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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Nothing Special...

Hello Kiddies,
   Medicine!!!!   Yes this topic is on the healthcare system.   Does your Doctor really listen to you?  I have had many Doctors during my lifetime and most were very receptive to listening to me and my issues. 
   I have recently run into a road block with my ex-Doctor, a simple misunderstanding that turned into a complete banning of services from her and all other Physicians in her network, "did I mention that most of the Doctors in my town are affiliated with this Doctors network"?   
   How can this be working for the common good of the public not to mention she cut off my prescriptions for chronic pain.   What happened to the Hippocratic oath of " First, Do no harm"!!!!!    Well I was certainly harmed and could barely move for nearly a month, what a B*#$h!   Prior to this we had a great relationship, now suddenly I am a pariah, that's bullshit no matter how you look at it.   I've had friends and family face this type of misconduct from Doctors before but never first hand and I can tell you it stings.
   Luckily I'm a Catholic and was welcomed with open arms to the only hospital "Catholic Hospital" not affiliated with that network.   Now they are putting me through a new series of nonsensical BS to get paid.  No Doctor should go into medicine to get rich it should be a calling regardless of the pay.
    In Cuba, cab drivers make more money than the Doctors do.   Now I'm not professing this but it is time that Doctors learned they are not God and should not treat their patients like shit!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

So many topic's, so little time

Hello Kiddies,
   Do you think that all of " God's " creatures have a since of their own mortality?  To follow most religious doctrines all was created by some higher being, regardless of the name and that humankind has domain over the planet.   This being the case are we not also the groundskeepers and responsible for it's maintenance?   This lecture really should be 2 separate blogs but I'm feeling daring!
   Inter-connectivity between species.   A big phrase for you Neanderthals out there, look it up.  At any rate we know that animals have instincts, we know they feel pain and can usually tell when they are content in their habitats.   So what makes the human animal more or less important than all the other species on the planet?   Does the "sacrificial Wilderbeast" *, not feel pain as the crocodile is chomping on it's hind quarters as it attempt's to cross a narrow river?  Most definitely, as we know it cries out in pain and struggles to get away. 
     Now what about domesticated animals, family pets?  They hold a special place in our hearts and some people tell their children that when Rover dies or runs away, he goes to doggie Heaven!   Okay so we feel we are more evolved because of all that we have discovered and created not to mention we have a "Soul" and thumbs.
   So if you believe all of this then you may have been a victim of Mr. Madof, it's a pyramid scheme.  " God" is at the top and some single celled organism is at the very base.   Since there are Angels and other Ethereal creatures above us, my guess is that we are about 3/4's or slightly better to the top of the pyramid, where "THE ALPHA & OMEGA" sits on a golden throne.  Now that we have established the hierarchy we can work on the inter-connectivity bit.  Every creature on this planet in one way or another is dependent on others for it's survival.   The higher you get to the top the more dependent you become on those at the base.  This is based on scientific methodology and empirical evidence, which isn't really good for the religious community but bare with me.   Here's the rub, if all human beings ceased to exist tomorrow, would the earth stop turning?  Ah....NO!  About the only things that would really suffer are creatures dependent upon us & the things that require us to maintain them.   On the other hand, if every single bee species were gone tomorrow humankind would be fucked for quite a while, as they pollinate plantsAs studies have shown us, the bee population is decreasing at an alarming rate, we might wanna look into what's up with the bee's.  Now here's the best part for you so called religious folks out there, If we did all die off tomorrow, since "God" is at the top of the pyramid, would "it" cease to exist too?    If you don't understand the analogy ask your mommy to explain it to you.
    You guy's starting to get the point about the stewardship of the planet?   Humans are the most dependent on the planet as we are at the top of the food chain or as I should put it "the earthly pyramid".   What does "God" have to do with this, personally I don't think "it" has anything to do with anything, this is for your edification not mine.    I am saying that if you are religious you should be more concerned with the health of this marvelous gift "God" has bestowed upon you.   I don't know that "God" is any more tangible than thought's of extreme fear and insecurity of man's own mortality.   I do think that Occam's razor comes into play here and that anything beyound death is a fairy tale to keep people on the straight and narrow.   Our very existence is just pure simple stupid luck.   So enjoy your time here as it's short and there probably is not anything beyound right here and right now.
* Thanks to my dear friend Jose Torres.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Flight's of Fancy

Hello Kiddies,
   Now what if I told you something that you should already know about sibling rivalry.   Israel and The Arab nations are actually from the same lineage.  Now I have a sibling and we don't get along all the time but most of the time things are pleasant.
   Don't you think that since this story is basically the same in both their holy books, may be if they actually read the entire fucking things then maybe they could tone down the anger, not to mention the killing of thousands of innocent people.   As I recall Abraham had several children, the first Ishmael and the second Issac.   
   Here's where the funny bit comes in, Abram " short for Abraham" was unable to have a child with his wife, so she allows him to procreate with their servant and along comes Ishmael, bouncing baby boy, oh happy day.  Until Abrams wife actually conceives and has a son Isaac.   Trouble in paradise, now Abrams wife say's to toss out his son from the first coupling as sharing is a no no I guess, in favor of their REAL son Isaac.

