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Sunday, January 30, 2011

Terror, not Terrorist's or Terrorism

Hello Kiddies,
    I realize that I promised you an expose' on the world of online dating but I found it not to be worth writing about, save these few thoughts.   I visited the following:  Mate1, SpeedDate, Zoosk, PlentyofFish, The FacebookDatesite, Chemistry, and others ad nauseam.   The long and the short of it is that yes they are free to join and usually to post your profile, after that is when things can get a bit twisted.   Some will let you view "Upgraded = Paying" members messages to you but you can't respond, some won't let you read their profiles and other deceptive tricks just to get you in the door.   Once in, even without a photo on one site I was honest about myself and got 30 hit's the first week, so I tried the free 3 day trial [was actually $4.47], so much for free right, but ok.  1. Disclaimer, "I do not pro-port that these sites know what is going on."     However if they don't, someone is asleep at the switch.   I contacted 5 of the 30, all listed the USA as current home, the facts are these: 1 was in the Philippines,3 in Western African Countries and lastly 1 in Russia.   In short,  Appearances Are DeceivingTry the local grocery store or e-Harmony and save your time, money and stress limit.  BTW, before the end of the first week of chatting with them, all wrote they loved me and needed money.  NFW
     Now to the real subject matter, Terror.   I recently watched the movie Green Zone, starring Matt Damon and it triggered something in me.   We are really the biggest thugs on Earth.   No country since our inception has been involved in more war's or "conflicts" than those started or [intervened in] by us, "The Good Ole US of A" and occasionally the backing\aid of NATO.   We are a warrior tribe, just looking for the next country to pounce on.
      Stuck in the middle are our troops, legally bound to run into any dumb-ass fight a President chooses to start, forget about Act's of Congress to declare war, it hasn't been done once since before Korea, yet oddly enough there is a conflict "previously a war" in Iraq, a war in Pakistan which will result in a sum tole of ZERO results, a war on Crime and oh yea don't forget The War on "DRUGS" which no one believes we will ever win "the last two are obviously facetious".   There I said it, not many of you folks know it but all wars are supposed to be enacted by a formal declaration by the US Congress.   It's only in the Fucking Constitution, which our Law Makers\Representatives have taken a big ole shit on and just keep chipping away at it with these dumb ass Amendments, "sorry" another tangent, gotta learn to stay on point.
     Well as I'm watching these poor Iraqi's scatter from the "targeted" bombing of their country, I began to think, what if that were to happen to us?   Think of it, bombers overhead, strategic strikes my ass, civilians are always getting killed in these attacks.  Forget about the dead, the psychological terror of indiscriminate death and destruction would be unbearable to imagine.   Much like what the English went through when the V2 Rockets fell from the sky or perhaps, our first encounters with Aboriginal peoples of foreign lands.   Our nation was born on the deaths of innocents why would we learn from that I wonder?   
      Before you start going on about 9/11, that was Bin Laden in Afghanistan not Hussein in Iraq.   Shit, the CIA could have and should have taken care of that arse hole, and our military should have carpet bombed the FUCK out of Afghanistan, until it no longer had any mountains to hide in.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Welcome to the transition from America first to the all out Global RANT

Hello Kiddies,
    Yes, it's me, the same Loon or Prognosticator "(Potato, Pomme de Terre)" with a new title and attitude.   Welllll  the same attitude, except why limit myself to the USA, home that I  "Love"?   There is an entire world out there up to all kinds of tomfoolery & shite, it's time they should get their comeuppance as well.   So my day's of exclusively pontificating about the United States have officially ended!   So get ready Vatican City, The Near East, China "ah fuck it, no where\company\idea, ad infinitum is safe" the fun is really about to begin.  BTW I used pontificate above intentionally...LOL.    You'll only get that joke if you know the true meaning of the word and my true grasp of the facts about what is really going on in the world.   So not every topic will be doom and gloom or a conspiracy, I will occasionally throw in some humor and I will begin posting on Wednesday as well as Sunday.   I know all my loyal readers, "I think there are 3 of you" are excited about that.     
    This is merely a introduction to the new format and yes I am posting this on Tuesday, just felt like getting the word out to you early.   So much to explore and exploit yet, so little time!   Oh yeah the first victims will be these so called dating sites, I've been looking into more than a few of them for several months now and I'm going to give you the skinny on the ones I've had experiences with BY NAME and SCAM!   BTW NONE of them are totally free, it's bollucks and they are making libelous claims and statements in my mind and I will attempt to show you by example and experience what these arseholes are really up to, just for your cash.   FYI Bollucks = Bullshit, I won't tell you again, so pay attention.
Until Sunday then, AMF...

