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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Don't know the Math...

What if:
    As it stands now, Black holes form a singularity.    The Universe was created from a singularity.
What if the Black Holes will some way coalesce Billions of years in the future due to the immense gravity.
One Singularity, just waiting for that last piece of energy from one last Galaxy to become a part of everything else that has been consumed.   At this point “Big Bang“, Another Universe is created.   No matter is Lost and all is regenerated.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

The Fall of an Empire...

   A cautionary tale of the past?   The Sumerians, The Ottoman Empire, The Persian Empire, The Greeks, The Romans the British and the former USSR, now the US of A.   What do you think all of these great civilizations have in common?  
   Just one thing, they felt they could grow indefinitely.   Perhaps it is in the blood of all alpha's to feel this way and yet look at where it gets them all.   They over extended themselves and are forced to retract, it's the nature of the Universe.
    Now it's only fair for the people who put the money up for the venture should get a return on their investment but when the profits to shareholders out weigh the common good of the country, that's when things get out of whack really quickly.   If our corporate and legislative leaders don't remember their history very soon, we are destined to fall by the wayside just as all the others have.
    It was never really one big thing in most cases that caused these collapses, it was a thousand little things, suddenly a generation of people are looking out into the world, wondering where'd it all go and how so very fast.   2008 was a warning, the next bubble that comes along may destroy us.   Please take heed, America need not go the way of Ancient Rome or the Dodo but we're trying really hard.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Where is our Humanity?

Tis the season to be jolly and I get that but in all my 46 years I've never seen the 

type of just flat out evil that's in the news today. It seems everyone wants their 15 

minutes and are using U Tube and other outlets to show off their evil deeds. In 

the span of 10 minutes on Cnn I saw a young child bound and gagged with duct 

tape, a young lady just snatched off the street and a homeless man attacked at 

the amusement of a couple of Teens, WTF! Even worse, I recently heard a 

very disturbing statistic,

 1 in 4 women are sexually accosted and 1 in 5 are assaulted and or raped.    

Men we have to do a much better job of treating women and children. This shit is 

just flat out EVIL, no God vS. Devil stuff, this is man at his worst. You see women 

oversea's being mistreated and think how, in this day and age is this tolerated.    

Well look in a mirror, Are you guilty of the same or Worse!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Penn’s Perspective: On Being Human...

Penn’s Perspective: On Being Human...: What does it truly mean to be human? compassionately kind : showing kindness, compassion, or approachability. imperfect : having th...

On Being Human...

  What does it truly mean to be human?   compassionately kind: showing kindness, compassion, or approachability.   imperfect: having the imperfections and weaknesses of a human being.   Being Humane: compassionate: showing the better aspects of the human character, especially kindness and compassion, with emphasis on liberal values: with an emphasis on respect for other people's views.   You see how kindness and compassion is shown in both definitions.   Where has that gone?
   These are the only characteristics that define us as more than wild animals.   Yet it seems as the years go on we forget about this, so many horrific crimes and to what end?   Is it all mental illness?   It's easy to write it off as such but personally I think it's just lack of respect for human dignity and or plain old evil.   I don't know what can be done to prevent random homicides nor the recent pedophile issues.   I do know that it is tragic and horrifically painful for all involved.
    Something else I know is that our criminal justice system is not working.   The definition of insanity is committing the same act repeatedly expecting a different result.   Well I think our penal system exemplifies insanity.   We all know it's about revenge and not rehabilitation for the most part, so lets fix it.   I realize there is big money in Corrective corporations but the 40k or so per year spent for incarcerating these men could surely be allocated more efficiently.
   The prison population would drop my at least a fourth if we only legalized MJ.  It's not as if smoking a blunt predestines you to the ninth circle of hell.   Just saying it's time to re examine our laws [ penalty phase] and what the penal system should really be used for.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Double edge sword... A Warning

   Poor Herman Cain, he is being shot down by his own Party because of 999, pity.   I thought it sucked and he will have to eat a shit sandwich.  I hope he finds out who TRULY conspired against him and switches sides.   That being said most "Ordinary Americans" believe that America was founded on 3 principled ideals: 1.  Free Enterprise, Freedom of Religion and third, Democracy.   These are all fallacies, no truth in any of it, for the common person, those in control actually dictate what happens, a sort of steerage comittee if you will.  
   Think I'm wrong?   Here is an example of each and you tell me what you think after reading.  
Free Enterprise:   This is the only one of the 3 that most anyone can take advantage of.   Our founding fathers were greedy men who had no need for taxes, they saw human beings as property.   Think about it, the free enterprise model demands a rational pay for a days work.   Now if you can rationalize slavery out of that equation, please explain it to me. 
   Freedom of religion clearly is ok, so long if it is Christ centered otherwise it's a cult.   Most people don't believe Mormons are a real religion, come on it's no wackier than Catholics and the Virgin birth!   The Native Americans were nearly wiped out for their land and "heathen beliefs", you know why they were heathens?   Not Christ centered.
   Surely you cannot believe we live in a Democracy, if this were the case when nearly every American opposed the bank bailouts, why did it pass?   Why did our Representatives ignore our wishes?   They new better, ah I don't think so, isn't this how Capitalism is supposed to work, survival of the fittest?   Well apparently if the Congress Members money is at stake they seem to feel that suddenly they know best. 
   Folks we need to get away from professional Politicians, they will, 99% of the time will vote on their own interests over their constituents.   For those of you who think this is ok, just keep your head in the sand.   All others please don't remain complacent.    Talk to your neighbors, union busting since Reagan has become an art, Germany has unions in it's Walmarts for God's sake!   We just need the Political will to follow through.   Write your Congress people, if you don't know who they are it's only a few clicks away.   Pledge support to the 99%, they are the best thing going on right now for us commoners.   Frustration will crop up but it's better to fight than to acquiesce to the demands of the 1% and that's exactly what they want.  Fight the Power!!!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

The Truth about MJ...

 Q: What is hemp? Just another word for marijuana?
Yeah, and that's one of the things that happened in 1937. Cannabis Hemp was one of history's most widely used plants. Tincture of Cannabis was the basis for almost every patent medicine prior to the discovery of aspirin. Hemp was used for rope, twine, and cloth. Sailing ships were loaded with hemp. The word "canvas" is derived from "cannabis", because that's what canvas was. Sails were made of hemp because salt water deteriorated cotton. Old sails were made into wagon covers and ultimately original Levi's Jeans. And the pressed oil from hemp seeds was used for paints and varnishes. Everyone knew what hemp was. But nobody knew what marijuana was.

 Basically, it came down to this. America in the 1900's saw two powerful rivals, agriculture and industry, faced off over several multi-billion dollar markets. When Rudolph Diesel produced his engine in 1896, he'd assumed it would run off of vegetable and seed oils, especially hemp, which is superior to petroleum. Just think about that for a second. A fuel that can be grown by our farmers that is superior to foreign oil. What a lot of history would have been rewritten!
Ok. So we have an elite group of special interests dominated by Du Pont petrochemical company and it's major financial backer and key political ally, Treasury Secretary Andrew Mellon. Mellon was a banker who took over Gulf Oil Corporation. In 1913, Henry Ford opened his first auto assembly line, and Gulf Oil opened its first drive-in gas station. In 1919, with ethanol fuel poised to comptete with gasoline, Alchohol Prohibition descended on the nation. Lucky Mellon. When President Harding made him Secretary of the Treasury, he was considered the richest man in America. In the 1920's, Mellon arranged for his bank to loan his buddies as Du Pont money to take over General Motors. Du Pont had developed new gasoline additives and the sulfate and sulfite process that made trees into paper.
In the 1930's, Ford Motor Company operated a successful biomass fuel conversion plant using cellulose at Iron Mountain, Michigan. Ford engineers extracted methanol, charcoal fuel, tar, pitch ethyl-acetate and creosote from hemp. The same fundamental ingredients for industry were also being made from fossil fuels.
During the same period, Du Pont was developing cellophane, nylon, and dacron from from fossil fuels. Du Pont held the patents on many synthetics and became a leader in the development of paint, rayon, synthetic rubber, plastics, chemicals, photographic film, insecticides and agricultural chemicals.
From the Du Pont 1937 Annual Report we find a clue to what started to happen next: "The revenue raising power of government may be converted into an instrument for forcing acceptance of sudden new ideas of industrial and social reoganization".
Ok, enter William Randolph Hearst. Hearst's company was a major consumer of the cheap tree-pulp paper that had replaced hemp paper in the late 19th century. The Hearst Corporation was also a major logging company, and produced Du Pont's chemical-drenched tree pulp paper, which yellowed and fell apart after a short time. Fueled by the advertising sold to the petrochemical industries, Hearst Newspapers were also known for their sensationalist stories. Hearst despised poor people, black people, chinese, hindus, and all other minorities. Most of all he hated Mexicans. Pancho Villa's cannabis-smoking troops had reclaimed some 800,000 acres of prime timberland from Hearst in the name of the mexican peasants. And all of the low-quality paper the company planned to make by deforesting it's vast timber holdings were in danger of being replaced by low-cost, high quality paper made from hemp.

