Hey Folk's,
I'm not feeling the love re: my posting yesterday...please read it , I MEAN REALLY READ AND COMPREHEND IT, If you were born before 1966 things won't be too bad for us but I'm telling you that anyone born afterwards is gonna catch hell if we don't act now, I don't have kids. But most of you do, maybe even a few grand kids, think about gasoline rationing from the 70's. Now imagine water rationing in the next 30-45 years, won't affect me. D. Cheney's "energy joke" is Literally killing people, but we are gonna remain apathetic, just wait till they come to lease your land.
Oh yeah, nice big check then suddenly you water goes south, and you can't even take a shower. The burbs will disappear and the old [cities] will become the new again as city H2O is filtered or bottle water will go through the roof-> you relize most bottle water is no safer than the tap water in your house.
Look I'm a college Educated professional, not a conspiracy theorist but just look at how things are now and push our current condition a few years down the road if we have the same policies in place...Where will you're kids be safe to eat, drink or even live. Remember the movie Bladerunner....
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