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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Hope in the fight against climate change...

    Is it just me or have you also noticed that the weather is going schizo.  95 degree's in May in Michigan, I remember when we still could have snow on the ground during the last weeks of May.

    Now I don't know where you stand on climate change, but you gotta admit with tornado season seemingly turning into a year round event that something is changing.  It seems to me that there are two schools of thought on this 1. It is real or 2. it's not real, merely a cyclic event that the Earth does from time to time.

    I'll play devils advocate and say ok, it's not real.  I think that we can all acknowledge the fact that CO2 is building up in the atmosphere at greater levels then we've ever seen before.  Let's just say man has nothing to do with it, it's still happening.  Wouldn't it be wise to adopt a proactive stance in curbing the CO2 just the same?

    Now let's not be total morons for two minutes.  We have been actively monitoring CO2 emissions since the sixties.  Not to mention the information we have from drill samples from Antarctica.  Fact CO2 levels correlate with temperatures.  As CO2 levels spike and drop, so do the temperatures on Earth.

    The clean coal ad's you see on TV in this country are a joke.  The Coal industry in this country hasn't built a singe REAL Carbon capture and storage facility yet.  However it's not all bad new's, Europe and Australia are looking at investing heavily on this Technology.  WWF [World Resources Institute] along with several petroleum giants are preparing to build the largest CCS [Carbon Capture and Storage] facility in the world in Australia, so keep your fingers crossed.   There may be hope for us yet.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Use words not violence

   The right to free speech is a great amendment.  But that's all it is, speech.  No one should get upset about requesting peace.  As the song goes: Nothing comes from violence, nothing ever could.  The US has found this out in many entanglements, they had the best intentions but mistakes do occur and our asses got kicked on more than one occasion, sadly.  So Let's all reflect on our own lives and give peace a chance, that's my motto.
AMF all...

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Bacteria is coming for you...

   Hey you guy's wanna hear something that's gonna make you laugh?  While bacteria isn't something that comes up in most conversations you really should think about the little guy's.
   I know this sounds like a boring topic it really isn't.  Why?  Glad you asked.  The human body is an incubator for these microbes, you literally have trillions of them in or on you right now.  Here's the rub, they are supposed to be there, we have what's called a symbiotic relationship.  They help us and we help them, it's worked out great for years.  Now there are some very nasty, even deadly ones out there: Meningitis and e-coli just to name a couple.

   Both can be deadly, one can be prevented by simply washing your hands (I'll let you guess), the other is usually spread via bodily fluids or close contact with someone who is already infected.  Now do you realize that in most all animal meat you eat the feed has antibiotics in them.  As do most soaps nowadays, even tissues.  Big industry and some larger chemical companies would have you believe that unless you kill every single germ you'll get sick and croak.

  Anti bacterial's are exactly what they are advertised as, and if we make ourselves too sterile, guess what?  Our defenses are lowered and when a new bug comes along and one will (they always do) we're fucked.  All I'm saying is don't make everything you purchase based on seeing anti bacterial on the label.  It may save your life one day.  Also free range animals, while more expensive are actually better for you.