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Sunday, March 17, 2013

I call Shenanigans on the US Government !!!

     Well here we stand again on the edge of a precipice of a self created Fiscal mess.

      The ultimate game of who will blink first. Sadly the while they are considering who’ll blink first, we are stuck in the middle wiping the tears from our eyes.

     I really do understand both side’s argument but I cannot accept that there is no middle ground that can be reached. These “adult’s” are acting worse than children fighting over crayons. We all know the game is rigged for the rich to get richer, it’s been known since the first caveman discovered how to kill it’s first prey. The difference today is that the strain that the uber -rich have on the economics worldwide isn’t leaving any scraps for anyone else.

     Our government almost fears these powerful lobbies, a few of which: Financial, Medical, The NRA. The actual list is truly endless. So where does that leave those of us normal Joe’s and Jane’s who don’t really want to be zillionaires or even millionaires? We just want a 9-5, possibly love and the ability to retire without having to choose between  medication and cat food.

     You see America has reached a tipping point. It’s been creeping up on us but we have finally reached it. Technological, financially and medicinally which are the big 3 if you will. Use your imagination and think about 10 years down the road, best case scenario we are only slightly less out of debt, poverty will rise as well  as the ocean levels.  If we make drastic changes now we could fix the mess we’re in with in 10 years.

     To do this only takes common sense. No one is gonna die, the uber-wealthy really won’t be that much less rich, our teaching structure could be repaired as could our infrastructure. Because of this approach and attitude I call  Shenanigans. I call you out Washington. Step up to the plate and get to work or get the fuck out of the way!!!


Saturday, March 2, 2013

Attention Christians…

    If Adam and Eve were the first beings on Earth and God decided to destroy it with water, how did the population grow so quickly and diverse in just four thousand years, here’s a simple math problem even you fanatic’s can figure out.

    A woman on average takes nine moths to conceive, carry and bare a child, no one disputes this. Provided Noah had three women for each of his sons (which isn’t stated in the Bible) lets do some math. Best guess is that Noah died in the tenth century BC. That’s roughly 1000 B.C.  But for the sake of argument let’s say it’s been four thousand years from the flood till now.

    The average woman lived for about fifty years (over estimation) but lets just say it happened. Now the math:

    3 men and 3 women in one life time maximum= 50 years if women had children every 10 months that means they could create a maximum of  60 children during their lifetime. so that equals 60*3= 180 kids in a life time. Provided half is male and half is female (brother and sisters, disguising, but ok).

    So in 1000B.C. 180 kids are born

    In 900 B.C. lets square it = 32,400 and so until you reach the present day, do you know what number you get? 

    Don’t forget the Crusades, all the wars, The black death and The Spanish flu?

    Currently there are nearly 7 billion people on the planet of all colors, geographic locations and belief systems, LOGICALLY this process could not have begun 4 thousand years ago, use your common sense if you have any!