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Sunday, December 19, 2010

The End of 2010 and the Shit's about to really hit the fan

Hello Kiddies,
   Well lookie we made it through another year, well not all of us did.  I recently learned that Blake Edwards passed on, truly a gifted man who made millions tearful with laughter, he will be missed.   I always get a bit sentimental during this time of the year.   I've been married twice and twice divorced and I have no children.
I'm not bitter about these events and frankly the sentimental side of me tends to split between going MENTAL and forgetting about all the sentiment.  
    Hence my friend up top, "THE MAXX", once upon a time "when MTV was actually entertaining" they would show an animated version of the above.   Along with THE MAXX they had Liquid Television "if you are under 40, you won't remember in all likelihood" but it was very entertaining.  Wait for it, I'm getting to the point...As you probably know by now, I love History all history not just actual historical events but pop culture, art etc...  Another thing you won't remember are the good old bad days of the cold war.   Well I'm here to warn you as STRENUOUSLY AS POSSIBLE it wasn't pleasant and we're heading towards another one.   Not on the same scale as NATO Vs. The Warsaw Pact granted but back then the leaders of the respective countries had some semblance of respect for one another.   
    This is not the case today, between North Korea and Iran, all it's gonna take is one misstep and there goes the ballgame.   The leaders of both these countries are megalomania-cal headcases just looking for a reason to start shit.  You think this recession was\is bad, wait until a real war starts, not theses bullshit skirmishes that the CIA should really be handling but a real honest to God "that's right I used the G word" War!   Think it won't or can't happen, think about Israel and Iran and all their neighbors and then consider what Iran is up to and what we all know that Israel already has. 
     So back on point, why is THE MAXX up top, because he stood for something good and noble, if only in a little girls head...When I was a child, I had childish thoughts, when I grew to adulthood I found that nothing had really changed except the words got bigger and I had to pay taxes.
     We all had better hit puberty real soon.... or well you figure it out.   This will be my last entry for 2010...Next week I think I'll go to Mass instead.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Tis the Season?

Hello Kiddies,
    Sorry about last week and my tardiness last week, but if you've ever had a week and a half long birthday bash you know what I'm talking about, something new popped up everyday.    Now down to business, as many of you are aware no one knows exactly when Christ was born.   December 25 has it's roots in Pagan traditions.  So if we really don't know what the correct date is, wouldn't it be nice if we acted like everyday was Christmas?   Wouldn't humanity be better off, I say let the USA, the country that I love "contrary to what I have written" start the movement and see what happens.  Now I'm not dense enough to think we'll all be happy everyday of any given year but there are small things we can do, anonymously or not to help your fellow man.  It's been said "no good deed goes unpunished", I agree with that to an extent but truthfully minor inconveniences should not stop us from doing what we know is right.   An elderly neighbor may need their lawn mowed or more to the point today, shoveled out.   How much time does it really take to lend a hand, up not out.   Many many Americans are having a tough go of it currently and lets not forget about our furry little friends.  Pick a donation "odds are it'll be tax deductible" , it doesn't have to be anything large, I give to the Humane Society Yearly, not as much as I'd like but it's the thought that counts.   Well no speechifying this week, remember what's good for the whole not the individual is the best system on Earth.  Happy Holidays to All.    AMF....

