I want to plan a day where every American stands up to the government in protest to all the lying, dirty deals and BS the networks feed us. We need to remind Washington that we are still a nation of,by and for THE PEOPLE.
Something to call attention but nothing to call out the National Guard.
Lets take our time and think up something original but something the US
Govt. won't ever forget. Try to get your bosses in on this too. They "Washington" are taking us for granted & for a ride. I have no
problem with any of the 3 branches, but quite a bit to complain about
with specific individuals. Guy's you can't Blame everything on Obama,
he just represents the Executive Branch...I'm much more concerned with
the Judicial & The Congress. The Supreme Court recently gave
Corporations many of the same rights as HUMAN BEINGS.
Congressmen [C.D] outright LIE and when caught at it just basically said SO. The conflict between DC higher up's and Corporate America is a revolving door. In other word the Foxes are guarding the Henhouses. Soon it won't be the USA, it will be the UCA = United Corporations of America. At the vary least WE the people should have our own lobbyist in DC.
We should kill off the Electoral college..It's an antiquated joke and dismantle or seriously overhaul the Lobby groups in DC. I say let those asses on wall street fail, would your life really be any worse if we didn't bail them out? Think about it, IT'S OUR COUNTRY and if we don't stand up right now soon it will be too late, just do me 1 favor, send this message to all your friends and as a mass of humanity we can fix this. If you think we live in a Democratic society..you're sleeping at the wheel. But all hope isn't lost as long as we still have the will and the fortitude to get things right and equitable for all AMERICANS.
Our country was based on Great ideals but you tell me anyone who is worth over $50Million a year and I'll show you a GREEDY son of a B#$%h. Greed is in our nature but the closer we move to a GLOBAL ECONOMY the more interlaced we'll be. For instance what if say Hong Kong were to take a nosedive or worse China do you realize our great grand kids would still be paying what we owe now if we stopped borrowing today!
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