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Sunday, October 31, 2010

Do we all know what this Document is:

    This and 3 other pages are the basis of our very lives here in the United Corporations of America.   All courts use this as their Holy Grail or should if they don't.   Our leaders have added amendments and it's been interpreted by scholars and more importantly the Supreme Court.  We take our rights for granted in this country but if you've been paying attention since before 9\11 or rights are slowly being redacted, changed or per-mutated into something no one can understand.   Folks this is Halloween and I hope you enjoy your parties, soirees or other social events but be forewarned there will be many changes in the near future that so egregiously smash the Constitution that we won't see or hear it coming.   For any of you reading this I'm not an alarmist but soon we really won't be in Kansas anymore...AMF

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

What, Where & why

Hello Kiddies,
  I'm at it once again.   Our electoral process has turned into a free for all for Whores, no offense to working women, I love ya ladies.  The electorate "you and I" are supposed to elect our representatives but we really don't.  Thanks to the Supreme court these clowns can be influenced by anyone on the planet.   I know this is boring but we are slowly giving away our ability to choose our elected officials.    Why does this matter to you, well just because you vote for a candidate-> what actually influenced you to vote for them? Have you personally spoken to them at a town hall, or spoken to them on the phone or even written a letter?   Probably not you are making your decision based on the ad's you've seen and heard on the Media.  The media really aren't the ones I'm demonizing here, it's the candidates themselves.  I know they need masses of money to run a campaign but we are really beginning to go off the deep end.  I propose a few changes, pay attention now these are straightforward and reasonable reforms that will make the election process much more Democratic than it's been in the past.
1.  Destroy, Dismantle or Demolish the Electoral College.
2.  All parties have 1 bank account from which an oversight board [non partisan] decides how much goes to who, this way no PAC or Lobby or Non-profit agencies can hold an Official in their pockets.
   Those two changes alone would make a world of difference.  I'm gonna keep this one short so maybe you'll read this and maybe we can have some real grass roots reforms, REMEMBER WE CONTROL THEM, THEY WORK FOR US and they should be held to a higher standard, It goes with the job.
Till next time,

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Just keep your head in the sand

Hello again kids,
   Yes it's your favorite anarchist at work again.  This weeks topic is about what the hell is our political system turning into.  I know immediately this will turn most of you off but I warn you this midterm election will be one of the most pivotal and important of our modern era.   We still have 2 main parties and a few offshoots we have the Republicrats and the Tea Party.   Over 100 people have taken on this moniker in their bid for Congressional appointments.  They originally had good intentions but they have mutated into some kind of mutated Monster, hell bent on Lowering taxes "which President Obama has already done" and cutting entitlements to the bare bone.   Here's the rub, most of the tea party supporters are in some way dependent on these entitlement programs so they are supporting people who are against their own interest.  The original Tea revolt had to do with taxation without representation, what is at the crux of this reincarnation.   They aren't listening to what these asshole candidates are saying, they are just reacting to the current state of the economy and FEAR.  A famous 4 term President said it best when he said "The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself" if you don't know which President said that you should pack your bags and give up your US Citizenship.  This whole debacle started before a lot of you were even born, nearly everything we do is regulated and in a society with laws and stability, this is a necessary.    Or people Will and HAVE run a muck at the expense and detriment to most of us Joe averages.  Americans please, I beg of you please vote for a Republicrat and not a Tea party candidate.   The discourse between the parties has fallen into an abysmal bottomless pit of 2 pitbulls fighting over a piece of meat because they haven't been fed in days.  Do any of you realize that once upon a time the tax rate on the Wealthiest Americans was over 90%, today they are whining about a 3% increase on a mid 30% tax on income.
It's been proven in the past, over and over again when all the wealth is controlled by a tiny portion of the population the community is doomed to collapse.   Distribution of assets is not only the right thing to do but it is the economically smart thing to do for fiscal solvency and and to quote the Constitution "promote the General welfare" of the citizenry [this term refers to the average American BTW not people on welfare].   Think about it that's all for now...AMF 

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Heroes "not the T.V show".

Hi again kiddies, Yes I'm still writing and few if any of you are reading sadly.  I'm gonna upgrade to a more accessible site just so I won't be so hard to find, so get ready.  The point to this story is a very simple one, it's about coping with death.  Now according to wikipedia "who borrowed the definition from some other source no doubt" the definition of a Hero "noun" is:
1. A real or mythical person of great bravery who carries out extraordinary deeds.
   2. A role model.
   3. The main protagonist in a work of fiction.
   4. A champion.
   5. An unwilling sufferer of an act of terrorism, terminal disease, or other tragedy.
   6. A large sandwich made from meats and cheeses; a hero sandwich
   7. Someone who possesses supernatural powers (in fiction) such as Superman.
Ok, so we have that out of the way, now I'm going to digress momentarily try to keep up. You remember the South Park "Shit" episode where they counted the number of times they said Shit in the episode, well I've come to the conclusion that the word shit & hero are analogous.  If you saw the South Park episode you know where I'm going, if not or if so read on.   Look, I think it's very admirable for our young men and women to join the service to be sent God knows where to do God knows what but come on folks.   If you happen to be standing to get a clearer shot at the enemy instead of kneeling and you take one through the chest YOU ARE NOT\WERE NOT A HERO , you were unfortunate, unlucky, wrong place wrong time but not a Hero.  We are using the word to describe everyone who is killed over there, the media is chomping on the bit at this because you've all been drinking the cool aide since Nixon.  In short if the word is used to describe everyone who dies on some foreign shore it losses it's meaning as the folks on South Park were pointing out.  Now don't get me wrong, there are genuine Heroes out there, but what we are doing now is a mockery of the word and it should be stopped.   If you need that word to describe your loved one lost in battle as a coping mechanism, I know a few good shrinks out there who would be happy to talk to you.
Till next time AMF.....