Hello Kiddies,
Yes, it's me, the same Loon or Prognosticator "(Potato, Pomme de Terre)" with a new title and attitude. Welllll the same attitude, except why limit myself to the USA, home that I "Love"? There is an entire world out there up to all kinds of tomfoolery & shite, it's time they should get their comeuppance as well. So my day's of exclusively pontificating about the United States have officially ended! So get ready Vatican City, The Near East, China "ah fuck it, no where\company\idea, ad infinitum is safe" the fun is really about to begin. BTW I used pontificate above intentionally...LOL. You'll only get that joke if you know the true meaning of the word and my true grasp of the facts about what is really going on in the world. So not every topic will be doom and gloom or a conspiracy, I will occasionally throw in some humor and I will begin posting on Wednesday as well as Sunday. I know all my loyal readers, "I think there are 3 of you" are excited about that.
This is merely a introduction to the new format and yes I am posting this on Tuesday, just felt like getting the word out to you early. So much to explore and exploit yet, so little time! Oh yeah the first victims will be these so called dating sites, I've been looking into more than a few of them for several months now and I'm going to give you the skinny on the ones I've had experiences with BY NAME and SCAM! BTW NONE of them are totally free, it's bollucks and they are making libelous claims and statements in my mind and I will attempt to show you by example and experience what these arseholes are really up to, just for your cash. FYI Bollucks = Bullshit, I won't tell you again, so pay attention.
Until Sunday then, AMF...
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