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Wednesday, January 30, 2013

A Warring Nation…


Since I have been alive we have been involve in armed conflicts with the following:

Vietnam War (1964–1975)
Post–Cold War era (1991–2001)
Persian Gulf War (1990–1991)
War on Terrorism (2001–present)

     Now I know I’ve said that this is not the America I grew up in, but I was wrong. I didn’t really pay attention to my early youth. We have been involved in an armed conflict somewhere on the globe during my entire life! How f*#ked up is that? Unreal, I guess with age does come wisdom to some people. Of all the countries named above how many can you point to on a map? By the way this does not include the covert operations carried on by the CIA.

    We have taken to calling every Vet. fortunate or not a Hero. This is to make US on the home front feel good since our troops are fighting pointless conflicts without an exit strategy! Will you please wake up and stop drinking the cool aid !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Before it’s all said and done there will be a reckoning and it scares me to write that it will affect us more then it will the American machine ie. our Government. Even though you may not remember how these conflicts started or ended do you know who does? The people we shot on the ground and carpet bombed from the air. They won’t forget and cultures have a long memory. Think about it!


Monday, January 21, 2013

Time for a re-examination…

    Why does \ did our President surround himself with the same economic advisors as old Alfred E. Newman? The simple answer is he wanted a second term. Alpha personalities always want to hold onto power. Wall street was never punished for the illegal (not to mention immoral ) act’s they committed. Some of them paid fines, but when it came down to it these damages did nothing to stop the abuses from occurring again. Our President talks a good game and seems sincere but as it’s said: The proof is in the pudding.  Maybe in his second term he can rally Congress to really get something done because aside from the Healthcare act he really hasn’t done too much. This from a campaign contributor!

Monday, January 14, 2013

Penn’s Perspective: Our history books lie and are incomplete

Penn’s Perspective: Our history books lie and are incomplete:      Tired of being pawns? Tired of cold war doctrines. Did you know you are an expendable pawn? Are you aware of these cold war doctrines? ...

Our history books lie and are incomplete

     Tired of being pawns? Tired of cold war doctrines. Did you know you are an expendable pawn? Are you aware of these cold war doctrines? Do you understand the lengths that the government, the US Government has gone to misrepresent world events so that business as usual can continue at the expense of innocent people all over the world! Our government was hijacked after the death of JFK. America's pseudo Romanesque attempt at military dominance of the world is seen the world over. We don't see it do to propaganda and or blind apathy. I have called on you to wake up before and sadly we get complacent and forget as long as the TV still works and you can watch American Idol and the local Mcdonalds is still open. We staved off Mitt Romney thank God but it's only 4 years away before the ruthless mongrels will be at the gates again. Stop being fooled by the evils of the world and do what you know in your heart to be right.

    Think all the allegations I made above are lies? Well read a world history book not printed in America. Get one from Canada,our northern neighbor. Our Presidents have been playing 3 card monty with information since WWII. All of the problems we are facing now were born from previous government administrations. The lies and misinformation that our government has foisted upon us over my life time alone is enough to make my head explode! We wanna make the world believe that we are the boss of the planet but we revert to the kindergarten politics of name calling when it's time for leaders to get something done for the American people.

      Aren't you sick of this bullshit!? These people are no smarter than the majority of us, more experienced with the political ballet that is the beltway, but if they don't or can't do the job we sent them there for than what good are they doing? Aside from obstructing progress, what has the tea party really done? They terrify the elderly and coerce citizens to vote against their own self interest. That's some major tap dancing. I've listened to all angles of the political spectrum, Dem., Rep., Green and Libertarian. How can you claim to be Christian and Republican today in American with out holding back laughter? These people (Republicans) have no human (HUMANE) compassion. It's fin for yourself or you're fucked. Well compassion is what separates us from the wild animals. Now if you wanna make the argument that Republicans are animalistic than I will accept that but thus far not one has stepped up to the plate and claimed this. Here's your chance to come clean Republicans...