 Hearst had always supported any kind of prohibition, and now he wanted cannabis included in every anti-narcotics bill. Never mind that cannabis wasn't a narcotic. Facts weren't important. The important thing was to have it completely removed from society, doctors, and industry.
Around 1920 or so, a new word arose - "Marihuana". Through screaming headlines and horror stories,"marihuana" was blamed for murderous rampages by blacks and mexicans. Hearst continued to use his power of the press to impress on his readers the dangers of the "marihuana" plant.
When the Federal Bureau of Narcotics was formed in 1932, Mellon's nephew Harry Anslinger was appointed its head, a job in Mellon's treasury department that was created just for him. Treasury agents were beginning to operate on their own agenda. Deep in the throes of the depression, congress began to reexamine all federal agencies. Anslinger began to fear that his department was in danger of emasculation. Although worldwide, hemp was still big business, in 1935 the Treasury Department began secretly drafting a bill called The Marihuana Tax Act. The Treasury Department's general counsul Herman Oliphant was put in charge of writing something that could get past both Congress and the Court disguised as a tax revenue bill. Congress wasn't all that interested in the matter, seeing as all the information they had to work with was what was provided to them by Anslinger. They deliberately collected horror stories on the evils of marihuana pulled primarily from the Hearst newspapers, called Anslinger's Gore Files. Crimes that had never happened at all were being attributed to marihuana.

 So, in 1937, Anslinger went before a poorly attended committee hearing and called for a total ban on marihuana. He stated under oath "This drug is entirely the monster Hyde, the harmful effects of which cannot be measured". Bureaucrats planned the hearings to avoid the discussion of the full House and presented the measure in the guise of a tax revenue bill brought to the six member House Ways and Means Committee, chaired by Du Pont ally Robert Doughton of North Carolina. This bypassed the House without further hearings and passed it over to the Senate Finance Committee, controlled by another ally, Prentiss Brown of Michigan, where it was rubber stamped into law. Once on the books, Anslinger would "administer" the licensing process to make sure that no more commercial hemp was ever grown in the United States. Clinton Hesterm assistant general counsel for the Department of the Treasury, explained to the House Committee " The leading newspapers of the United States have recognized the seriousness of this problem and have advocated federal legislation to control.. marihuana...The marijuana cigarette is one of the most insidious of all forms of dope, largely because of the failure of the public to understand its fatal qualities."

At the last minute, a few pro-hemp witnesses showed up. Most of the confusion came from the using of the word "marihuana". Most people had no idea that "marihuana", merely a slang word taken from a drinking song celebrating Pancho Villa's victory, "La Cucaracha", was the same thing as cannabis hemp, a plant which had been an important crop since the founding of the country. Ralph Loziers of the National Oil Seed Institute showed up representing paint manufacturers and lubrication oil processors, and stated that hempseed was an essential commodity. Dr. William C. Woodward of the American Medical Association spoke in defense of cannabis medicines and in protest of the way the bill was handled. Woodward complained that there was no certain data that marihuana use had increased, and stated that if it had, the "newspaper exploitation of the habit had done more to increase it than anything else". Asked point blank if he thought federal legislation was necessary, he replied "I do not .. it is not a medical addiction that is involved." Woodward went on to criticize the way the word "marihuana" had been used to deliberately confuse the medical and industrial hemp communities. "In all you have heard here thus far, no mention has been made of any excessive use of the drug or its excessive distribution by any pharmacist. And yet the burden of this bill is placed heavily on the doctors and pharmacists of the country, and may I say very heavily - most heavily, possibly of all - on the farmers of this country... We can not understand yet ... why this bill should have been prepared in secret for two years without any initiative, even to the profession, that it was being prepared ... no medical man would identify this bill with a medicine until he read it through, because marijuana is not a drug, ... simply a name given cannabis."
A few days later, Representative Fred Vinson of Kentucky was asked to summarize the AMA's position. He lied to the effect that the medical group's legislative counsul (Woodward) "Not only gave this measure full support, but also the approval from the AMA."
The act passed without a roll call vote. Now we can see why it was prepared in secret - passage of the Act put all hemp industries firmly under the control of the very special interests that most benefited from its repression over the years - prohibition police and bureaucrats working in collusion with the petrochemical companies, the timber companies, the alcohol and tobacco industries, the pharmaceutical drug companies, and today, the urine testing, property seizure, police and prison industries.
In that same year, 1937, Du Pont filed its patent on Nylon, a synthetic fiber that took over many of the textile and cordage markets that would have gone to hemp. More than half the American cars on the road were built by GM, which guaranteed Du Pont a captive market for paints, varnishes, plastics, and rubber, all which could have been made from hemp. Furthermore, all GM cars would subsequently be designed to use tetra-ethyl leaded fuel exclusively, which contained additives that Du Pont manufactured. All competition from hemp had been outlawed.
The historical essay above was written by Bud Fairy and originally published on SF Net, the coffee house network. The HTML version - with emphasis, pictures and minor editing - was done by Hogeye Bill.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Penn’s Perspective: Let's move it a bit further out West...

Penn’s Perspective: Let's move it a bit further out West...: All across the world the populations are in revolt. In the Near and middle east the Government is killing off popular dissent. Her...

Let's move it a bit further out West...

   All across the world the populations are in revolt.
    In the Near and middle east the Government is killing off popular dissent.   Here in America we are under fiscal attack, something that has never happened before in the history of the United States.   I always thought you could pretty much do anything so long as it did not impinge on another persons Liberty.   As I recall it reads life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.   Well whether these multinationals realize it or not they are impinging, I am not talking about normal competition, I am talking about huge monopolies that literally kill competition.
    During a time period in the distant past, Laws were written to specifically arrest the tentacles that these huge corporations were able to infect the market.   Market dynamics are not inherently evil, the people who manipulate them on the other hand are not bound by moral constraints.   Walmart is bulldozing everyone in site and no one has called them on it, small business owners should file a class action lawsuit against them, a clever lawyer can come up with a great argument.   This is the same company who tells it's employees to go on food stamps, the employes gave huge donations to the Katrina victims, owners gave less than 10 grand.   Don't talk to me about a family atmosphere.   With family like this I'd rather hang with wolves, at least there I would know where I stood!
   See here is what I am getting to, we have a Representative Government, it's a Republic using a loosely defined form of Democracy, look it up.   There are other places on the planet which have much better representation than we do currently, do you know who your Congressional Representatives are, Congress person and Both Senators?    When they stop representing the majority of us then I believe we are morally if not Legally bound to walk up into their offices and reject them as our voices in DC outright.
   OWS has a good idea but it has to be turned into political power to be affective.   Do not let the power elite dictate to you how to live your lives, we are approaching a pinnacle and it's next November.   Please stand up and let your voice be heard.   I believe we all have to chip in for this to work, uber wealthy individuals need higher taxes "Fuck Grover Norquist, Republicans are handicapped by this fool the minute they walk up the hill".   Cutting or trimming the big 3 on the Democratic side is only fair, even though many of the Assholes who started this are in the 1% and a modest tax increase will not affect them nearly as much as someone on disability but if this is what it takes so be it.   Keep your eyes and ears open, change is coming.   I just pray it is orderly and without any bloodshed.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Penn’s Perspective: Lets just laugh it off

Penn’s Perspective: Lets just laugh it off: "Today's financial age has become a period of unbridled excess with accepted risk soaring out of proportion to possible reward." 'Theodor...