Sunday, November 28, 2010

The Week in Review

    Well first and foremost Happy Holiday's Boy's and Girls.  As usual I'm onto a topic that most of you are not familiar with or just don't care about....But that's why I'm here isn't it.   Did any of you read or hear about the bombing of the small South Korean Island "The name can be found on any front page" by the North Koreans.  Why should we care about this, well for a start South Korea is an Ally of ours.   Secondly we are currently carrying out war exercises with the South Koreans not far from the bombed Island.  Lastly AND HERE'S THE RUB, all we ever did to resolve the Korean war was a tacit cease fire agreement, at the time China was a staunch supporter of the North (and still support's them) General McArthur wanted to drive the North into China or incapacitate them to the point of giving up.   The president at the time [Here's you're quiz: What President was in office during the Korean War?] between 1950 and 1953 decided General McArthur  was overstepping his bounds and promptly relieved him of his command.   Well I'm thinking the good General was correct, perhaps he had some foresight, as it is said "all Great people do".   Now back to the point "I do occasionally digress", China is attempting to ease the tensions between the North and South Koreans as an all out war would be a Horrific event, not just for the Koreans but for most of the Globe.  
      That's right I said Most of the Planet, why? well it's quite simple The United States is a \ the Leading Member of NATO and should a single rocket or bomb go anywhere near an American ship or aircraft guess what, the ballgame is over.  Now to tie this into a nice little bow for you.  We Never officially ENDED THE KOREAN WAR, TECHNICALLY WE ARE STILL AT WAR WITH THEM!  So an attack on a US flagship or plane means a possible war in the Orient, our ally's will probably get involved and that's the Ballgame kids...Those of you under say 35 and younger don't remember the cold war , some of you probably never heard of it but ask your older siblings, your parents or your older teachers.  In particular ask them the about the ironic term MAD.   So this Holiday season, give thanks for everything that is good in your life but pray for peace in the Far East or none of us may live to see the end of the world on 21, DEC. 2012  : ) .  AMF...

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Do we all know what this Document is:

    This and 3 other pages are the basis of our very lives here in the United Corporations of America.   All courts use this as their Holy Grail or should if they don't.   Our leaders have added amendments and it's been interpreted by scholars and more importantly the Supreme Court.  We take our rights for granted in this country but if you've been paying attention since before 9\11 or rights are slowly being redacted, changed or per-mutated into something no one can understand.   Folks this is Halloween and I hope you enjoy your parties, soirees or other social events but be forewarned there will be many changes in the near future that so egregiously smash the Constitution that we won't see or hear it coming.   For any of you reading this I'm not an alarmist but soon we really won't be in Kansas anymore...AMF

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

What, Where & why

Hello Kiddies,
  I'm at it once again.   Our electoral process has turned into a free for all for Whores, no offense to working women, I love ya ladies.  The electorate "you and I" are supposed to elect our representatives but we really don't.  Thanks to the Supreme court these clowns can be influenced by anyone on the planet.   I know this is boring but we are slowly giving away our ability to choose our elected officials.    Why does this matter to you, well just because you vote for a candidate-> what actually influenced you to vote for them? Have you personally spoken to them at a town hall, or spoken to them on the phone or even written a letter?   Probably not you are making your decision based on the ad's you've seen and heard on the Media.  The media really aren't the ones I'm demonizing here, it's the candidates themselves.  I know they need masses of money to run a campaign but we are really beginning to go off the deep end.  I propose a few changes, pay attention now these are straightforward and reasonable reforms that will make the election process much more Democratic than it's been in the past.
1.  Destroy, Dismantle or Demolish the Electoral College.
2.  All parties have 1 bank account from which an oversight board [non partisan] decides how much goes to who, this way no PAC or Lobby or Non-profit agencies can hold an Official in their pockets.
   Those two changes alone would make a world of difference.  I'm gonna keep this one short so maybe you'll read this and maybe we can have some real grass roots reforms, REMEMBER WE CONTROL THEM, THEY WORK FOR US and they should be held to a higher standard, It goes with the job.
Till next time,

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Just keep your head in the sand

