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Sunday, January 16, 2011

Kennedy's generation was the best America had to offer, it's been down hill ever since.

Hello Kiddies,
   Out of respect for those injured and killed in Tuscon, AZ I didn't post last week.  My apologies for those of you who look forward to my rantings.  The human mind is a strange and sometimes deadly place, on the flip side there was Newton, DaVinci, Einstein and Saulk.  We have just begun to understand how it works and why we do the things we do.   Sadly, because of the diminishing police forces, peoples apathy and lack of affordable mental health facilities we suffered yet another tragedy.   When will we start to understand about the allocation of resources.   It's all connected, here I'll draw you a simple line of logic to follow.   Even though we don't practice TRUE capitalism, the form we have is deadly to the common man.   Everyone rails on about socialism, yet few of them can actually define it.   People hear socialism and they think Communism, If someone hears Christian what comes to mind first?  Well it's probably the church you attend or grew up with, but it's an umbrella term much like Socialism.   Ok so off the tangent and onto the logic line.   The objective of Capitalism is to get all the toys and die uber-wealthy.   Well if .5 to 1 percent controls 95% of the wealth, where is the equitable distribution.   This 1% has enough money to literally last generations and their Republican buddies didn't want to increase their taxes by 3%, 3 fucking percent, unbelievable.  I have a very high regard for Mr. Gates, and Mr. Buffet and I'm sure they didn't raise a finger one way or the other, the Republicans did it for them to be in their favor the next time re-election comes around.  We have a terrific, scratch my back system in this country and it's corrupt and needs to be revamped.    OUR banking \ FINANCIAL system NEARLY BANKRUPTED THE WORLD!!!!   This should scare you shitless, but no we just keep swallowing it, no matter that they refer to the average man as Joe and Jane nobody.       You cannot have a normal, healthy society without a healthy middle class.   This doesn't seem to matter anymore sadly.   So we trudge forward knowing our kids will be fucked if things keep going the way they are now.  Do you folks realize that 60% of our oil imports come from CANADA?????????, only 15-18  percent comes from the middle east.   Are you telling me we can't tighten our belts by 15% to stop the greedy wall-street speculators from fucking us.   Yes we blame near and far east countries for our rising gas prices but really it's Americans fucking other Americans.   Please wake UP!!!!!  Hell buy a hybrid made here in the states if you really wanna do something, you support your fellow Americans and their money gets spent here.   Money cannot be the ultimate goal in our lives, it will lead to our ruination as a people and a country.   I'm 45 and don't drive, not because I can't I choose not to, I'm helping your fucking kids and you don't seem to give a dam, so be it.  In my heart I'm an Atheist but hope there is a Heaven and Hell so maybe you can see the hellish lives your kids and grand kids will experience because of your apathy or greed [the underlings out weigh the wealthy BY A FUCKING METRIC TONNE]  and most of us have GUNS : ).   I'm not advocating violence, I just know about survival and what people will do when situations become desperate.  Until next time AMF...

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