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Saturday, January 22, 2011

The Devils Advocate

Hello Kiddies,
    I'm not gonna rail against the Government, Corporations or even Human nature this week, I'm going to play the Ostrich.   One point first though, what is more important to our survival?  Oil or Water?
    Ok so lets say the Corporations, the Government are on our side, lets even say Human Beings are basically good at heart.   If this were the case everyone would be happy and joyful.   
     Dr. Spock once said "I don't know who originally said it" but in "The Wrath of Kahn"" He said the good of the many out weight the needs of the few or the one.   Well if that's the case , ok lets Fuck a few people so the rest of us can prosper.   Here is the rub, what if you are in the minority and you're the one getting fucked, well if that's the case, suddenly you aren't gonna buy into this bullshit idea.   But ok, so what  few people "and by that I mean hundreds of thousands of people" get screwed, as long as I can fill my Gas guzzler and it doesn't affect me why should I care.   Well....Shit I can't do this I'm sorry, I thought I could.   If we can put a man on the moon then we can damn sure figure out how to attain clean energy.   Solar energy alone would put a substantial dent in our carbon footprint.   If you don't believe in Global warming, that your right but please err on the side of caution.   There is always a what if.   Oil and it's distillates are found in everything from your car to your toothpaste, that's right I SAID YOU'RE TOOTHPASTE.   We are literally killing ourselves, but as long as shareholders get their 15 cents on the dollar it will continue.   The rub is, they use toothpaste also.   So what is affecting the common man is also gonna get the shareholders, the CEO's and the Company Executives.   The new car smell in your new car is more deadly than cigarettes, Google it , if you don't believe me.   There are only 2 choices to follow: 1. A radical change in our paradigm, regarding how we live now, cause fresh water will be gone before oil, or 2. we start looking off world for resources.   Let's learn this lesson before it's too late, petroleum is in every facet in our daily lives.
    I keep hearing that technology will be our savior, well so you know what a solar flare is, or also called a coronal ejaculate, these are when the sun has a massive out burst of solar radiation, that travels through space.   Well if you are up on you physics you know that it takes about 8 minutes from the sun's rays to get to us, here's the point.   Our poles are already shifting, they do this every now and then but a massive solar flare will possibly KILL\Disable all electronic devices.   Think about life with no electricity?  90 percent of you would freak, the Amish and their ilk are just gonna shake their heads, because they don't depend on electricity, so we will ultimately turn to them and plead help us.   I hope they laugh and spit at us, we are greedy , apathetic and frankly rude.   Until there is a disaster or Christmas, then we are civil towards each other.  Is this really the Christian mission?   Something to think about.    AMF... 

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