our responsibilities very Serious. Instead of greatness we have settled for mediocrity. I don't need to remind you of what's going on here in the US, I write about it weekly, have you been reading? I have been screaming since 2005 about how we cannot survive without a healthy middle class but alas I am but one voice in the night.
So what's my point? Well put simply, the over monetized uber upper class knows full well what's going on and they are simply in their own little world competing for who has the most yachts. These people have no morals, scruples and apparently no conscience. There was a time not so long ago when a single modest salary was enough to support a household. Don't believe me ask your parents about their parents as we are now 2 generations deep in this quagmire. We are working harder and for less. For the longest time I used to wonder how the $27,000 my dad made supported us in the early 70's and my $50,000 could barely sustain me in the 80's\90's. I didn't live beyound my means, I had a modest car and apartment so what changed?
It is truly amazing how our Congressional Representatives have twisted the law in effect to amass huge fortunes and personal gain. I would really like to just go off grid, I am just sicked by our leaders. It breaks my heart that we as a Nation founded supposedly on freedom and fairness "in theory anyway" have fallen to the bottom of the rung.
I know that in all honesty our founding fathers were greedy men who wanted to avoid taxation, yet even they were smart enough to know that taxes were necessary, to build this nation. Since President Ford, yes that is where I set the boundary, Since he reigned we have been going downhill, BTW that's about the same time that we went off the gold standard and basically began using our name for credit to the world. Are they connected, well that's for another paper and another time. I promise to research it and fill you in on what I find.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
The land of the lost dream...
Hello All,
The inevitable end to the American experiment of Capitalism is what we are slowly going through right now. It appears to be happening slowly "well aside from the banking \ real estate crash of 2008". I don't know if this is a conscience effort by anyone but it is happening none the less " market forces I guess".
Capitalism as is practiced in this country is " he who has the most toys wins". Ring a bell about the largest banks? Further does it ring any bells regarding the 1% of the wealthiest Americans? Now in all truthfulness money by itself is not the cause of evil as we all know. Money begets Power and power is at the heart of the problem, our leaders whether they are Political, Financial or Athletic Directors, no one is above reproach, most human beings upon reaching a certain stature will attempt to do things that they would rather not have aired in the light of day.
I will use a few examples of those in power sincerely interested in the common good. Bill & Melinda Gates through their Foundation. Warren Buffet who realizes that you can have have all the money in the world but what do you really gain? He calls for higher taxes on himself and others in his income bracket. Does he pay less in Taxes than his secretary, I don't know but in America I find it very possible even Likely!
Common good and community, these were once things that Americans thought of as honorable, today for the most part it's come down to how can I help myself, just look to our Politicians. Our Leaders have forgotten that the masses will tend to do as they do not as how they want us too. Which is why every now and then things get out of hand and we rebel ie. OWS. None of these honorable people come from the average citizenry, all privileged and upper-class and why not, they are the only ones who can afford to run! We may never be able to take this country back, simply because the career Politician is so ingrained or tied up in the fabric of keeping the dinosaur running that they can't see what's in the Best interest of the people who elected them. They may consider us too childish to understand the intricacies of day to day political life in DC.
I think I have a wonderful idea, lets take a year off " The Federal Government " and kick everyone out and restart with the Constitution. Bring all our ships home to guard our ports, pay everyone a minimal allowance to keep things afloat and just start over. The Beast has become unmanageable and steps must be taken immediately before the entire system implodes in on itself. I know this is impractible but factuallly it may be better than the alternative, Full Default which would turn the US into an isolationist nation overnight and that would not be good for anyone.
So why should the wealthiest Americans be concerned about the 99%, well just look to ancient Greece or Ancient Rome or even some of the older Empires, this lifestyle is not sustainable, never has been never will be. Mark my words...
The inevitable end to the American experiment of Capitalism is what we are slowly going through right now. It appears to be happening slowly "well aside from the banking \ real estate crash of 2008". I don't know if this is a conscience effort by anyone but it is happening none the less " market forces I guess".
Capitalism as is practiced in this country is " he who has the most toys wins". Ring a bell about the largest banks? Further does it ring any bells regarding the 1% of the wealthiest Americans? Now in all truthfulness money by itself is not the cause of evil as we all know. Money begets Power and power is at the heart of the problem, our leaders whether they are Political, Financial or Athletic Directors, no one is above reproach, most human beings upon reaching a certain stature will attempt to do things that they would rather not have aired in the light of day.
I will use a few examples of those in power sincerely interested in the common good. Bill & Melinda Gates through their Foundation. Warren Buffet who realizes that you can have have all the money in the world but what do you really gain? He calls for higher taxes on himself and others in his income bracket. Does he pay less in Taxes than his secretary, I don't know but in America I find it very possible even Likely!
Common good and community, these were once things that Americans thought of as honorable, today for the most part it's come down to how can I help myself, just look to our Politicians. Our Leaders have forgotten that the masses will tend to do as they do not as how they want us too. Which is why every now and then things get out of hand and we rebel ie. OWS. None of these honorable people come from the average citizenry, all privileged and upper-class and why not, they are the only ones who can afford to run! We may never be able to take this country back, simply because the career Politician is so ingrained or tied up in the fabric of keeping the dinosaur running that they can't see what's in the Best interest of the people who elected them. They may consider us too childish to understand the intricacies of day to day political life in DC.
I think I have a wonderful idea, lets take a year off " The Federal Government " and kick everyone out and restart with the Constitution. Bring all our ships home to guard our ports, pay everyone a minimal allowance to keep things afloat and just start over. The Beast has become unmanageable and steps must be taken immediately before the entire system implodes in on itself. I know this is impractible but factuallly it may be better than the alternative, Full Default which would turn the US into an isolationist nation overnight and that would not be good for anyone.
So why should the wealthiest Americans be concerned about the 99%, well just look to ancient Greece or Ancient Rome or even some of the older Empires, this lifestyle is not sustainable, never has been never will be. Mark my words...
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