Hello again kids,
   Yes it's your favorite anarchist at work again.  This weeks topic is about what the hell is our political system turning into.  I know immediately this will turn most of you off but I warn you this midterm election will be one of the most pivotal and important of our modern era.   We still have 2 main parties and a few offshoots we have the Republicrats and the Tea Party.   Over 100 people have taken on this moniker in their bid for Congressional appointments.  They originally had good intentions but they have mutated into some kind of mutated Monster, hell bent on Lowering taxes "which President Obama has already done" and cutting entitlements to the bare bone.   Here's the rub, most of the tea party supporters are in some way dependent on these entitlement programs so they are supporting people who are against their own interest.  The original Tea revolt had to do with taxation without representation, what is at the crux of this reincarnation.   They aren't listening to what these asshole candidates are saying, they are just reacting to the current state of the economy and FEAR.  A famous 4 term President said it best when he said "The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself" if you don't know which President said that you should pack your bags and give up your US Citizenship.  This whole debacle started before a lot of you were even born, nearly everything we do is regulated and in a society with laws and stability, this is a necessary.    Or people Will and HAVE run a muck at the expense and detriment to most of us Joe averages.  Americans please, I beg of you please vote for a Republicrat and not a Tea party candidate.   The discourse between the parties has fallen into an abysmal bottomless pit of 2 pitbulls fighting over a piece of meat because they haven't been fed in days.  Do any of you realize that once upon a time the tax rate on the Wealthiest Americans was over 90%, today they are whining about a 3% increase on a mid 30% tax on income.
It's been proven in the past, over and over again when all the wealth is controlled by a tiny portion of the population the community is doomed to collapse.   Distribution of assets is not only the right thing to do but it is the economically smart thing to do for fiscal solvency and and to quote the Constitution "promote the General welfare" of the citizenry [this term refers to the average American BTW not people on welfare].   Think about it that's all for now...AMF 

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Heroes "not the T.V show".

Hi again kiddies, Yes I'm still writing and few if any of you are reading sadly.  I'm gonna upgrade to a more accessible site just so I won't be so hard to find, so get ready.  The point to this story is a very simple one, it's about coping with death.  Now according to wikipedia "who borrowed the definition from some other source no doubt" the definition of a Hero "noun" is:
1. A real or mythical person of great bravery who carries out extraordinary deeds.
   2. A role model.
   3. The main protagonist in a work of fiction.
   4. A champion.
   5. An unwilling sufferer of an act of terrorism, terminal disease, or other tragedy.
   6. A large sandwich made from meats and cheeses; a hero sandwich
   7. Someone who possesses supernatural powers (in fiction) such as Superman.
Ok, so we have that out of the way, now I'm going to digress momentarily try to keep up. You remember the South Park "Shit" episode where they counted the number of times they said Shit in the episode, well I've come to the conclusion that the word shit & hero are analogous.  If you saw the South Park episode you know where I'm going, if not or if so read on.   Look, I think it's very admirable for our young men and women to join the service to be sent God knows where to do God knows what but come on folks.   If you happen to be standing to get a clearer shot at the enemy instead of kneeling and you take one through the chest YOU ARE NOT\WERE NOT A HERO , you were unfortunate, unlucky, wrong place wrong time but not a Hero.  We are using the word to describe everyone who is killed over there, the media is chomping on the bit at this because you've all been drinking the cool aide since Nixon.  In short if the word is used to describe everyone who dies on some foreign shore it losses it's meaning as the folks on South Park were pointing out.  Now don't get me wrong, there are genuine Heroes out there, but what we are doing now is a mockery of the word and it should be stopped.   If you need that word to describe your loved one lost in battle as a coping mechanism, I know a few good shrinks out there who would be happy to talk to you.
Till next time AMF.....

Sunday, August 29, 2010

What happened to Men?

