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Monday, July 26, 2010


Why do I seem so angry at our system? Well truthfully I'm not, I'm disappointed with the legislators who represent us. Once again, it comes down to money, lobbyist start with a bundle of it, but who really speaks for us, when engaged with our rep.'s but we don't put enough money in their pockets to buy a ten minute ad. Truthfully if a corp. want's to donate to my candid that's fine but there should not be ANY QIUD PRO QUO. We must stop this now or it's gonna turn into a runaway train, and before you know it the D. Cheney's of the world will be running it all. Everything I write is factual not truth or false "that belongs in Philosophy & Mathematics" though I don't quote sources of most of what I type "This information is common knowledge". Talk to your children about the way the country is going, don't be hateful or vengeful in this explanation, Simply explain to them THE FACTS and if you're unsure look them up and further if you want my view,"which is even handed and non biased. I'll send you a copy of this information for the low price of 12.95 + shipping all will be hand autographed, and feel free to contact me with any discrepancies, if you can find one. Hint It all began with the OSS then the CIA then Castro, in Cuba. If you don't believe me do your own research or buy the booklet and find out, this is not a mass marketing scheme, I can't even accept credit cards only money orders and certified checks. Read this to you kids or MAKE them read it or the American dream will be lost forever. Have you looked at your kids history books lately? I can tell you they don't look like ours did, nor does it have the same important details about the world. If interested e-mail me at> The facts are out there you just have to dig a bit, well I've done the digging and am willing to show you the light if you wanna see it.

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