Lets just laugh it off

  "Today's financial age has become a period of unbridled excess with accepted risk soaring out of proportion to possible reward." 'Theodore J. Forstmann, a longtime Wall Street financier'.   " Our Blacks are better than their blacks"  'Ann Coulter'  SERIOUSLY!   Did she know she was miked?
    Everyone wonders when the great battle of good verses evil will begin.   It's here, it has always been here!   If you're anticipating Jesus' return, well you'll probably have a very long wait.   
    I happen to think that our Democracy is one of the best Governmental systems on earth.   With this mantle we should take our responsibilities very Serious.   Instead of greatness we have settled for mediocrity.   I don't need to remind you of what's going on here in the US, I write about it weekly, have you been reading?   I have been screaming since 2005 about how we cannot survive without a healthy middle class but alas I am but one voice in the night.    
   So what's my point?     Well put simply, the over monetized uber upper class knows full well what's going on and they are simply in their own little world competing for who has the most yachts.    These people have no morals, scruples and apparently no conscience.   There was a time not so long ago when a single modest salary was enough to support a household.   Don't believe me ask your parents about their parents as we are now 2 generations deep in this quagmire.   We are working harder and for less.   For the longest time I used to wonder how the $27,000 my dad made supported us in the early 70's and my $50,000 could barely sustain me in the 80's\90's.    I didn't live beyound my means, I had a modest car and apartment so what changed?
   It is truly amazing how our Congressional Representatives have twisted the law in effect to amass huge fortunes and personal gain.   I would really like to just go off grid, I am just sicked by our leaders.   It breaks my heart that we as a Nation founded supposedly on freedom and fairness "in theory anyway" have fallen to the bottom of the rung.   
    I know that in all honesty our founding fathers were greedy men who wanted to avoid taxation, yet even they were smart enough to know that taxes were necessary, to build this nation.   Since President Ford, yes that is where I set the boundary, Since he reigned we have been going downhill, BTW that's about the same time that we went off the gold standard and basically began using our name for credit to the world.   Are they connected, well that's for another paper and another time.  I promise to research it and fill you in on what I find.   

Sunday, November 13, 2011

The land of the lost dream...

Hello All,
    The inevitable end to the American experiment of Capitalism is what we are slowly going through right now.   It appears to be happening slowly "well aside from the banking \ real estate crash of 2008".   I don't know if this is a conscience effort by anyone but it is happening none the less " market forces I guess".
    Capitalism as is practiced in this country is " he who has the most toys wins".   Ring a bell about the largest banks?   Further does it ring any bells regarding the 1% of the wealthiest Americans?   Now in all truthfulness money by itself is not the cause of evil as we all know.   Money begets Power and power is at the heart of the problem, our leaders whether they are Political, Financial or Athletic Directors, no one is above reproach, most human beings upon reaching a certain stature will attempt to do things that they would rather not have aired in the light of day.
     I will use a few examples of those in power sincerely interested in the common good.   Bill & Melinda Gates through their Foundation.   Warren Buffet who realizes that you can have have all the money in the world but what do you really gain?   He calls for higher taxes on himself and others in his income bracket.   Does he pay less in Taxes than his secretary, I don't know but in America I find it very possible even Likely!
     Common good and community, these were once things that Americans thought of as honorable, today for the most part it's come down to how can I help myself, just look to our Politicians.   Our Leaders have forgotten that the masses will tend to do as they do not as how they want us too.  Which is why every now and then things get out of hand and we rebel ie. OWS.   None of these honorable people come from the average citizenry, all privileged and upper-class and why not, they are the only ones who can afford to run!    We may never be able to take this country back, simply because the career Politician is so ingrained or tied up in the fabric of keeping the dinosaur running that they can't see what's in the Best interest of the people who elected them.   They may consider us too childish to understand the intricacies of day to day political life in DC.
    I think I have a wonderful idea, lets take a year off " The Federal Government " and kick everyone out and restart with the Constitution.   Bring all our ships home to guard our ports, pay everyone a minimal allowance to keep things afloat and just start over.   The Beast has become unmanageable and steps must be taken immediately before the entire system implodes in on itself.   I know this is impractible but factuallly it may be better than the alternative, Full Default which would turn the US into an isolationist nation overnight and that would not be good for anyone.   
    So why should the wealthiest Americans be concerned about the 99%, well just look to ancient Greece or Ancient Rome or even some of the older Empires, this lifestyle is not sustainable, never has been never will be.   Mark my words...

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Penn’s Perspective: Thoughts on being broke in America...

Penn’s Perspective: Thoughts on being broke in America...: It is truly sad that being poor in America has turned into the extermination of said people. Now you are thinking "a bit harsh, no", w...

Thoughts on being broke in America...

    It is truly sad that being poor in America has turned into the extermination of said people.   Now you are thinking "a bit harsh, no", well it happens to be true and I will prove it.  

    The 70's were truly the best time I can remember during my life, aside from the discrimination and other minor social issues.   Americans were free to have sex, drive drunk and smoke whatever they wanted to, live on the beach if you wanted to.
  Cannot blame anyone for the change in sexual routines, HIV\Aides took care of that, nuf said.  
  Now driving drunk is never a good idea however people frequently committed vehicular manslaughter with only a slap on the wrist from the court.    Obviously these individuals should have faced stiffer penalties then they did but they didn't, thanks to the Judicial system.    Today in Michigan, drive under the influence of anything you loose: your car , your license, you're jailed and you pay fines for what seems like forever!   You're thinking the punishment should fit the crime, ok well the legal limit is .08, blow a .081 and you are FUCKED!   Now let's say your a working class person, you get a DUI, your life is ruined.   On the other hand if you are wealthy you can easily find other means of transportation.   We won't even get into legal representation the two can afford.

    As for marijuana and other drugs well it seems that the penalty does not fit the crime.  Most poor people will use Mj. or heroine or crack.   These items are relatively cheap and readily available yet the incarceration term for possession of these items are much higher than their powder counterparts and well Mj. is a matter of how good an Attorney you can afford, need I go further?
    So the poor are basically being shuffled away as quickly as they can be caught.   The war on drugs is a joke, once and for all, Mj. is not a gateway drug.   Studies commissioned by the Government have proven this.   The silliness of what is currently going on in California is beyond reason.    What's my point, well get ready here it is.

    The free spirited 60's and 70's were good times, great music, food and relatively safe sexual expression.   The bell tolled and the 80's were here and people were having too much fun.   Happiness in the populous was something that could not be tolerated!   So these uptight old white men decided to kill fun and penalize anyone who decided they didn't want to relieve their stress via legal pharmaceuticals.  That's it in a nutshell America is basically turning into a penal state under lock-down.   Sounds ridiculous yet look around, not only are you poorer than 2-3 decades ago but you are more stressed out.   Don't try to get a Valium to relax your 12 year old Dr. won't prescribe them!   This makes you more stressed and hopefully you will die sooner, "not my thoughts".
   Certain politicians and business leaders want nothing in this country but professionals, all married with 2.5 kids and a home.   Lastly we need to decide what this country will stand for:  Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of happiness or Erase the less fortunate by any means necessary and live a boring, mundane, predictable life.
It's your choice.   Obama isn't great but he beats the competition, hands-down!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Penn’s Perspective: Close your eyes and blink and 2051 will be here......

Penn’s Perspective: Close your eyes and blink and 2051 will be here......: Hello Folks, Just down the street and around the corner oil will disappear! Fucking fact, oil is gonna run out, thankfully I will be l...

Close your eyes and blink and 2051 will be here...

