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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Double edge sword... A Warning

   Poor Herman Cain, he is being shot down by his own Party because of 999, pity.   I thought it sucked and he will have to eat a shit sandwich.  I hope he finds out who TRULY conspired against him and switches sides.   That being said most "Ordinary Americans" believe that America was founded on 3 principled ideals: 1.  Free Enterprise, Freedom of Religion and third, Democracy.   These are all fallacies, no truth in any of it, for the common person, those in control actually dictate what happens, a sort of steerage comittee if you will.  
   Think I'm wrong?   Here is an example of each and you tell me what you think after reading.  
Free Enterprise:   This is the only one of the 3 that most anyone can take advantage of.   Our founding fathers were greedy men who had no need for taxes, they saw human beings as property.   Think about it, the free enterprise model demands a rational pay for a days work.   Now if you can rationalize slavery out of that equation, please explain it to me. 
   Freedom of religion clearly is ok, so long if it is Christ centered otherwise it's a cult.   Most people don't believe Mormons are a real religion, come on it's no wackier than Catholics and the Virgin birth!   The Native Americans were nearly wiped out for their land and "heathen beliefs", you know why they were heathens?   Not Christ centered.
   Surely you cannot believe we live in a Democracy, if this were the case when nearly every American opposed the bank bailouts, why did it pass?   Why did our Representatives ignore our wishes?   They new better, ah I don't think so, isn't this how Capitalism is supposed to work, survival of the fittest?   Well apparently if the Congress Members money is at stake they seem to feel that suddenly they know best. 
   Folks we need to get away from professional Politicians, they will, 99% of the time will vote on their own interests over their constituents.   For those of you who think this is ok, just keep your head in the sand.   All others please don't remain complacent.    Talk to your neighbors, union busting since Reagan has become an art, Germany has unions in it's Walmarts for God's sake!   We just need the Political will to follow through.   Write your Congress people, if you don't know who they are it's only a few clicks away.   Pledge support to the 99%, they are the best thing going on right now for us commoners.   Frustration will crop up but it's better to fight than to acquiesce to the demands of the 1% and that's exactly what they want.  Fight the Power!!!

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