Saturday, January 22, 2011

The Devils Advocate

Hello Kiddies,
    I'm not gonna rail against the Government, Corporations or even Human nature this week, I'm going to play the Ostrich.   One point first though, what is more important to our survival?  Oil or Water?
    Ok so lets say the Corporations, the Government are on our side, lets even say Human Beings are basically good at heart.   If this were the case everyone would be happy and joyful.   
     Dr. Spock once said "I don't know who originally said it" but in "The Wrath of Kahn"" He said the good of the many out weight the needs of the few or the one.   Well if that's the case , ok lets Fuck a few people so the rest of us can prosper.   Here is the rub, what if you are in the minority and you're the one getting fucked, well if that's the case, suddenly you aren't gonna buy into this bullshit idea.   But ok, so what  few people "and by that I mean hundreds of thousands of people" get screwed, as long as I can fill my Gas guzzler and it doesn't affect me why should I care.   Well....Shit I can't do this I'm sorry, I thought I could.   If we can put a man on the moon then we can damn sure figure out how to attain clean energy.   Solar energy alone would put a substantial dent in our carbon footprint.   If you don't believe in Global warming, that your right but please err on the side of caution.   There is always a what if.   Oil and it's distillates are found in everything from your car to your toothpaste, that's right I SAID YOU'RE TOOTHPASTE.   We are literally killing ourselves, but as long as shareholders get their 15 cents on the dollar it will continue.   The rub is, they use toothpaste also.   So what is affecting the common man is also gonna get the shareholders, the CEO's and the Company Executives.   The new car smell in your new car is more deadly than cigarettes, Google it , if you don't believe me.   There are only 2 choices to follow: 1. A radical change in our paradigm, regarding how we live now, cause fresh water will be gone before oil, or 2. we start looking off world for resources.   Let's learn this lesson before it's too late, petroleum is in every facet in our daily lives.
    I keep hearing that technology will be our savior, well so you know what a solar flare is, or also called a coronal ejaculate, these are when the sun has a massive out burst of solar radiation, that travels through space.   Well if you are up on you physics you know that it takes about 8 minutes from the sun's rays to get to us, here's the point.   Our poles are already shifting, they do this every now and then but a massive solar flare will possibly KILL\Disable all electronic devices.   Think about life with no electricity?  90 percent of you would freak, the Amish and their ilk are just gonna shake their heads, because they don't depend on electricity, so we will ultimately turn to them and plead help us.   I hope they laugh and spit at us, we are greedy , apathetic and frankly rude.   Until there is a disaster or Christmas, then we are civil towards each other.  Is this really the Christian mission?   Something to think about.    AMF... 

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Kennedy's generation was the best America had to offer, it's been down hill ever since.