   Even back then it seems the women ran the household. Well poor Ishmael gets banished to the desert and from his lineage the Islamic faith is born.   Issac on the other hand is nearly sacrificed to please God, last minute God say's  "it's cool ha ha just testing your faith ".  From the lineage of Issac the Jewish faith was born.
Now I know that all deeply religious people say they have read their books cover to cover well if that's true why would you continue to kill your own family?  Sounds like some therapy is needed more than anything else.
   Funny thing about the Koran is, it mentions Jesus and many other key peoples and points that are in the Old Testament, yet the Old Testament barely acknowledges anything other than what the early Sumerians wrote "borrowed info Re: creation myth & the great flood"  and what they chose to say about Yahweh.   Maybe one day we'll look back and see how silly all this religious shit really is an just try to get through our lives with minimal pain towards one another... But I doubt it.  Oh yea and for all you Jew hating Christians out there here's the best part "Jesus was Jewish you DUMB FUCKHEADS!"

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Respect the office

Hello Kiddies,
    As all of America knows by now Barak Obama has done the impossible.  He looked through the looking glass and turned what appeared to be a mountain into the molehill it turned out to be " God Bless Seal Team 6".   You know there will always be a certain amount of trash talk between the various political parties, I just hope the lunatic rhetoric starts to tone down now.   This is pointed at the tea baggers and the Republicans.   Not only has your lunacy hurt the US in world opinion but I think a lot of it is really hidden racism.  
    Please lets not forget who started all this shit in the first place, no wonder Alfred E. Newman didn't wanna show his face at ground zero, people probably would have egged him.   OK, so it's no secret I don't like Bush but I did respect the office that he held while he was commander in chief.   Republicans, I'm sorry that Old man Potter the 2nd & the brain dead beauty didn't win but get over it.   Constructive criticism is fine, but The birthers and now the schoolers!    What the fuck will the talking hair piece ask for next?   Come on people we are the UNITED STATES of AMERICA, key word is UNITED.  He was elected legally and considering what he has inherited I think he's doing about a B- job.  The only reason it's a B- is three fold.
      1.  The patriot act is Bullshit and should be repealed IMMEDIATELY.
      2.  Stop hiring bankers to staff the treasury, why not give a Nobel Laureate in Economics a try.
      Lastly, put at least one major banker in jail over nearly bankrupting the planet.
  Aside from those 3 issues, which I consider major he would get an A- or maybe an A.  The heart of the matter is NO ONE SHORT OF A MAGICIAN could fix all this shit in four years let alone 8, so if you don't like his policies go apeshit.   Not respecting the Office the man holds IS FLAT OUT UN-AMERICAN.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Food for thought

Hello Kiddies,
    While I was baptized in the Roman Catholic church and am an Independent voter, I don't feel that one Ideological or Religious philosophy \ doctrine has now or ever will get the whole story right.   Humankind is flawed and so by sheer reason anything created by them cannot approach the exact precision of perfection.   I don't see this as a negative, because it would leave us bored and without ambition to learn if we could attain perfection.
     Since humankind is flawed if anything is factually or empirically studied long enough, well someone will find fault with it.   I have done this on more than one occasion, if you've followed my blogs  :) .   I truly in my heart of hearts believe our founding fathers had a noble ideal in wanting to " Form a more perfect Union" flawed...yes as a statement but as an idea it is quite ambitious.   I am an independent voter, in the sense that I choose the candidate that I feel will do the best job.  
      As far as religion, I follow much the same tact.   I don't think any one belief system has ALL the right answers.   My belief structure is more like a salad bar.   I like to pick and choose what I like from different belief systems and follow those basic tenants to guide my way through life.   While I believe in the balance of EVERYTHING  "Yin and Yang", I am not a Taoist.  Many of the 10 Commandments are excellent rules to live by as well but I have not been to church in over 20 years.   Those are ingrained in my head but try this on for size, every morning upon awakening I read the following:
1.   Take into account that great Love and great Achievements Involve Great Risk.
2.   When you lose, don’t lose the lesson.
3.   Follow the three R’s.
       A.  Respect for self
       B.  Respect for others and
       C.  Responsibility for all your actions
4.   Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck.
5.   Learn the rules so you know how to break them properly.
6.   Don’t let a little dispute injure a great relationship.
7.   When you’ve realized you’ve made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it.
8.   Spend some time alone everyday.
9.   Open your arms to change, but don’t let go of your values.
10.  Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer.
11.  Live a good honorable life, then when you get older and think back you’ll be able to enjoy it a second time.
12.  A loving atmosphere in your home is the foundation for your life.
13.  In disagreements with loved ones, deal only with the current situation, don’t bring up the past.
14.  Share your knowledge, it’s a way to achieve immortality.
15.  Be gentle with the earth.
16.  Once a year go someplace you’ve never been before.
17.  Remember the best relationship is one in which your love for each other exceeds your need for each other.
18.  Judge your success by what you had to give up in order to get it.
19.  Approach Love and cooking with reckless abandon.
    These are not my original thought's, I wish I could take credit for them but alas they stem from a wiser person than I, any guess's as to who?   Well at any rate the point of this is to be more open minded and live your life as you would like others to treat you.   Just act right, pretty simple if you ask me.