Hello Folks,
    Just down the street and around the corner oil will disappear!   Fucking fact, oil is gonna run out, thankfully I will be long dead by then and won't have to deal with the fallout.   Your kids and their kids will have to deal with it and no one is prepared for the cataclysm that that will follow.   Th younger generation should get used to hard "physical" work and teach them how to improvise and to survive, as I seriously think that around 2051 it's all gonna come to a close.   There are things we can do now, reduce, reuse, recycle!   Ride your bike to work occasionally.   Contact your Congress person, if you don't know who it is, call your local library or look it up on the net.   Weatherize your homes and buy hybrid vehicles.   
   Listen, Occupy wall street may not have a single defined message but they are out there and we are scaring the hell out of the bizionaires.   Truth be told we own this country.   Think about it, if EVERYONE decided not to pay their mortgages, what would happen.   I know this is unrealistic but what could they do?   There are not enough resources to police a problem of that magnitude.   Please read and take heed, this is coming!   Don't bury your head and believe someone else will do it, there is no one else it's just us, stuck between a rock and a hard place.   The answer's are numerous yet they seem just out of reach but don't disappear or retreat to your hole.   This time is full of opportunities, you just have to have a mind and the will to pursue something other than the quick buck.    Your life cannot be fulfilled by the acquisition of money.   It's shallow and immoral and it's human nature to want the most toys, for Alpha personalities.   Knowing right from wrong is what makes an Alpha tolerable or hated.  So it's up to you, sit on your couch and whine or get out there and make your voice heard, it does MATTER.  Till next time...


Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Penn’s Perspective: What a wonderful world this could be...

Penn’s Perspective: What a wonderful world this could be...: Hi Folks, I apologize for my recent absence. I needed to step back and review certain things. Well I am back now, at my sarcastic...

What a wonderful world this could be...

   Hi Folks,
    I apologize for my recent absence.   I needed to step back and review certain things.   Well I am back now, at my sarcastic best.  :) .  Let's start in the 80's Under the Great puppet "Ronald Reagan".   His puppet-master was Don Regan.    Then we got Bush Sr., not a bad guy but all these guys tend to hire from a pool of professional politicians.     Do you have any idea how long Dick Cheney had been skulking in the background, since the Fucking 70's.   He was just biding his time until his turn came up and he was rewarded.   What's even funnier is all these Republican pricks went to Princeton University.   Coincidence?  I don't think so, these assholes were groomed to take control and run this Nation.   Look up all the recent Republican's who held high office, either 1. War hero or 2. Princeton grad or 3.  Fluke...    See these are the idiots who feel that by their very birth right they are responsible to keep this country on the right track.   That would be fine if they were smart, these Fools are total FUCKING IDIOTS!!!!!!!!     By the way Cheney was the Puppet-master for Bush junior.   So what can you take from this, very simple, Watch the bills that are passed under these Thieves.   It started small under Reagan, continued under Clinton "that's when wall street had the govt. by the balls" and finished under Bush Jr.   You saw the results of this non-sense.   You saw who profited and who lost out!!!!   DON'T FORGET IT!!!!!   They nibble away a little at a time.   It's a bit like climate change, it's slow and we are forgetful.    WHATEVER HAPPENS DO NOT LET THESE FUCKERS REPEAL THE DODD-FRANK (   This put some of the provisions of Glass-Spiegel ( › Ebook and Texts ArchiveCommunity Texts) back on the books after it was decimated during the last 30 or so years.   Chew on that till next time. 

Sunday, August 28, 2011

The age we live in...

Hello Friends,
   This will be a short narrative about the United States as a whole and the preceding and future generations, hope you enjoy and maybe learn a few things.

   If you were blessed to be born during the Baby Boom generation through the Generation -x er's count yourself as extremely lucky.   Being born in 1965, I am on the cusp of both and feel truly fortunate to have lived during this period of time, let's reflect...  I have lived through a very unstable yet highly enjoyable time in history.   There was the biggest threat, called M.A.D. "if you are too young to know what this is, ask your parents or look it up" we came to the brink of world destruction twice, once in the 1960's and once during the Regan era "something most people don't know about".   I saw men walk on the moon "supposedly", a President kicked out of office, the evolution of microprocessor's & computers and all that goes with them.   Truly a wondrous time in history right?  

   Well maybe, maybe not.   Recently there was a power outage in my area and I began to truly reflect on what it all means.   I mean with no electricity or transportation we are basically back in the late 1800's.  Gasoline will only last so long in vehicles before it is unusable, so get yourself a diesel vehicle asap.   Something we basically take for granted, the power grid and without it, life as I knew it came to a screeching halt.   This outage even took out my cell phone, "so much for roaming anymore".   Honestly I think I would rather have not known this great civilization then to lose it and it is coming, this glorious period of life will be over soon and that will be a sad day.  Look I am not talking about the end of humanity, I am talking about a big paradigm shift.

   Many of our rights are already being curtailed, The Patriot Act for example goes against everything the founding fathers of this country stood for, factually I think it is Constitutionally illegal but that's for scholars to decide.   Like so many pieces on a checker board change is constant and we are being set up for the biggest herding of all time and it's not just here in America.   I will probably be long dead when this will make any sense or be relevant but I think it only fair to warn future generations of what they have to look forward to.   Chew on this for a minute, the very people running the country now were the flower children, they chanted never trust anyone over 30.  They have become what they vowed to fight against.  They did every drug imaginable, yet they won't decriminalize weed.

    Every President since Kennedy has been at the mercy of outside forces, we will never see another Eisenhower or FDR, we aren't built that way anymore.   With the exception of LBJ, Nixon and possibly Reagan to a degree, most of our Presidents since Kennedy have been puppets.   We all know the United States is "in reality, a Very large corporation" and we have not had a decisive CEO in many years.   So what's it all about, well be prepared.  Read background information, pay attention and if you begin noticing the President being out of the White House more often then in  it, you know something big is about to go down.    Sounds silly right, sounds like someone hasn't taken his medication, "well factually I haven't had a drink in a few weeks so...LOL".   Just prepare your kids to exist manually so they can pass it down to their kids, if\ maybe when the grid dies permanently consumerism will die and an agrarian culture will slowly develop, sadly we don't fix anything until it's broke and slowly that's where our country is heading "in more way's than one". 

   I'll leave you with this, the man who built the trigger mechanism for the first atomic bomb said " The problem with bombs is keeping them from exploding, not how to detonate them".

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Evermore the Cynic

The absolute best way to describe me is -> Cynical.  

What's the difference between a Mob family and a Wall Street Executive board?

   The answer to the joke is Mob Families have lawyers, Wall Street Executives have Lobbyist.   No one really seems to care about this, it's old news and what really happened is slowly coming out in movies like Too Big to Fail " Andrew Sorkin" but even better is Inside Job "Charles Ferguson".   I'm soon moving to the West coast, so who cares what I think.   If greed is going to be the driving force of our lives in America then I reject it, outright, so should you!

   If you really think Michelle "BS" Bachman is gonna bring back $2.00 per gallon gas, I own a nice bridge in New York for sale very cheap.

Monday, August 1, 2011

From my Mentor

Hello Folks,
   This is an interesting piece of mail I received from my Mentor and the smartest man I know.   I cannot give credit to those who documented the stated tax figures as I do not know the sources used nor his name as it may cause him harm but he knows who he is and I'm glad to know him.  Feeling fully comfortable with this man I am sure he did his homework, which is what makes him far more exceptional than I.

Legalization of marijuana will incur....
  The end to the Drug War in Mexico...,the slow down the illegal immigration issue save costs for Homeland Security & Border Patrol.    A taxation of an American cash crop that will assist in lowering our deficit and insure a healthier citizenry (stoners on average are healthier than drunks and crackheads), a relief against the illegal status of hemp as well (a long time ago a bunch of lunatics piled them together as the Big Evil) which will lead to cheaper paper, bio diesel, and cheaper textile supply than cotton (a predicted economy worth about 15 billion dollars a year world wide!)
  Some evangelical Republican moron will harp about imposing a moral political perspective and we just have to tell them that creating an economy based on selling small arms to the Mexican adversaries (yes Virginia we supply both side because we be greedy bastards) in the Drug War is as immoral as you can get---profit via the violent deaths of your neighbors. Now that's a sin!   Also, we sold about 2.1 billion dollars in small arms and accessories to the Drug War participants.
  Just weed...average consumption about a six pack of units (small doobies, cookies, etc) per week...let's say the average price is about 10 bucks.  The sin tax is about 10% or about a dollar a purchase....there is about 5 million pot heads (that will admit it)...$5M tax increase a week X 52 weeks=$260M
  If we replaced corn with hemp and charged the same amount that would equate to $390M tax increase per year.
  Based on the amount of equipment needed to sustain both markets we will need at minimum 1.8 billion bucks of machinery per year (farms, automated factories, shipping.etc) which will create about 1 million jobs. Tax the OEMs, the farmers, the workers and bingo--instant 280 million rocks in tax revenue.
  All together we will gain 930 million dollars a year...add the cost savings of a smaller police state, the tax revenues from double cheeseburgers and pizza we may have a billion dollars a year for free!
  THIS IS REAL EASY THINKING ISN'T IT? That is why Boehner is such a boner because he lives in a big box of bullshit and he can't think out of it.
Some day we will come to our senses.

