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Monday, November 21, 2011

Let's move it a bit further out West...

   All across the world the populations are in revolt.
    In the Near and middle east the Government is killing off popular dissent.   Here in America we are under fiscal attack, something that has never happened before in the history of the United States.   I always thought you could pretty much do anything so long as it did not impinge on another persons Liberty.   As I recall it reads life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.   Well whether these multinationals realize it or not they are impinging, I am not talking about normal competition, I am talking about huge monopolies that literally kill competition.
    During a time period in the distant past, Laws were written to specifically arrest the tentacles that these huge corporations were able to infect the market.   Market dynamics are not inherently evil, the people who manipulate them on the other hand are not bound by moral constraints.   Walmart is bulldozing everyone in site and no one has called them on it, small business owners should file a class action lawsuit against them, a clever lawyer can come up with a great argument.   This is the same company who tells it's employees to go on food stamps, the employes gave huge donations to the Katrina victims, owners gave less than 10 grand.   Don't talk to me about a family atmosphere.   With family like this I'd rather hang with wolves, at least there I would know where I stood!
   See here is what I am getting to, we have a Representative Government, it's a Republic using a loosely defined form of Democracy, look it up.   There are other places on the planet which have much better representation than we do currently, do you know who your Congressional Representatives are, Congress person and Both Senators?    When they stop representing the majority of us then I believe we are morally if not Legally bound to walk up into their offices and reject them as our voices in DC outright.
   OWS has a good idea but it has to be turned into political power to be affective.   Do not let the power elite dictate to you how to live your lives, we are approaching a pinnacle and it's next November.   Please stand up and let your voice be heard.   I believe we all have to chip in for this to work, uber wealthy individuals need higher taxes "Fuck Grover Norquist, Republicans are handicapped by this fool the minute they walk up the hill".   Cutting or trimming the big 3 on the Democratic side is only fair, even though many of the Assholes who started this are in the 1% and a modest tax increase will not affect them nearly as much as someone on disability but if this is what it takes so be it.   Keep your eyes and ears open, change is coming.   I just pray it is orderly and without any bloodshed.

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