Hello Boy's and Girls,
   Yes it's me once again to share with you a few words of Wisdom.   Well I've finally met the women of my dreams without lying to her about anything, can you say the same?   Patience is a virtue "someone once said" and it's paid off for me.   Fellas, we all want certain things from the women we are with but oft times we settle because of fear of treading into the unknown, well that's exactly what I did... I jumped blindfolded and headfirst and won her over with my intelligence, charm and loving heart.    Not a lot of men would admit to what I just wrote, but intelligence is a big turn on for most women.   So instead of trying to be someone you're not, be yourself and jump into the Abyss.   You may need to sharpen certain aspects of your personality but that's self improvement something we should all strive for.   Look, women have an edge on us, we "men" should be able to admit to this, it's simply a fact.   Quit lying to them, it makes them jaded and un-trusting of the next guy who comes along.    Odds are she'll take her angst out on the next guy as I think a lot of women clump all men into the same catagory, ie "tail chasers".   Well if that's what you want, there are lot's of women who just want a fuck and move on, thank God for the women's Lib. movement but we have a responsibility to well "the human race" to at least attempt to stop this on going feudal relationship between men and women.   As I've said before we have the stupid gene and they are emotional roller coasters "at times" but you gotta take the good with the bad and if you take a little time to just LISTEN to them maybe you can empathize with them, you have no idea how this will improve your relationship with your Lady, spoil them as often as you can and don't cheat on them, that should be obvious but it must be written.   If you want "out" be a man and say so, there are plenty of legitimate reasons for ending a relationship but think for a minute about what you found sooo appealing about her in the first place and talk to her, and please if I here that fucking term metrosexual one more time I think I may go apeshit.   What kind of MAN want's to be known as a metrosexual...Are you seeking an entire city to Fuck?  I know what the term implies and if I was addressed as such I'd literally go apeshit on him, if it were a woman I would address her respectfully and ask her reasoning behind tagging me with that dubious title and discuss why it doesn't apply to me at all.   Guy's you don't have to be half woman to be a whole man, this generation is going through some type of weird transformation that I just don't get.   I was born in the mid 60's at the end of the boomers and the beginning of the gen. xer's, when men were still men, we better get back to that or civilization as we know\knew it will cease to exist.   A very sad prospect indeed.   AMF for now.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

A Jumble of All things Stupid

Are you one of the many who belong to this club?   Don't feel bad just please don't procreate!  Is our current President a Muslim or a Christian?   Well I don't give a fuck first off but to all you morons polled and responded Muslim please know that all evidence points to the contrary.   Do we want to lead by example, most say yes, now I know 9\11 was a tragic day in every Americans Life, but since when do we unanimously ban any one from doing anything because we feel it may or may not be in good taste?   Think about all these bans and laws, it's a slippery slope and sooner or later one of these will be coming to a neighborhood near you!   If good taste were the mandate in the US half of us would be gone know who you are.   Global Warming, I love this one, now it seems we mostly agree that it  is happening BUT man can't have done it so let the planet fix it, duh.  Look you asses whether it's natural, man made or a combination who cares, when a fire starts you grab a hose and start putting it out and worry about the who donnit later.   Please tell me you see the point that's being made. We have to have a paradigm shift and very soon, if we wait 15 or more years to switch from fossil fuels to hybrids are Grand kids are screwed.   Enjoy their cute little cherub like faces now, cause one you die, you ain't floating up or down anywhere, your dead ass is just gonna decompose in an overpriced piece of fiberglass or wood.   Has anyone noticed the surge in tectonic activity this year?   Stupids there's lots of hard words in this one so please feel free to try and use the dictionary.  Well I think I've given you enough for now to have a headache, so AMF...