Hello Kiddies,
   Out of respect for those injured and killed in Tuscon, AZ I didn't post last week.  My apologies for those of you who look forward to my rantings.  The human mind is a strange and sometimes deadly place, on the flip side there was Newton, DaVinci, Einstein and Saulk.  We have just begun to understand how it works and why we do the things we do.   Sadly, because of the diminishing police forces, peoples apathy and lack of affordable mental health facilities we suffered yet another tragedy.   When will we start to understand about the allocation of resources.   It's all connected, here I'll draw you a simple line of logic to follow.   Even though we don't practice TRUE capitalism, the form we have is deadly to the common man.   Everyone rails on about socialism, yet few of them can actually define it.   People hear socialism and they think Communism, If someone hears Christian what comes to mind first?  Well it's probably the church you attend or grew up with, but it's an umbrella term much like Socialism.   Ok so off the tangent and onto the logic line.   The objective of Capitalism is to get all the toys and die uber-wealthy.   Well if .5 to 1 percent controls 95% of the wealth, where is the equitable distribution.   This 1% has enough money to literally last generations and their Republican buddies didn't want to increase their taxes by 3%, 3 fucking percent, unbelievable.  I have a very high regard for Mr. Gates, and Mr. Buffet and I'm sure they didn't raise a finger one way or the other, the Republicans did it for them to be in their favor the next time re-election comes around.  We have a terrific, scratch my back system in this country and it's corrupt and needs to be revamped.    OUR banking \ FINANCIAL system NEARLY BANKRUPTED THE WORLD!!!!   This should scare you shitless, but no we just keep swallowing it, no matter that they refer to the average man as Joe and Jane nobody.       You cannot have a normal, healthy society without a healthy middle class.   This doesn't seem to matter anymore sadly.   So we trudge forward knowing our kids will be fucked if things keep going the way they are now.  Do you folks realize that 60% of our oil imports come from CANADA?????????, only 15-18  percent comes from the middle east.   Are you telling me we can't tighten our belts by 15% to stop the greedy wall-street speculators from fucking us.   Yes we blame near and far east countries for our rising gas prices but really it's Americans fucking other Americans.   Please wake UP!!!!!  Hell buy a hybrid made here in the states if you really wanna do something, you support your fellow Americans and their money gets spent here.   Money cannot be the ultimate goal in our lives, it will lead to our ruination as a people and a country.   I'm 45 and don't drive, not because I can't I choose not to, I'm helping your fucking kids and you don't seem to give a dam, so be it.  In my heart I'm an Atheist but hope there is a Heaven and Hell so maybe you can see the hellish lives your kids and grand kids will experience because of your apathy or greed [the underlings out weigh the wealthy BY A FUCKING METRIC TONNE]  and most of us have GUNS : ).   I'm not advocating violence, I just know about survival and what people will do when situations become desperate.  Until next time AMF...

Monday, January 3, 2011

It's a New Year, and yet it all keeps going on the same way...

Hello Kiddies,
    After your New Years Eve celebrations hopefully you are all compus mentus, and you didn't play hypocrites by going to church and tell the "truth" about your sins.   You'll never be absolved of your behavior unless you truly believe and if that's the case you shouldn't have been partying in the first place.
   So whats at stake, your "soul", well maybe if you believe in this sort of thing.   Religion, the Opiate of the masses?, I don't know.   There are many metaphorical opiates out there.   Did God create us or did we create it?   Calling God a he or a she makes absolutely no sense and to believe that their is such a being and that it would create us in "His" image, well I don't even need to begin with all the problems that start to open up.  There is no old man in a robe with flowing white hair, "Alpha and Omega",  It would be comforting but alas it's just fiction.
   Nope, I've got Love in my heart and Hope for the coming generations in my deep brown eyes but alas, this won't be enough to save your kids or grand kids from the ecological, financial or mental stress that we are dumping on the next couple of generations.   This is fairly funny, I don't even have kid's and I'm concerned for yours.
     The Native population of the US had it right all along, respect for the land and all it's creatures, it's the only way to maintain balance.   Think about it for a minute, we feel comforted that we can purchase nice items and display them in our homes , whether it's a mansion or a trailer.   Here's the rub...YOU'RE GONNA DIE, AND YOU CAN'T TAKE IT WITH YOU!!!   So, we are here temporarily, we attain things then we die.   When I see it in print, it is rather depressing but it passes fairly quickly.  I look forward to the peace that only Death will bring.
     So keep going out and spending more than you can afford to, that's what the government and the corporations want, most of us belong to one of theses cultures, so is it so wrong?   Well I'll tell you ,"because it turn's you into sheep, mindless herding sheep".   Few people have family dinners anymore, a staple in pre sixties life.  With the advent of cell phones, gps, the net, etc.. I actually long for the old days when all I needed was a compass and map.  I still don't have any type of gps.
     Maybe I'm just nostalgic for the cold war and M.A.D.  back then you knew where you stood.  Today, it's have a job today, 30 years in and tomorrow they don't remember your name.   Leave the Government to govern and us to bend the laws, just enough to get away with shit we know we did wrong.   I'm not playing holier than thou, hell I'm the biggest sinner I know but I know this and make no apologies for it, what good does it do a man to attain the world if he loses his humanity?  Till next week...