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Monday, January 3, 2011

It's a New Year, and yet it all keeps going on the same way...

Hello Kiddies,
    After your New Years Eve celebrations hopefully you are all compus mentus, and you didn't play hypocrites by going to church and tell the "truth" about your sins.   You'll never be absolved of your behavior unless you truly believe and if that's the case you shouldn't have been partying in the first place.
   So whats at stake, your "soul", well maybe if you believe in this sort of thing.   Religion, the Opiate of the masses?, I don't know.   There are many metaphorical opiates out there.   Did God create us or did we create it?   Calling God a he or a she makes absolutely no sense and to believe that their is such a being and that it would create us in "His" image, well I don't even need to begin with all the problems that start to open up.  There is no old man in a robe with flowing white hair, "Alpha and Omega",  It would be comforting but alas it's just fiction.
   Nope, I've got Love in my heart and Hope for the coming generations in my deep brown eyes but alas, this won't be enough to save your kids or grand kids from the ecological, financial or mental stress that we are dumping on the next couple of generations.   This is fairly funny, I don't even have kid's and I'm concerned for yours.
     The Native population of the US had it right all along, respect for the land and all it's creatures, it's the only way to maintain balance.   Think about it for a minute, we feel comforted that we can purchase nice items and display them in our homes , whether it's a mansion or a trailer.   Here's the rub...YOU'RE GONNA DIE, AND YOU CAN'T TAKE IT WITH YOU!!!   So, we are here temporarily, we attain things then we die.   When I see it in print, it is rather depressing but it passes fairly quickly.  I look forward to the peace that only Death will bring.
     So keep going out and spending more than you can afford to, that's what the government and the corporations want, most of us belong to one of theses cultures, so is it so wrong?   Well I'll tell you ,"because it turn's you into sheep, mindless herding sheep".   Few people have family dinners anymore, a staple in pre sixties life.  With the advent of cell phones, gps, the net, etc.. I actually long for the old days when all I needed was a compass and map.  I still don't have any type of gps.
     Maybe I'm just nostalgic for the cold war and M.A.D.  back then you knew where you stood.  Today, it's have a job today, 30 years in and tomorrow they don't remember your name.   Leave the Government to govern and us to bend the laws, just enough to get away with shit we know we did wrong.   I'm not playing holier than thou, hell I'm the biggest sinner I know but I know this and make no apologies for it, what good does it do a man to attain the world if he loses his humanity?  Till next week...

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