Thanks to my good friend....

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

WEED: It's time to grow up America !!!

Hello Again,  
   Guess what?   In 1619 Jamestown colony law declared that all settlers were required to grow hemp. George Washington grew hemp at Mount Vernon as one of his three primary crops. The use of hemp for rope and fabric was ubiquitous throughout the 18th and 19th centuries in the United States.

Shortly before marijuana was banned by The Marijuana Tax Act of 1937, new technologies were developed that made hemp a potential competitor with the newly-founded synthetic fiber and plastics industries. Hemp's potential for producing paper also posed a threat to the timber industry.  Those 2 sentences brought about the death of legalization of the cannabis plant!  Men with powerful connections in Washington made this useful plant and harmless byproduct on it's way to being illegal and we are still ignorant to how it all started to this day!    Evidence suggests that commercial interests having much to lose from hemp competition helped propagate reefer madness "the funniest movie ever created, watch it while you are high and you will laugh your ass off" " hysteria,  BIG BUSINESS used their influence to lobby for Marijuana Prohibition. It is not known for certain if special interests conspired to destroy the hemp industry via Marijuana Prohibition, but enough evidence exists to raise the possibility " Use your own common sense".

Basically, it came down to this. America in the 1900's saw two powerful rivals, agriculture and industry, faced off over several multi-billion dollar markets. When Rudolph Diesel produced his engine in 1896, he'd assumed it would run off of vegetable and seed oils, especially hemp, which is superior to petroleum. Just think about that for a second. A fuel that can be grown by our farmers that is superior to foreign oil. What a lot of history would have been rewritten!
Ok. So we have an elite group of special interests dominated by Du Pont petrochemical company and it's major financial backer and key political ally, Treasury Secretary Andrew Mellon. Mellon was a banker who took over Gulf Oil Corporation. In 1913, Henry Ford opened his first auto assembly line, and Gulf Oil opened its first drive-in gas station. In 1919, with ethanol fuel poised to compete with gasoline, Alchohol Prohibition descended on the nation. Lucky Mellon. When President Harding made him Secretary of the Treasury, he was considered the richest man in America. In the 1920's, Mellon arranged for his bank to loan his buddies as Du Pont money to take over General Motors. Du Pont had developed new gasoline additives and the sulfate and sulfite process that made trees into paper.
In the 1930's, Ford Motor Company operated a successful biomass fuel conversion plant using cellulose at Iron Mountain, Michigan. Ford engineers extracted methanol, charcoal fuel, tar, pitch ethyl-acetate and creosote from hemp. The same fundamental ingredients for industry were also being made from fossil fuels.
William Randolph Hearst "Newspaper Mogul" had always supported any kind of prohibition, and now he wanted cannabis included in every anti-narcotics bill. Never mind that cannabis wasn't a narcotic. Facts weren't important. The important thing was to have it completely removed from society, doctors, and industry.
Around 1920 or so, a new word arose - "Marihuana". Through screaming headlines and horror stories,"marihuana" was blamed for murderous rampages by blacks and mexicans. Hearst continued to use his power of the press to impress on his readers the dangers of the "marihuana" plant.
When the Federal Bureau of Narcotics was formed in 1932, Mellon's nephew Harry Anslinger was appointed its head, a job in Mellon's treasury department that was created just for him. Treasury agents were beginning to operate on their own agenda. Deep in the throes of the depression, congress began to reexamine all federal agencies. Anslinger began to fear that his department was in danger of emasculation. Although worldwide, hemp was still big business, in 1935 the Treasury Department began secretly drafting a bill called The Marihuana Tax Act. The Treasury Department's general counsul Herman Oliphant was put in charge of writing something that could get past both Congress and the Court disguised as a tax revenue bill. Congress wasn't all that interested in the matter, seeing as all the information they had to work with was what was provided to them by Anslinger. They deliberately collected horror stories on the evils of marihuana pulled primarily from the Hearst newspapers, called Anslinger's Gore Files. Crimes that had never happened at all were being attributed to marihuana.
So, in 1937, Anslinger went before a poorly attended committee hearing and called for a total ban on marihuana. He stated under oath "This drug is entirely the monster Hyde, the harmful effects of which cannot be measured". Bureaucrats planned the hearings to avoid the discussion of the full House and presented the measure in the guise of a tax revenue bill brought to the six member House Ways and Means Committee, chaired by Du Pont ally Robert Doughton of North Carolina.

Okay, enough of the past, can Americans get away from this Puritanical bullshit and realize that more people die from cigarettes and Alcohol than Weed has in it's entire history.  The tax revenues alone would justify it's legalization.   If there is a demand you will have "criminals" who will fill that void.   Just think back to the prohibition act, there was no lack of alcohol!


*How Marijuana Became Illegal - Bud Fairy

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Be Careful what you fall for...

Hello Friends,
   I realize that me calling nearly all Americans idiots on a recent FaceBook post may not have endeared myself to a lot of you but when you refuse to look the obvious in the eye and rejoice at voting against your own self interest's what do you expect to be called?
    I will try another approach this time, it's called an analogy and see if you can follow this:
You are the proud parent of a child who is beginning his or her first day of school and a bully approaches them.   The bully then demands half of YOUR child's lunch money for the rest of the year or there will be dire consequences.   Your child isn't vocal with you regarding this so you know nothing about it.   How should the child attempt to handle this situation?
1.  Physically fight the bully
2.  Confront the bully with all the others he is terrorizing and take away his power
3.  Give in and pay so that the dire consequences do not occur.
    This is a kindergarten argument but it applies to American Politics today, there is an ASSHOLE named Grover Norquist, he founded and runs the  Americans for Tax Reform  established in 1985.   Well this powerful lobbyist has the Republican party shaking in their soiled underwear.   He pressures them into signing a pledge, stating that under no circumstances will they agree to ANY tax hikes.   If you recall Ronald Regan was President in 1985 and he raised the debt ceiling several times and no one got their panties in a bunch.
    Now all of the sudden instead of cooperating with our current President they are all falling for this pledge that they signed, as if it were some law of the land when factually it's just a BULLY, attempting to get his way.   In the 1960's the tax rate for the uber-wealthy was triple what it is now and suddenly letting the ill advised Bush era tax rebates expire are even off limits.   This guy is the worst kind of BULLY, he uses intimidation and fear against people he supposedly respects.    The Republicans have to know, that cuts in spending and raising revenue is the only route that makes any sense but their hands are tied due to this FOOL Norquist.       
    So I say to the Republcans ignore that dumb ass piece of paper and do what is best for the countrty.   A bully only has power over you if you let him have it, gang up on this piece of SHIT AND TELL HIM TO FUCK OFF.   Or just stay in kindergaerten and keep acting like children as the Titanic sinks beneath your feet.
P.S.  Most Republicans don't earn over 250K per year so the adjusted tax rate wouldn't even affect them.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

We Live in Perilous times my friends...

