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Sunday, March 1, 2015

9\11 and ISIS

      These two tragedies are brother and step sisters.  The news continually asks experts why westerners are headed to Syria and other hot zones.  The answer is so simple that it's almost laughable they don't get it.

      Once 9\11 occurred Americans lined up for some payback, 'Patriotism".  A few were actually where they were needed "Afghanistan".   The others were duped and sent to Iraq because of Dick Cheney's 1% policy.  I don't blame the troops they just followed their orders.  Well Iran had already been working toward such lofty goals yet we didn't attack them.  Hmmm.  Why were we so WRONG about Iraq?  Some one in our Govt. had a Hard On for that country.  Talk about PTSD, these people (civilians) were terrified when the raiders came along either by day or night.  The Vice President at the time (in my humble opinion) should be indicted and put on trial for war crimes.

      ISIS, ISIL or whatever you wish to call them (true maniacal psychopaths who would give Hitler a bad name, if that's possible) got fed up with the way the Sunni people were being treated from years back, this isn't a new phenomenon it basically runs back to the 1950's.  The Shea have ruled over them and at times just let them live autonomous lives.  The nut's running the show now don't represent Islam anymore than I am God.  They have killed more Muslim people than any other ethnic group.  They are religious Zealots, which is stronger then Patriotism (believe it or not).  You are not fighting for your soul being a Patriot, they are since they are fighting behind the falsity of a religious cause.

     Youth have always been unpredictable.  Since the beginning of time they have rebelled and frequently do things that don't seem to make sense to the masses.  I'll just go back to the Nixon administration, most of us should remember that.  The flower children and or hippies stood up for what they believed and a few were killed (Kent state, comes to mind immediately) and their motto was don't trust anyone over thirty.  People tend to be more idealistic (overall) during their youth and as they age they will find their spot to blend in and it all works out.  Ten years from now the kids who survive will have a great dinner party story and the hoopla will be forgotten.

    "Side note", Nixon started the war on drugs (bad).  He also gave us the clean water & clean air acts (GOOD).  Current republicans want to kill the EPA... Think about it.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Isn't it funny?

   Does anyone remember back to 2008? Congress was given an ultimatum regarding fully funding the banks 100%, regardless of how it affecting everyday Americans. Most of us are still reeling from it. Did they come to the American people before voting on giving the banks a blank check, think back far enough and they never really consulted us about Iraq ( Our spy network essentially fabricated or at least bent the truth ) Just so a President could show his daddy that he had balls. "WMD my ass." Afghanistan I understand and it paid off.

   Suddenly a leader does something so incomprehensible that 98% of the world agreed that the use of chemical weapons should never be used. It's more than a war crime it's down right inhumane. I say we should bomb the shit out of them for 60 day's. Now I'll admit the last minute idea of wanting Congress to come on board caught me off guard. I don't think he's being weak (Per Se) maybe he thinks that with a united Congress behind him, he wouldn't look like a war monger.

    Suddenly every Congressperson is having town meetings to listen. Bullshit it's just another excuse to fight against the Presidents agenda. They never listened to their constituents before, why start now?

   What ever his reasoning, we have definitely lost the element of surprise.


Wednesday, August 28, 2013


Simple question.  Did the Mayan calendar include a year 0? If not then watch out this December..

Friday, August 23, 2013


     I was born in 1965, in Detroit, MI. This puts me on the cusp of Baby boom and Gen X, (depending who you ask). I spent my early childhood in Virginia then returned to Detroit. My mother is black and my father white. I was baptized Catholic but am non practicing. I've had more than 4 years of college and a year of Technical school but never declared a major (actually I attended schools in the North and South, they don't tend to transfer credits between each other) I found all of these circumstances to have been very special. In short I have never known the surety of normality, where do I fit in?

   As I grew and matured, I wish I had simply stayed on the farm. The violence and the injustice perpetrated on the weakest (and dare I say the poorest) of our society (and the world for that matter) is shameful.  FDR wrote up a document called the Citizens bill of rights. Sadly it probably wouldn't have passed Congress even if he had lived long enough. I hear and see remarks by people (politicians and others) who say if UR poor it’s UR own fault, if you think that you’re as foolish as wrong-way Wainwright was.

     Virginia had wide open spaces, fresh air, fields to run in, streams to fish and beautiful star gazing on clear nights. Most cities have none of these it saddens me to say and things are going to get worse. In the history of the United States there has never been such a disproportionate balance in wealth (excluding the Great Depression) . I still say eating the rich (not literally) before they seriously arm themselves is the best plan, but what do I know? Well I know one thing, and that’s when it’s time to get out of Dodge. The time is approaching. I'm not espousing that doomsday is near but I think our over dependence on technology and the decimation of the non recovering middle class will be our undoing.

   The scales of humanity should be balanced, they are not and because of this the entire system worldwide is in danger of tipping over. If the environment doesn't get us first (ha ha).

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

What will it take?

    A great President once said “all we have to fear , is fear itself”.

    On any given day how scared are you? About your: health, the economy, your children or other family, etc.  In my life time I’ve heard stories of terrible atrocities committed by other governments and of course our own. I have to tell you that I’m glad I don’t have children because frankly I believe that our rights under the Constitution will be so eroded that we will live under a Fascist Government, disguised as a Democratic Republic.

      This isn’t as wild an idea as you may think, who runs Washington right now? The voters? Be serious, Corporations control DC. Lobbyist are there grocery clerks. This can easily be fixed, campaign finance reform. That Citizens United bullshit was the most insane act the Supreme Court has EVER let stand. Most people will vote for the person they see the most on TV and who has the best performance in debates. All of that cost’s money, in come the Lobbyist’s and the game is over. The gas lobby is a perfect example of this, they know fracing is contaminating the whole of the US. Do these corporations care? After all they have all the rights of a human being short of voting. These companies are exempt from the clean air, water and superfund penalties. Here’s the real kick in the nut’s a great deal of this natural gas will be shipped over sea’s, where prices are higher.

      Well keep your heads in the sand, you’re gonna turn around one day and all the cops will be goose stepping. Don’t say you weren’t warned.