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Why oh why

Well here we are again kid's, in the words of Beetleguise. What's the topic of the day, well there is so much in this great big old world of ours, but I think it's time to tackle a very sticky subject. Evolution Vs. Intelligent design and should they both be taught in schools. Well near as I can tell as far as the national test scores, none of them can explain either. I remember when I was in school we all said the pledge of allegiance, ask any of your kids to recite it, I'll bet 90% of them can't but ask them there high score on grand theft auto they'll spew it out quicker then you can finish your sentence. Does anyone else find something wrong with this. I don't condone or condemn the whole prayer thing but it should be a matter of choice. That being said who in the FUCK thinks intelligent design holds water against evolution, aside from old Alfred E. know who I mean. Read your Bible all you want, go to church all you want and if it gives you comfort ...GREAT. But it doesn't make it true, there is nothing in the Constitution stating WE ARE A CHRISTIAN NATION, nor does it mention anything about capitalism, the other great evil in our lives. So what does school teaching, religion and capitalism have in common? They've all been bastardized, in the name of guess who, that's right the wealthy kick in again. We really are the puppets in this county and I see a day soon when, the few middle class heads north to Canada and the poor head south to Mexico. And guess what, I'll shed a tear for the rich who will no longer have anyone to exploit, who the FUCK do they think made them wealthy in the first place. Some of it in day's of old was EARNED, these Captians of industry invested in businesses, they didn't sell junk bonds, credit swaps or subprime lending. Until we get back on track as the manufacturing base of the world we will surely go the way of the dodo and Rome, remember that empire a few years back. Remember why it fell "well I am not gonna tell you look it up, maybe you'll learn something". Big business is killing off the unions the only semblance of a voice the ordinary American had in DC and they say it's good for the economy. If you think we're coming out of this recession by these damn indicators they show on CNN, grow up. Oh yeah and these companies laying off tens of thousands of workers and making the rest work themselves to death, or replacing them with robots, well guess what...That's your consumer base for your goods and services and without the middle class you wealthy fuckers are going to get boned without Vaseline, the masses will rise up sooner or later & the day is coming, I promise you a day of reckoning you will soon not forget, unless you're lucky and get killed quickly. Don't you get it, without a relative distribution of wealth this country is doomed. Everyone is influenced by someone or something, but I think we've gone a little overboard and it's gonna catch up to us with in the next 20-25 years if that long. Heed my warning, these reality shows won't keep the blinders on the people forever and a critical mass will build and there goes the farm. My understanding is that many of you believe the bible is literally true. No disrespect intended but your about as stupid as a slug "look it up if you don't know what that is". This brings me back to my original point, division or=f church and state, THAT'S IN THE DAMN CONSTITUTION FOR A REASON. If you can't rap that up in a tight little bow then I've been giving you much more credit than you deserve...We let them put all this shit into place we can take it away, nominate your morally sound neighbor for State senate, and watch all the quorums, The day he doesn't do as the voters request demand they be removed from office and I'll say it again for the millionth time outlaw lobbyist and PAC's & we do need tort reform, another one for you to look up...I ain't gonna do it all for you morons...AMF

Friday, August 13, 2010

Do Women know what they want?

Now I'm a divorcee' x2 so I like to think I have a rudimentary understanding of the female species. Nope wrong, just tear up the paper you've got and start from scratch. I've been on the net again now for about 2-3 months and I can tell you beyound a doubt that either these women don't exist in the first place or in order to communicate with them or even read their correspondence suddenly you get hit with these crazy mad fees. Now this is not the women 's fault unless it's a big conspiracy like the JFK thing and only a precious few men get to the true inner sanctum, not pussy , just access to the real women on the sites. Okay so label me cheap, but you'd be wrong. Yes I'll admit to being frugal but of all the dating sites out there which do you choose? Look I'm 44 financially independent and could well afford to join several sights if I had some kind of guarantee, which I know is impossible, so what's my gripe. I met a woman and I swear on paper we are the ultimate couple, the site even acknowledges this, I send her a flirt "I assume she reads my profile which matches what she want's almost down to the letter" No response, I've got about 1k messages from Russian dating sites but communication over there is for shit and by the 4 or 5th conversation they are asking for cash. Sometimes you'll get a couple that will go the extra mile a show a nude pic. of somebody, who knows if it's really them, yes it's the cynic in me coming out as per usual. Ladies there are good, well intentioned men out here, not just looking for a 1 nighter, some of us myself included actually want a relationship with a woman and frankly yahoo has turned into a slut farm... Yeah I said it, if you want money to show you damn tit's come over here get sponged up and wash my damn car you arse holed heartless bitches. I realize everyone has to eat but fuck, can't yahoo just automatically send them to 1 chat room, there some men' s fantasies can be fulfilled blissfully OH AND BY THE WAY THE GIRL CONTACTING YOU IS PROBABLY NOT EVEN IN THE COUNTRY, SHE'S JUST THE BAIT TO GET YOU ON THE HOOK, THEY PROMISE NO FEE'S I HAVE A SECRET PASSWORD WE JUST NEED YOUR CC NUMBER TO VERIFY YOUR AGE. GUY'S READ THE FINE PRINT, IT ALWAYS MENTIONS SOMETHING ABOUT AGREEING TO THEIR TERMS, THIS MEANS YOU LOSE CASH, BUYER BEWARE.
Okay i'm a bit less pissed now but that Blackbox XXX is infamous for doing this, just watch cinemax, hell you're already paying for it or watch a real porno, that woman on the other end of her cute little webcam gyrating around the camera could very well be a loop created for us morons and by us I mean men.
I'll explain it so even my dead uncle Charlie can understand, Men are born STUPID it's a genetic thing no ones found it yet but they will, usually growing up we have this fixation on the woman all men love "mommy" but she's really setting us up for heartache and pain, this is not intentional it's just what they do.
Women are born with the eccentric gene "I usually call it the insane gene" but in deference to all the women out there who control these sporadic fits of insanity I'll use eccentric. You can not control this anymore than we can control our stupidity. All I'm asking is that you play fairly and gently with us as we are mentally challenged and when you come down to it you ladies can get us to do just about anything just with a snap of your finger, I've been through it twice and G-DDammit it ends right here and now, If you are looking for a serious, intelligent gentleman, with above average IQ, has a variety of talent both in & out of the bedroom let's go for a bike ride or a 2 day car trip, if both are still alive you will probably last a while.
You ladies know the jerks almost from go street, but you see them anyway and get more jaded then before you went out with the arsehole then my stupid ass comes along and has to put up with the shit you really should have shoveled on the original JACKASS. So to tie this all together guys get help with your "mommy issues" hell get a shrink if necessary. Ladies be kind to us you already have half the money and ALL the pussy, smile you're sitting on a million bucks.
That's all for now, have a good life and meditation is a great way to keep things in check...That's for all of us...AMF

