Hello All,
The inevitable end to the American experiment of Capitalism is what we are slowly going through right now. It appears to be happening slowly "well aside from the banking \ real estate crash of 2008". I don't know if this is a conscience effort by anyone but it is happening none the less " market forces I guess".
Capitalism as is practiced in this country is " he who has the most toys wins". Ring a bell about the largest banks? Further does it ring any bells regarding the 1% of the wealthiest Americans? Now in all truthfulness money by itself is not the cause of evil as we all know. Money begets Power and power is at the heart of the problem, our leaders whether they are Political, Financial or Athletic Directors, no one is above reproach, most human beings upon reaching a certain stature will attempt to do things that they would rather not have aired in the light of day.
I will use a few examples of those in power sincerely interested in the common good. Bill & Melinda Gates through their Foundation. Warren Buffet who realizes that you can have have all the money in the world but what do you really gain? He calls for higher taxes on himself and others in his income bracket. Does he pay less in Taxes than his secretary, I don't know but in America I find it very possible even Likely!
Common good and community, these were once things that Americans thought of as honorable, today for the most part it's come down to how can I help myself, just look to our Politicians. Our Leaders have forgotten that the masses will tend to do as they do not as how they want us too. Which is why every now and then things get out of hand and we rebel ie. OWS. None of these honorable people come from the average citizenry, all privileged and upper-class and why not, they are the only ones who can afford to run! We may never be able to take this country back, simply because the career Politician is so ingrained or tied up in the fabric of keeping the dinosaur running that they can't see what's in the Best interest of the people who elected them. They may consider us too childish to understand the intricacies of day to day political life in DC.
I think I have a wonderful idea, lets take a year off " The Federal Government " and kick everyone out and restart with the Constitution. Bring all our ships home to guard our ports, pay everyone a minimal allowance to keep things afloat and just start over. The Beast has become unmanageable and steps must be taken immediately before the entire system implodes in on itself. I know this is impractible but factuallly it may be better than the alternative, Full Default which would turn the US into an isolationist nation overnight and that would not be good for anyone.
So why should the wealthiest Americans be concerned about the 99%, well just look to ancient Greece or Ancient Rome or even some of the older Empires, this lifestyle is not sustainable, never has been never will be. Mark my words...
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