Hello Everyone,
   You had to know sooner or later I'd get to theses nut bags.  I don't have a very favorable opinion about the Tea Party, in all fairness I will attempt to provide a bit of information both pro and con.
    I think most reasonable people will agree that life is in a constant state of flux and change is the only constant in the world not to mention the Universe.
    The Boston tea party was really about perceived over taxation.   Since it was a long time ago and I have no perception of what the populous thought was fair, I won't comment on that except to say that if everyone in America paid $0.00 in taxes, someone would BITCH it was still too high.  Honestly, I am for fiscal responsibility, I am not for intolerance to other idea's.   Now I will on occasion watch what the Tea party Constituents say, while standing around in crowds.   Often yelling they want to return to the ideals of the founding father's.   Okay, so what did the founding fathers have in mind?  
   Well if you'd pick up a book, about the only thing they all agreed on without compromise is that they wanted to be free of the yoke of England and they felt religion was about the worst thing that could have any influence on the political process.   Nearly everything else was discussed in committees and compromises were made.
    Funny thing about the Tea Party is they have erased compromise and debate for that matter from their vocabularies.   So for all you who were so determined for change and voted these nut bag non-intellectuals into office, congratulations.   Not only have you betrayed the founding fathers intent but maybe they'll bring back slavery and abolish women's rights for good measure.  100's of years of progress could be flushed down the toilet.   Nothing the President puts forth is good enough for these people.   If the President offered them EVERYTHING they asked for, they would still turn it down, simply because Obama is involved in the process.  
    There was an organization in the 1920-1940's that had an absolutist ideology and things went really bad for several years and millions of people died, I won't mention the name of the German Party I am referring to  "The NAZIS" how ever if these Tea Party folks ever come into real power and they really want what the founding fathers had, look out America, a civil war will soon follow, mark my words.

Sunday, July 17, 2011


Hello Everyone,
   I have done my best to treat you as children who need lessons in life and I changed gears and attempted to write to you as educated adults but apparently the message just won't get through, so you know what, Fuck 99.7% of you, if you don't want to be educated than you deserve exactly what you will get while I relax in Canada.
    I recently found out that the majority of Republicans are signing onto a document, originally created by a kid in high school.  Try to follow this logic:

Grover Glenn Norquist-born October 19, 1956) is president of taxpayer advocacy group Americans for Tax Reform. He has been described as "the driving force in pushing the Republican Party toward an ever-more rigid position of opposing any tax increase, of any kind, at any time.*   By the way in case you are not aware, this only helps zillionaires, which none of you will ever be, sorry!

   This son of a Bitch has so much power over the Reptilian party [GOP] that no one dares oppose him, forget that Obama is being reasonable in the latest rounds of negotiations regarding raising the debt ceiling.   These MORONS [The Reptiles] have painted themselves into a corner, so even when he leans to the right they still have to disagree with him.  When you Republicans go into the voting booth, your vote does not really count because once they are elected they take an oath of absolute FUCKING stupidity.   Are your Representatives working for you or for this Asshole!   I am all for fiscal responsibility, we had it under Clinton. G.W. Bush, aka  "Alfred E. Newman Jr." is the one who stuck us in this FUCKING MESS yet you people are so INCREDIBLY STUPID IN FOLLOWING FOX NEWS "WITH IT'S IMPECCABLE RECORD FOR BEING FACTUAL"  you lose site of the fact that they are not a news organization, they are a business as is Cnn and BBc but at least they will attempt to give both point's of view.
    Are you IDIOT's so intimidated that a BLACK MAN is running the country that you won't listen to REASON or did you just not finish the 3rd grade and don't know what the concept of reason is?   If that's the case you are excused and please never vote again as you are a total waste of space on the planet, just go kill yourselves right now and if you want some bonus points take a few of those Reptilian's with you.   You can meet your imaginary Deity together and butt fuck each other while it smiles then sends you both to Hell for being complete MORONS.
    It almost saddens me to call myself an American anymore, you people are making me sick between Batshit Bachman and an IDIOT who hasn't even said she will run yet, you just follow the sound bites and lick the TV screen for more.   The founding fathers are turning over in their graves, most of whom felt religion was the absolute worst kind of corruption possible, yet you TeaBaggers embrace it.   Read something by Thomas Jefferson, he had his faults but he got the division on church and state dead on right.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Are you a prostitute?

Hello All,
   Once upon a time, one of my Bosses called everyone with a job a prostitute.   I thought about this long and hard and could only equate that word with people who sought out money for sexual favors.   Below are 2 of the definitions of prostitutes:

1. work of prostitute: the act of engaging in sexual intercourse or performing other sex acts in exchange for money, or of offering another person for such purposes
  [Sounds like a couple of spouses I know, not that I am judging]
2. misuse of talent for gain: the use of a skill or ability in a way that is considered unworthy, usually for financial gain.

    Well the first definition, while being the most obvious, the second applies to anyone of us.    I don’t even think that misuse of your talent should be a part of the definition.   It should read as follows:
The use of a skill or ability in a way that is for financial gain. 

   In a nutshell if you use any part of your being in the pursuit of financial gain you are in effect a prostitute.    Don’t we all misuse our talents in one way or another and I’m not rationalizing here but think about it.
When ever you have done something you considered ethically or morally questionable either at your own behest or because you have been requested “ Ordered” to do so by someone higher up, you belong to this club.    Now I think that if we didn’t hold this Puritanical attitude about morality and family structure we would be much better off.   Why shouldn’t a man or a woman be able to sell sexual pleasure for a living?    Some of the laws we have on our books are arcane and just flat out stupid!   Did you know in certain area’s in Michigan if you curse aloud in public you can be arrested!   WTF…
    I won’t even begin to start on marijuana, for those of you who have not seen the movie Refer Madness, watch it, it’s quite entertaining but has no basis in fact.    Drunks kill off more people in a month than MJ users do in 5 years.   It all comes down to profits and who makes them, many states have legalized the use of “ Medical MJ ”, but you can still be arrested by Federal Government Agents.
    I say legalize & regulate both of these endeavors as they both were at one time and still are in several countries.   Sexual purchase is Legal in Canada and Australia right this minute.   As for MJ, can’t the US be progressive and ahead of the curve just once!  
    We are losing our grip and foresight on the future due to over medication of “Legal” pharmaceuticals.   If we are gonna lose it I say I wanna do it with a joint in one hand and a red head on the other arm, let’s all grow up!    Not to mention the new tax revenue!    Lumber Barons no longer need to fear hemp, so lets all go get stoned and if they can’t take a joke Fuck ‘em.


Saturday, July 9, 2011


Hello Folks,
    You probably don't want to know what chaps my ass, but i am gonna tell you anyway.   Whenever someone I don't know calls me and addresses me by my first name.    Is this the new trend?   When I was growing up if you were calling someone you addressed them by their last name, not as if you were an old friend calling up for a chat.
     Now I will be the first to admit that I have old school values but I see this as a sign of disrespect and will usually hangup on these people.    Many a Head hunter has lost me before a discussion due to this.   Show the proper respect.    If we are not acquainted then I am Mr. Penn, not "hello is Kenn there".    It's just another sign of how our country is falling into an abyss of non-respectability.
     I am not attempting to hurt anyone's feelings but if you contact me about a position or even if you are a bill collector my name is Mr. Penn, not Kenn, Kenneth or Kenny.    If you approach me on the phone with this type of introduction, usually you will hear a dial tone immediately.   Please indulge me and others, it is rude and disrespectful.   Grow up, not all of us are used to the Microsoft culture nor do we want to be.
    I have been called Mr. since I was in grade school because of the way I carry myself and the last thing I wanna hear on the other end of the line is some 12 year old calling me Kenn and having no idea about who I am just to make a sale.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Leave E.T. Alone

Hi Folks,
   I'm gonna change my demeanor a bit, I started this blog off to inform adults about matters that I felt were worthwhile of debate, what I was actually doing was ranting at you as if you were uneducated schoolchildren and I was your monitor in detention hall.   Well no more, I say enough of that, henceforth I will address you with respect and hopefully you will have opinions on the matters I probe on my blog.
   This week, E.T. and our strides to contact it.   You ever heard the old saying, "just because you can do something, doesn't mean you should"?   Well I think this is a good parable for the great E.T. hunt, after all curiosity did KILL the cat. LOL.   Why do I feel this way, well it's got nothing to do with human curiosity, nor the expense.   What it comes down to is simple logical reasoning.   In our galaxy alone it is more than likely reasonable to assume that there is life, possibly even carbon based, sentient life capable of the same missteps and foolishness as us.  Do we really want to meetup with a society that may be a few years more advanced than us technologically but who may be more ruthless than us?
   I think that we are spaced out just beyound the point of reaching each other for good reason or maybe it's just very good luck on our part.   Suppose we had a galactic neighbor we could reach, "how well do we get along with each other on our own blue marble", imagine if we had a neighbor with something we wanted but they didn't wish to trade or even worse they were a few steps slower than us on the evolutionary timeline.   Do you really think for one minute we would not fuck them out of what we wanted because we could take it, I have no doubts and you should not either.
   A better point than that, when was the last time you invited a complete stranger into your home?  These creatures we are so desperately searching for may be capable of killing us without us even knowing it or even attempting to do it.   Say for example, they look like us, act like us and we get past the language issues.   We invite them here en mass,  We dissect a few of them secretly and we don't find any reason why we cannot assimilate.  Someone along the way forgets, by accident or accidentally on purpose to examine a tiny enzyme from these beings.  Suddenly fifty years down the road it begins to become apparent that we are not compatible with them.   We die off and they inherit the earth,  yeah sounds funny but it is entirely possible.   No endeavor man undertakes is foolproof, change\ chaos are the only constants in the universe.   There is very little order to anything just take a look around sometime and really pay attention and you'll see it.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Paradigm Shift

Hello Kiddies,
    As  am getting used to being back in the workforce after my winter hiatus please excuse the gaps in my posts.