Monday, August 9, 2010

I've been on Hiatus

To Anyone who reads this. Well what's new? Americans need to get a life!!!!! Why is someones sexuality so titillating ? Why is who fucked whom and where it occurred so exciting to Americans.
Why is this shit water cooler fodder. I myself sometimes "like to get busy in a Burger King bathroom" That's from an old rap tune by the way and may or may not be true but who gives a rat's ass. You know when celeb's "come out" it's, all over the world the next day, over 5 million people have been killed in Africa over some politigous non sense. I just created a new word combine political & religious = politigous. Okay so people are starving, being murdered, raped, just flat out anarchy. No one cares, it's depressing and what do I care...It's not affecting me, or is it? I mean let's face it people are always fighting over something, I don't think the near east has seen any semblance of peace in 2,000+ years. So why should we give a damn about all those other people, we have a lot of home grown problems. Yes while it is true we have had a rough time of it lately, people losing their life savings, their homes and jobs. But the truth of it is the Federal Government "all Branches for the most part" , before I go any further can you name the 4 branches of our Government...If you answered yes you're an IDIOT, there's only 3 branches you moron. This is grade school shit, no wonder most adults aren't smarter than a fifth grader.
I'd be willing to bet you that if the President wasn't of a dark persuasion, many of you wouldn't even know his name. THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT IS SUPPOSED TO WORK FOR US REGULATE CERTAIN ASPECTS OF OUR LIVES AND KEEP US SAFE, Now there are individuals and vocal groups screaming keep your overbearing hands out of my state you Fed.'s, I remember a few years back when Texas threatened to leave the Union, well states do have the right to be stupid as we all do but after banging your head a 100 times and it get's you no where isn't it time to get a new strategy? That was "by the way" the definition of insanity. Frankly I don't know Ex President Chene...opps I meant Bush, he's probably a decent guy but as a president he stank, You get up in arms about Ex-President Clinton getting a blowjob, but I'll tell you a little secret...Now you have to promise not to tell anyone. IT WAS ON CLINTONS' WATCH THAT ALL THIS DEREGULATION GOT STARTED...SHHH, and aside from that I think he was a Great President, and continues to be a Statesman don't get me wrong he's no Jimmy Carter...yet? So what's the point to all this it's very simple A man once wrote "Know thy history lest you're destined to repeat it" I know that's not the actual quote but I think it sounds better. Oh and by the way trickle down economics for the ultra rich is just their way of saying fuck all you little monkeys "that's all of us in case you didn't get it". Now you don't hear them whining about the economy & the possible tax hike, no they don't want it SO they hire lobbyist and PAC's to basically BUY you're representative so they have the money to get reelected. It's a vicious circle, and I'd rather write about it than be in it. Do you guy's even know that a country went Bankrupt after all the shit hit the fan, can you name the country...I'll bet you 10 to 1 you don't, It was depressing and they aren't of any particular importance to us so what the fuck, I think CNN might have said 2 words about it and the BBC to their credit may have said 5 words or so, I realize anyone in the world could be reading this and a lot of you know more about our history than we do, the questions were aimed at Americans but feel free to play along. So how to tie this into a nice little bow, not easily so I won't. BUT... A Sitting President shouldn't be able to pardon anyone in Administration for anything by anyone from now until perpetuity. Whatever deregulation caused this shit needs to be put back into place exactly as it was, I mean for fuck sake we've sold our Great grandchildren's future to the Chinese, let's hope they never call our note due to a lack of funds, as oh so many banks did to we poor and not so poor little primates. Lastly I really will move to Canada if you Asses elect S. Palin to anything other than garbage commissioner. Have a pleasant Week, and pick a topic worthwhile to chat about.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

