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Friday, June 15, 2012

Penn’s Perspective: The Rapture...

Penn’s Perspective: The Rapture...:    Delusion is defined as:  false belief: a persistent false belief held in the face of strong contradictory evidence, especially as a symp...

The Rapture...

   Delusion is defined as: false belief: a persistent false belief held in the face of strong contradictory evidence, especially as a symptom of a psychiatric condition.

   What's more likely?  Did God create us or did we create God?  Well it's nice to think that there's an Alpha and Omega but really isn't it a bit silly?  God has a plan for us all, God works in mysterious ways.  Both sayings I'm sure you're familiar with but if God does exist do you really think it has any concern for you whatsoever!  It is running the entire universe.  Also the world is not four thousand years old!  Hell I can go outside right now and dig about 10-12 feet down and find a rock that's older than that!   It's done with a process called carbon dating.

   Listen, I have nothing against you Christians who choose to believe this nonsense but just know you're gonna have a long long wait for the rapture.  Not to mention only a limited number will be called, of all the Christians, what makes you so special that you believe that you'll be amungst the chosen?  

   All the holy books were written by men, human men!  Wise human men but men none the less.  As humankind hasn't really changed since those times what makes you think that they are absolutely right in the words they wrote?  Many people fall prey to cults every year, sadly many of them believe so greatly in the nonsense their leader spews out, that they voluntarily commit suicide.  Now I will give them prop's for dedication but come on.  Does Jesus or Muhammad really need martyrs?

   While no man is perfect, Reptiles (ie. Republicans) use the Christian right to help them get into office.  As far as I'm concerned this is spelled out clearly in the Constitution, freedom from religious tyranny
and the separation of Church and State.  So let's recap.  Conservative Christians are delusional and they are being lead around by the nose by idiots who think they can be your Sheppard!  Look I'm a lapsed Catholic so I understand the pull the Holy books have.  I believe that something happens when we die but I'm not gonna put stock in a book written two thousand years ago!  So use your "God" given brains and don't believe everything you read.  After all the creation of Eve is told two different ways in the first two chapters!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Penn’s Perspective: Progeny...

Penn’s Perspective: Progeny...: Hello all,     No I didn't die, I was just consumed with finishing my manuscript.  Hopefully it will be in a book store near you soon.   ...


Hello all,
    No I didn't die, I was just consumed with finishing my manuscript.  Hopefully it will be in a book store near you soon.

   Now, to the point.  How many of you REALLY think about the future your children will inherit prior to actually having them?

   The world as we know it now, will not exist in fifty years.  You may choose not to believe it but sometimes fact's are painful.  Don't be overly panicked, the world probably won't go through an Armageddon like event but there will be changes to the world that not even technology will be able to overcome.

    The steps we should be taking now to lessen the dramatic effects of what's to come are fought by both Governments and private corporations vested in the status quo.  I am not anti carbon based energy, it is our (The US's) most bountiful energy resource, but contrary to what you see on TV we are not utilizing carbon sequestration technology and fracking for natural gas is not being monitored as it should due to deep cut's in the EPA's budget.  Science has proven through empirical data and peer review that climate change is real and it's not a matter of if it's cyclic or if we humans are doing it.  The issue we face is are we going to help or hinder this process?

   I don't think there is a conservative out there who thinks or will admit that climate change is real and won't do so until they walk out to their car and find that it's 110 degrees in winter in Michigan!  These people are so pro business and so anti revenue generation (via taxation) that they are blinded by what is glaringly apparent to any sane and reasonable person.

   That's the background, now back to the point, your children.  Do you know that of all the water on the planet, only 1% is fresh and drinkable.  That does not include desalinization plant's.  Florida and California both are utilizing this technology as well as other countries around the world.  Soon the north pole will have no ice covering during it's summer season which comes sooner and sooner each year, if you haven't notice.  Resources will begin to become more and more scarce and if you understand anything about supply and demand economics,
then you should understand that as demand for a scarce commodity rises, so does the price of said commodity.  Thankfully scientist's have discovered the reason for the European bee die off but as of yet they have no means of controlling the parasite from infecting the bees.  Bees are needed for pollination in case you were curious, without them our ability to grow food becomes nearly impossible.

   Now if you choose to have children, please be sure you can send them to college and maybe they can be part of the solution.  On the other hand if you're an idiot and married Betty Lou, your third cousin, please wear a condom.  Having kids for the sake of it, is out of fashion, it's not vogue and will only exacerbate an already sad state of affairs.