    What's going on in my head currently: paradigm shift.   If you look back through all the great empires of the past you will find one inescapable similarity in all of them, sadly this is also holding true for our United Corporations of America.   No one seems to have any foresight in how to change the currently accepted norms.  We are slowly but steadily running with our hair on fire towards an unsustainable existence.  Did you know that the US has a military service that is bigger than the NEXT EIGHT LARGEST MILITARIZES ON EARTH!
    If that does not scare the hell out of you then you are out of touch with reality.   Not just for the sheer silliness of having an Arsenal that huge but it cost's a great deal of money to continuously maintain and replenish these items.  Eisenhower spoke of the military industrial complex and well it's here and sadly with every corporation being merged with every other one soon we will have about 10 Major, Mega conglomerates and God help us then.  
    Everyone goes on about the free market economy, well we don't have one here, and not all humans are created equal but you can stack the odds in your favor, with just a bit of foresight.   Just think back to when you were a kid and how all the changes you have experienced have affected you and how if things on their current track don't change where will your kids be?   
    Our "leaders" are not smarter than us for the most part but they are in charge of whats going on, in all levels of Government.   Our laws have become so twisted and exaggerated over time that no one person really knows what's going on or how to fix it.   Well here is our chance before it's too late.   
    The Constitution is a really good place to start, it's supposed to be a document that changes over time and God knows things have changed over time.   People they "Some of our Elected Officials" want to do away with the ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY!  Do you know why you won't get sick every time you go to have a drink of water?   Why the air you breathe doesn't choke you to death, "sorry LA, LOL".   That's ALL because of the EPA!  
    Wealthy slave owning caucasian men who wanted to avoid taxation may have been the founding fathers but we are all here because of what they started in 1 way or another and if we don't make some radical changes and I mean within the next 5 or so years, we're gonna have to start rebuilding anyway.   I have a plan, I hope you do as well, until next time.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

The American Dream

Hello Kiddies,
    What is the American Dream?   A car or two and a plot of land with a house on it?   I put it to you that the American dream is slowly being eroded.
     I never had an American dream, that's probably why I have never owned a house.  Any way I think the American dream can be sliced into two definitions.
   1.  The 2 cars and house people.
   2.  The people who are grateful to have an apartment in a country that isn't constantly attacked.
     In all honesty I think the American dream is a state of mind, you are either in that zone or not.   I am not condemning either, we all need something to get us through the day.   My American dream is to retire onto a 40 foot boat in the northwest, with the woman of my dreams, what is yours?   
      You see I think we are being tricked or manipulated into the housing market, it means a lot of money for business, ask yourself can an apartment provide the same quality of life as the home does?   I think it can and we are being pushed by PR firms into buying a house, don't fall into the trap...the American dream is really a state of mind if you are happy in a Studio apartment and saving for a house, spend the money on a hybrid and help save the ecology for the generations ahead.   I know about the tax incentives but you never know when Uncle Sam may take those away.    Find a place where you are happy, even if it's just a box, if you are happy there bless you.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Nothing Special...

Hello Kiddies,
   Medicine!!!!   Yes this topic is on the healthcare system.   Does your Doctor really listen to you?  I have had many Doctors during my lifetime and most were very receptive to listening to me and my issues. 
   I have recently run into a road block with my ex-Doctor, a simple misunderstanding that turned into a complete banning of services from her and all other Physicians in her network, "did I mention that most of the Doctors in my town are affiliated with this Doctors network"?   
   How can this be working for the common good of the public not to mention she cut off my prescriptions for chronic pain.   What happened to the Hippocratic oath of " First, Do no harm"!!!!!    Well I was certainly harmed and could barely move for nearly a month, what a B*#$h!   Prior to this we had a great relationship, now suddenly I am a pariah, that's bullshit no matter how you look at it.   I've had friends and family face this type of misconduct from Doctors before but never first hand and I can tell you it stings.
   Luckily I'm a Catholic and was welcomed with open arms to the only hospital "Catholic Hospital" not affiliated with that network.   Now they are putting me through a new series of nonsensical BS to get paid.  No Doctor should go into medicine to get rich it should be a calling regardless of the pay.
    In Cuba, cab drivers make more money than the Doctors do.   Now I'm not professing this but it is time that Doctors learned they are not God and should not treat their patients like shit!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

So many topic's, so little time

Hello Kiddies,
   Do you think that all of " God's " creatures have a since of their own mortality?  To follow most religious doctrines all was created by some higher being, regardless of the name and that humankind has domain over the planet.   This being the case are we not also the groundskeepers and responsible for it's maintenance?   This lecture really should be 2 separate blogs but I'm feeling daring!
   Inter-connectivity between species.   A big phrase for you Neanderthals out there, look it up.  At any rate we know that animals have instincts, we know they feel pain and can usually tell when they are content in their habitats.   So what makes the human animal more or less important than all the other species on the planet?   Does the "sacrificial Wilderbeast" *, not feel pain as the crocodile is chomping on it's hind quarters as it attempt's to cross a narrow river?  Most definitely, as we know it cries out in pain and struggles to get away. 
     Now what about domesticated animals, family pets?  They hold a special place in our hearts and some people tell their children that when Rover dies or runs away, he goes to doggie Heaven!   Okay so we feel we are more evolved because of all that we have discovered and created not to mention we have a "Soul" and thumbs.
   So if you believe all of this then you may have been a victim of Mr. Madof, it's a pyramid scheme.  " God" is at the top and some single celled organism is at the very base.   Since there are Angels and other Ethereal creatures above us, my guess is that we are about 3/4's or slightly better to the top of the pyramid, where "THE ALPHA & OMEGA" sits on a golden throne.  Now that we have established the hierarchy we can work on the inter-connectivity bit.  Every creature on this planet in one way or another is dependent on others for it's survival.   The higher you get to the top the more dependent you become on those at the base.  This is based on scientific methodology and empirical evidence, which isn't really good for the religious community but bare with me.   Here's the rub, if all human beings ceased to exist tomorrow, would the earth stop turning?  Ah....NO!  About the only things that would really suffer are creatures dependent upon us & the things that require us to maintain them.   On the other hand, if every single bee species were gone tomorrow humankind would be fucked for quite a while, as they pollinate plantsAs studies have shown us, the bee population is decreasing at an alarming rate, we might wanna look into what's up with the bee's.  Now here's the best part for you so called religious folks out there, If we did all die off tomorrow, since "God" is at the top of the pyramid, would "it" cease to exist too?    If you don't understand the analogy ask your mommy to explain it to you.
    You guy's starting to get the point about the stewardship of the planet?   Humans are the most dependent on the planet as we are at the top of the food chain or as I should put it "the earthly pyramid".   What does "God" have to do with this, personally I don't think "it" has anything to do with anything, this is for your edification not mine.    I am saying that if you are religious you should be more concerned with the health of this marvelous gift "God" has bestowed upon you.   I don't know that "God" is any more tangible than thought's of extreme fear and insecurity of man's own mortality.   I do think that Occam's razor comes into play here and that anything beyound death is a fairy tale to keep people on the straight and narrow.   Our very existence is just pure simple stupid luck.   So enjoy your time here as it's short and there probably is not anything beyound right here and right now.
* Thanks to my dear friend Jose Torres.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Flight's of Fancy

Hello Kiddies,
   Now what if I told you something that you should already know about sibling rivalry.   Israel and The Arab nations are actually from the same lineage.  Now I have a sibling and we don't get along all the time but most of the time things are pleasant.
   Don't you think that since this story is basically the same in both their holy books, may be if they actually read the entire fucking things then maybe they could tone down the anger, not to mention the killing of thousands of innocent people.   As I recall Abraham had several children, the first Ishmael and the second Issac.   
   Here's where the funny bit comes in, Abram " short for Abraham" was unable to have a child with his wife, so she allows him to procreate with their servant and along comes Ishmael, bouncing baby boy, oh happy day.  Until Abrams wife actually conceives and has a son Isaac.   Trouble in paradise, now Abrams wife say's to toss out his son from the first coupling as sharing is a no no I guess, in favor of their REAL son Isaac.