What's the Big Deal "for Woody H" Zombie Killer

Do y0u remember the movie Refer Madness. Well I recently had a chance to watch it again. I laughed my arse off. The length's the US government will go... This "war on drugs" campaign we've had for all these years is a sad attempt to keep hemp out of the mainstream population. The by product is of course MJ. Now lets look at this, drunk driving accidents "thousands per year", MJ related accidents "few if any". Many states are realizing the medicinal value, not to mention that there are very few side effects if any. Look at the medicines advertised on TV today, they give a literal grocery list of side effects and some can make you worse off than you began. MJ on the other hand might give you a really bad case of the munchies, dieters beware..ooohhhhh!!!
Look everyone knows MJ is harmless aside from a few brain cells fewer than drinking. Until the Fed.'s acknowledge this don't be caught with any without a CARD or it's off to the slammer. Here's the funniest part, it wasn't illegal until some wealthy guys figured out that hemp would cut into their timber revenues, and well you know the wealthy have the government eating out of their can figure out what happened next. Legalize MJ, we're all watching you California, get out & vote to legalize it, then we'll see if the Fed.'s get moving. If Obama doesn't do it we're screwed.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Monday, July 26, 2010


Why do I seem so angry at our system? Well truthfully I'm not, I'm disappointed with the legislators who represent us. Once again, it comes down to money, lobbyist start with a bundle of it, but who really speaks for us, when engaged with our rep.'s but we don't put enough money in their pockets to buy a ten minute ad. Truthfully if a corp. want's to donate to my candid that's fine but there should not be ANY QIUD PRO QUO. We must stop this now or it's gonna turn into a runaway train, and before you know it the D. Cheney's of the world will be running it all. Everything I write is factual not truth or false "that belongs in Philosophy & Mathematics" though I don't quote sources of most of what I type "This information is common knowledge". Talk to your children about the way the country is going, don't be hateful or vengeful in this explanation, Simply explain to them THE FACTS and if you're unsure look them up and further if you want my view,"which is even handed and non biased. I'll send you a copy of this information for the low price of 12.95 + shipping all will be hand autographed, and feel free to contact me with any discrepancies, if you can find one. Hint It all began with the OSS then the CIA then Castro, in Cuba. If you don't believe me do your own research or buy the booklet and find out, this is not a mass marketing scheme, I can't even accept credit cards only money orders and certified checks. Read this to you kids or MAKE them read it or the American dream will be lost forever. Have you looked at your kids history books lately? I can tell you they don't look like ours did, nor does it have the same important details about the world. If interested e-mail me at> The facts are out there you just have to dig a bit, well I've done the digging and am willing to show you the light if you wanna see it.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

