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Saturday, July 24, 2010

2 nd

Look I'm not calling for a coup, or riots...Far from it just a few modifications that would make our Forefather's Grand experiment proud. I'm Fed up with this crap, & it's not even about me I live fairly comfortably but ...Life, Liberty & The pursuit of happiness is what's written...NOT LIFE, BRIBERY AND THE PURSUE TO F35K ANYONE YOU CAN FOR A BUCK.
No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. ”
Can you think of at least 1 example where this, the basis of it all has be bent or broken. Everyone should read the Constitution, in fact make your kids read it keep a copy of it on your computer, they [Corporate America] are using this Noble Living Document to Steal everything they can and as we have no LOBBY for the people well let's just say money talks and votes...well votes just let a few more foxes stand guard.
Write to me, give me you're opinions, this is a free FORUM, but all I ask is we have to Lead ,follow or just go back to sleep...Oh and Trickle down economics does work...for the super Wealthy, you $10-15 /hour job, where you are over worked, over stressed
and what ever else you have to put up with, is a result of this corner stone of AMERICANIZED CAPITOLISM, NOT TRUE CAPITOLISM.
Write to me, give me your opinions...I want to read your thoughts and idea's. I'll close for now by saying, 1984 isn't very far away George O. was just off by a few years.

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