   Even back then it seems the women ran the household. Well poor Ishmael gets banished to the desert and from his lineage the Islamic faith is born.   Issac on the other hand is nearly sacrificed to please God, last minute God say's  "it's cool ha ha just testing your faith ".  From the lineage of Issac the Jewish faith was born.
Now I know that all deeply religious people say they have read their books cover to cover well if that's true why would you continue to kill your own family?  Sounds like some therapy is needed more than anything else.
   Funny thing about the Koran is, it mentions Jesus and many other key peoples and points that are in the Old Testament, yet the Old Testament barely acknowledges anything other than what the early Sumerians wrote "borrowed info Re: creation myth & the great flood"  and what they chose to say about Yahweh.   Maybe one day we'll look back and see how silly all this religious shit really is an just try to get through our lives with minimal pain towards one another... But I doubt it.  Oh yea and for all you Jew hating Christians out there here's the best part "Jesus was Jewish you DUMB FUCKHEADS!"

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Respect the office

Hello Kiddies,
    As all of America knows by now Barak Obama has done the impossible.  He looked through the looking glass and turned what appeared to be a mountain into the molehill it turned out to be " God Bless Seal Team 6".   You know there will always be a certain amount of trash talk between the various political parties, I just hope the lunatic rhetoric starts to tone down now.   This is pointed at the tea baggers and the Republicans.   Not only has your lunacy hurt the US in world opinion but I think a lot of it is really hidden racism.  
    Please lets not forget who started all this shit in the first place, no wonder Alfred E. Newman didn't wanna show his face at ground zero, people probably would have egged him.   OK, so it's no secret I don't like Bush but I did respect the office that he held while he was commander in chief.   Republicans, I'm sorry that Old man Potter the 2nd & the brain dead beauty didn't win but get over it.   Constructive criticism is fine, but The birthers and now the schoolers!    What the fuck will the talking hair piece ask for next?   Come on people we are the UNITED STATES of AMERICA, key word is UNITED.  He was elected legally and considering what he has inherited I think he's doing about a B- job.  The only reason it's a B- is three fold.
      1.  The patriot act is Bullshit and should be repealed IMMEDIATELY.
      2.  Stop hiring bankers to staff the treasury, why not give a Nobel Laureate in Economics a try.
      Lastly, put at least one major banker in jail over nearly bankrupting the planet.
  Aside from those 3 issues, which I consider major he would get an A- or maybe an A.  The heart of the matter is NO ONE SHORT OF A MAGICIAN could fix all this shit in four years let alone 8, so if you don't like his policies go apeshit.   Not respecting the Office the man holds IS FLAT OUT UN-AMERICAN.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Food for thought

Hello Kiddies,
    While I was baptized in the Roman Catholic church and am an Independent voter, I don't feel that one Ideological or Religious philosophy \ doctrine has now or ever will get the whole story right.   Humankind is flawed and so by sheer reason anything created by them cannot approach the exact precision of perfection.   I don't see this as a negative, because it would leave us bored and without ambition to learn if we could attain perfection.
     Since humankind is flawed if anything is factually or empirically studied long enough, well someone will find fault with it.   I have done this on more than one occasion, if you've followed my blogs  :) .   I truly in my heart of hearts believe our founding fathers had a noble ideal in wanting to " Form a more perfect Union" flawed...yes as a statement but as an idea it is quite ambitious.   I am an independent voter, in the sense that I choose the candidate that I feel will do the best job.  
      As far as religion, I follow much the same tact.   I don't think any one belief system has ALL the right answers.   My belief structure is more like a salad bar.   I like to pick and choose what I like from different belief systems and follow those basic tenants to guide my way through life.   While I believe in the balance of EVERYTHING  "Yin and Yang", I am not a Taoist.  Many of the 10 Commandments are excellent rules to live by as well but I have not been to church in over 20 years.   Those are ingrained in my head but try this on for size, every morning upon awakening I read the following:
1.   Take into account that great Love and great Achievements Involve Great Risk.
2.   When you lose, don’t lose the lesson.
3.   Follow the three R’s.
       A.  Respect for self
       B.  Respect for others and
       C.  Responsibility for all your actions
4.   Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck.
5.   Learn the rules so you know how to break them properly.
6.   Don’t let a little dispute injure a great relationship.
7.   When you’ve realized you’ve made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it.
8.   Spend some time alone everyday.
9.   Open your arms to change, but don’t let go of your values.
10.  Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer.
11.  Live a good honorable life, then when you get older and think back you’ll be able to enjoy it a second time.
12.  A loving atmosphere in your home is the foundation for your life.
13.  In disagreements with loved ones, deal only with the current situation, don’t bring up the past.
14.  Share your knowledge, it’s a way to achieve immortality.
15.  Be gentle with the earth.
16.  Once a year go someplace you’ve never been before.
17.  Remember the best relationship is one in which your love for each other exceeds your need for each other.
18.  Judge your success by what you had to give up in order to get it.
19.  Approach Love and cooking with reckless abandon.
    These are not my original thought's, I wish I could take credit for them but alas they stem from a wiser person than I, any guess's as to who?   Well at any rate the point of this is to be more open minded and live your life as you would like others to treat you.   Just act right, pretty simple if you ask me.


Friday, April 29, 2011

Indentured Servitude

Hello Kiddies,
    As we go about our daily lives do any of us take pause and really think about the conditions in which we live under?   We wake up, prep for work, work, go home and relax "generally that's the daily routine, no"?   Well this kind of reminds me of the days of old.   What do I mean by this?  Well not so long ago people entered into contracts with the wealthy to perform duties in exchange for transport, housing etc...   In exchange for this they worked, day in and day out until the debt was paid in full.   
    How is this akin to life in modern society?    Well upon being hired to a position you have guidelines you have to follow, very little if any say so as to your working conditions or upward mobility.   Don't think that just because you work hard you'll make it to the top.   That is actually a rarity, especially in this day in age.   Now there are those few who do attain upward mobility and even fewer self made zillionaires but buy in large most of us are stuck in the middle.  In exchange for our working we are paid, servants were not but they had all their basic needs met.   Isn't that the same as your paycheck?
     Once upon a time a single income could sustain the family, these days nearly the entire family has to work just to make ends meet, starting to sound a bit more like servitude, no?   Thanks to Globalization, monetary manipulation and sheer greed, wages are actually decreasing as time moves forward.   America is truly moving closer and closer to a Caste system of social order, this deeply saddens me as it's not the America I remember during my college years or perhaps I was just naive.
      I believe that slowly, with the erosion of unions and the degradation nay decimation of the middle class we are slowly sinking into an abyss that it will be difficult to reverse without real harm to our country as a whole.  If you look at a bell curve of wages overtime, just go back to the 1960's you will see that the curve in the center "adjusted for inflation" which represented the vast majority of us "middle class" is narrowing.  There are more Uber wealthy and working poor now than in recent history.   Something is gonna break, this road we are going down cannot be sustained or this great experiment known as "America" we have all been participating in is going to collapse in on itself, wait and see.  Life as we know it now is unsustainable: finite resources, deteriorating quality of life, fiscal irresponsibility and unpredictable disasters natural or otherwise will be our undoing.   These are the fact's write it off as BS if you want and pray to the technology Gods if you will but the only thing that's really going to save us is coming together as a nation and stop fucking each other out of equity for massive personal gains!