3 rd

Hey Folk's,
I'm not feeling the love re: my posting yesterday...please read it , I MEAN REALLY READ AND COMPREHEND IT, If you were born before 1966 things won't be too bad for us but I'm telling you that anyone born afterwards is gonna catch hell if we don't act now, I don't have kids. But most of you do, maybe even a few grand kids, think about gasoline rationing from the 70's. Now imagine water rationing in the next 30-45 years, won't affect me. D. Cheney's "energy joke" is Literally killing people, but we are gonna remain apathetic, just wait till they come to lease your land.
Oh yeah, nice big check then suddenly you water goes south, and you can't even take a shower. The burbs will disappear and the old [cities] will become the new again as city H2O is filtered or bottle water will go through the roof-> you relize most bottle water is no safer than the tap water in your house.
Look I'm a college Educated professional, not a conspiracy theorist but just look at how things are now and push our current condition a few years down the road if we have the same policies in place...Where will you're kids be safe to eat, drink or even live. Remember the movie Bladerunner....

2 nd

Look I'm not calling for a coup, or riots...Far from it just a few modifications that would make our Forefather's Grand experiment proud. I'm Fed up with this crap, & it's not even about me I live fairly comfortably but ...Life, Liberty & The pursuit of happiness is what's written...NOT LIFE, BRIBERY AND THE PURSUE TO F35K ANYONE YOU CAN FOR A BUCK.
No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. ”
Can you think of at least 1 example where this, the basis of it all has be bent or broken. Everyone should read the Constitution, in fact make your kids read it keep a copy of it on your computer, they [Corporate America] are using this Noble Living Document to Steal everything they can and as we have no LOBBY for the people well let's just say money talks and votes...well votes just let a few more foxes stand guard.
Write to me, give me you're opinions, this is a free FORUM, but all I ask is we have to Lead ,follow or just go back to sleep...Oh and Trickle down economics does work...for the super Wealthy, you $10-15 /hour job, where you are over worked, over stressed
and what ever else you have to put up with, is a result of this corner stone of AMERICANIZED CAPITOLISM, NOT TRUE CAPITOLISM.
Write to me, give me your opinions...I want to read your thoughts and idea's. I'll close for now by saying, 1984 isn't very far away George O. was just off by a few years.


I want to plan a day where every American stands up to the government in protest to all the lying, dirty deals and BS the networks feed us. We need to remind Washington that we are still a nation of,by and for THE PEOPLE.
Something to call attention but nothing to call out the National Guard.
Lets take our time and think up something original but something the US
Govt. won't ever forget. Try to get your bosses in on this too. They "Washington" are taking us for granted & for a ride. I have no
problem with any of the 3 branches, but quite a bit to complain about
with specific individuals. Guy's you can't Blame everything on Obama,
he just represents the Executive Branch...I'm much more concerned with
the Judicial & The Congress. The Supreme Court recently gave
Corporations many of the same rights as HUMAN BEINGS.
Congressmen [C.D] outright LIE and when caught at it just basically said SO. The conflict between DC higher up's and Corporate America is a revolving door. In other word the Foxes are guarding the Henhouses. Soon it won't be the USA, it will be the UCA = United Corporations of America. At the vary least WE the people should have our own lobbyist in DC.
We should kill off the Electoral college..It's an antiquated joke and dismantle or seriously overhaul the Lobby groups in DC. I say let those asses on wall street fail, would your life really be any worse if we didn't bail them out? Think about it, IT'S OUR COUNTRY and if we don't stand up right now soon it will be too late, just do me 1 favor, send this message to all your friends and as a mass of humanity we can fix this. If you think we live in a Democratic're sleeping at the wheel. But all hope isn't lost as long as we still have the will and the fortitude to get things right and equitable for all AMERICANS.
Our country was based on Great ideals but you tell me anyone who is worth over $50Million a year and I'll show you a GREEDY son of a B#$%h. Greed is in our nature but the closer we move to a GLOBAL ECONOMY the more interlaced we'll be. For instance what if say Hong Kong were to take a nosedive or worse China do you realize our great grand kids would still be paying what we owe now if we stopped borrowing today!