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Sunday, August 28, 2011

The age we live in...

Hello Friends,
   This will be a short narrative about the United States as a whole and the preceding and future generations, hope you enjoy and maybe learn a few things.

   If you were blessed to be born during the Baby Boom generation through the Generation -x er's count yourself as extremely lucky.   Being born in 1965, I am on the cusp of both and feel truly fortunate to have lived during this period of time, let's reflect...  I have lived through a very unstable yet highly enjoyable time in history.   There was the biggest threat, called M.A.D. "if you are too young to know what this is, ask your parents or look it up" we came to the brink of world destruction twice, once in the 1960's and once during the Regan era "something most people don't know about".   I saw men walk on the moon "supposedly", a President kicked out of office, the evolution of microprocessor's & computers and all that goes with them.   Truly a wondrous time in history right?  

   Well maybe, maybe not.   Recently there was a power outage in my area and I began to truly reflect on what it all means.   I mean with no electricity or transportation we are basically back in the late 1800's.  Gasoline will only last so long in vehicles before it is unusable, so get yourself a diesel vehicle asap.   Something we basically take for granted, the power grid and without it, life as I knew it came to a screeching halt.   This outage even took out my cell phone, "so much for roaming anymore".   Honestly I think I would rather have not known this great civilization then to lose it and it is coming, this glorious period of life will be over soon and that will be a sad day.  Look I am not talking about the end of humanity, I am talking about a big paradigm shift.

   Many of our rights are already being curtailed, The Patriot Act for example goes against everything the founding fathers of this country stood for, factually I think it is Constitutionally illegal but that's for scholars to decide.   Like so many pieces on a checker board change is constant and we are being set up for the biggest herding of all time and it's not just here in America.   I will probably be long dead when this will make any sense or be relevant but I think it only fair to warn future generations of what they have to look forward to.   Chew on this for a minute, the very people running the country now were the flower children, they chanted never trust anyone over 30.  They have become what they vowed to fight against.  They did every drug imaginable, yet they won't decriminalize weed.

    Every President since Kennedy has been at the mercy of outside forces, we will never see another Eisenhower or FDR, we aren't built that way anymore.   With the exception of LBJ, Nixon and possibly Reagan to a degree, most of our Presidents since Kennedy have been puppets.   We all know the United States is "in reality, a Very large corporation" and we have not had a decisive CEO in many years.   So what's it all about, well be prepared.  Read background information, pay attention and if you begin noticing the President being out of the White House more often then in  it, you know something big is about to go down.    Sounds silly right, sounds like someone hasn't taken his medication, "well factually I haven't had a drink in a few weeks so...LOL".   Just prepare your kids to exist manually so they can pass it down to their kids, if\ maybe when the grid dies permanently consumerism will die and an agrarian culture will slowly develop, sadly we don't fix anything until it's broke and slowly that's where our country is heading "in more way's than one". 

   I'll leave you with this, the man who built the trigger mechanism for the first atomic bomb said " The problem with bombs is keeping them from exploding, not how to detonate them".

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Evermore the Cynic

The absolute best way to describe me is -> Cynical.  

What's the difference between a Mob family and a Wall Street Executive board?

   The answer to the joke is Mob Families have lawyers, Wall Street Executives have Lobbyist.   No one really seems to care about this, it's old news and what really happened is slowly coming out in movies like Too Big to Fail " Andrew Sorkin" but even better is Inside Job "Charles Ferguson".   I'm soon moving to the West coast, so who cares what I think.   If greed is going to be the driving force of our lives in America then I reject it, outright, so should you!

   If you really think Michelle "BS" Bachman is gonna bring back $2.00 per gallon gas, I own a nice bridge in New York for sale very cheap.

Monday, August 1, 2011

From my Mentor

Hello Folks,
   This is an interesting piece of mail I received from my Mentor and the smartest man I know.   I cannot give credit to those who documented the stated tax figures as I do not know the sources used nor his name as it may cause him harm but he knows who he is and I'm glad to know him.  Feeling fully comfortable with this man I am sure he did his homework, which is what makes him far more exceptional than I.

Legalization of marijuana will incur....
  The end to the Drug War in Mexico...,the slow down the illegal immigration issue save costs for Homeland Security & Border Patrol.    A taxation of an American cash crop that will assist in lowering our deficit and insure a healthier citizenry (stoners on average are healthier than drunks and crackheads), a relief against the illegal status of hemp as well (a long time ago a bunch of lunatics piled them together as the Big Evil) which will lead to cheaper paper, bio diesel, and cheaper textile supply than cotton (a predicted economy worth about 15 billion dollars a year world wide!)
  Some evangelical Republican moron will harp about imposing a moral political perspective and we just have to tell them that creating an economy based on selling small arms to the Mexican adversaries (yes Virginia we supply both side because we be greedy bastards) in the Drug War is as immoral as you can get---profit via the violent deaths of your neighbors. Now that's a sin!   Also, we sold about 2.1 billion dollars in small arms and accessories to the Drug War participants.
  Just weed...average consumption about a six pack of units (small doobies, cookies, etc) per week...let's say the average price is about 10 bucks.  The sin tax is about 10% or about a dollar a purchase....there is about 5 million pot heads (that will admit it)...$5M tax increase a week X 52 weeks=$260M
  If we replaced corn with hemp and charged the same amount that would equate to $390M tax increase per year.
  Based on the amount of equipment needed to sustain both markets we will need at minimum 1.8 billion bucks of machinery per year (farms, automated factories, shipping.etc) which will create about 1 million jobs. Tax the OEMs, the farmers, the workers and bingo--instant 280 million rocks in tax revenue.
  All together we will gain 930 million dollars a year...add the cost savings of a smaller police state, the tax revenues from double cheeseburgers and pizza we may have a billion dollars a year for free!
  THIS IS REAL EASY THINKING ISN'T IT? That is why Boehner is such a boner because he lives in a big box of bullshit and he can't think out of it.
Some day we will come to our senses.

Thanks to my good friend....