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Saturday, January 28, 2012

Is there a wealth distribution problem?

Well for as long as you can go back in history there have always been the wealthy, the middle class and the poor.

    The real wealth of this country comes from the land and it's people.  What America is going through right now is a brain drain and a culture of greed.  People are competitive by nature, there will always be Alpha personalities [overbearing over achievers with highly narcissistic personalities].  The only thing to keep these megalomaniacs in check is the rule of law and regulation.  This applies to anyone who is at the precipice of their particular profession.  If we continue to ignore our most valuable resource, "the kids" by letting them playing non competitive sports and coddling them the future of our country is screwed.  Our current model of schooling was developed after WWII aside from a computer or two in the classrooms and a lack of extracurricular activities not much has changed since then. Now since the wealthy have this education thing covered it's the rest of us who need to stand up and be heard.  China and Korea are kicking our asses in math and science.  There is an excellent website to help you kids with this: . this site is free, so get your kids off of playstation for 10 minutes and get their science and math scores back into the 90th percentile!
     Can someone explain to me how school districts are broke.  Weren't the Lotteries and the Casinos supposed to help fund education?   Some school districts have shrunk have no funding cut's and they need more money, I don't get it.  Factually if I am ever blessed with a child I will home school them.  With unemployment as high as it is perhaps "if you have the ability" you should give home schooling a try.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Oh, America...

  Hello All, 
     it's me again.  You ever wonder why Republicans are are always so very angry and up tight?  Well the answer very simply is because they never get laid.  Did you see that poll that said most Republicans have only had 0-1 sexual partners.  If I fell into that category I'd be pissed and uptight too but if I lied and cheated on my wife I'd look stressed out also.   It's a no win for these tight asses.   Now if you've been married as long as Ron Paul you don't think of sex anymore so he get's a pass, besides he's a Libertarian.   In his youth I'm sure he sowed his wild oats.  So I say, let's give a shout out to getting laid as frequently as possible.  BTW, please get off the God schtick, you all are pandering and it's repugnant.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Megalomaniacal behavior

   The seven deadly sins are listed as: Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Wrath, Envy and lastly Pride.  All Alpha personalities have all these to a degree.   Now the seven Cardinal virtues are: Chastity, Temperance, Charity, Diligence, Patience, Kindness and lastly humility.  Some Alpha's also have more than a few of these qualities.
   Now if you compare the list, if you are an even minded person, you want a person who has more of the latter than the former.   Yet year after year we get to select from these creatures of destruction.   Whether it's local, county, state or federal governmental level.  I am not condemning all politicians but those who believe in American Exceptionalism are totally full of shit.  
   We have done as much evil as any other country on the planet but it's ok because GOD has our back.  Seriously!  The "founding fathers" wanted church and state SEPARATED for a reason.   They saw first hand what religious tyranny had on governments.  In fact "all you history scholars" Thomas Jefferson rewrote the Bible.  His version was as follows: The Jefferson Bible, or The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth as it is formally titled, was Thomas Jefferson's effort to extract the doctrine of Jesus by removing sections of the New Testament containing supernatural aspects as well as perceived misinterpretations he believed had been added by the Four Evangelists.
      So all you born again \ evangelical zealots who swear by the 

founding father should check out how Jefferson really felt about the 

Bible as written.  More to the point LISTEN very carefully to what the 

Republicans are saying as well as their past, it formed the person they 

are now and it's a good indicator as to how they will perform in the


Friday, January 13, 2012

Brief history of the Homo Erectus...

    Did you know the planet we live on is only about 4.5 billion years old.   We have been here from 1 million to 100,000 years depending on who you ask.   Alligators have been alive longer than we have, as have sharks.   My points is that in geologic time we are but infants.   In the short period of time we've been here, we have done more damage than all the other species combined!
    Now since we are "presumably" the most intelligent creatures ever created should we not be the most responsible of all the creatures before us?   Now I don't know what side you come down on the God Vs. no God argument nor the global warming fact.   I do know myself and my beliefs however.   Since we are the only beings capable of doing something regarding our natural resources, shouldn't we!   There is no reason why everything recyclable isn't.   Every metal can, every piece of glass and every piece of plastic and paper. 
    You don't think it's important, just wait till your grand kids are of age.   You will look back and say how could we have been so stupid?   This is what geologic time refers to, the time it will take for your grandchildren to arrive is less than a millionth of a second in geologic time and yet look at how much damage or how much we can repair if we choose to.   We are standing at the abyss folks, do we look in, get vertigo and leave ourselves on the path we are on like the Lemmings or do we take a step back, reconsider our existence and that of our prodigy and make some positive changes fast.

Monday, January 9, 2012

I'm selling out ...

   Well I am sure you may have seen this coming, well we are here.   That's right your advocate for a better life is going to the Dark Side.   I have decided it is the only way to gain respect and fiscal stability.   I will still write about everything I give a damn about but since you guy's aren't reading anyway, take no notice.   I may occasionally applaud corporate greed and mass deportations "not talking about the proud people of Mexico".  
    This is what you have done to me with your apathy and self centered attitudes btw Christmas shouldn't just come once a year as it should be defined.   Just for the record I am a baptized Roman Catholic.   I think they are a bit backwards in their thinking about certain aspects of modern life but once you're in a club it's hard to quit.
    Why get so pissed off now?   Very simply our Democratic option can't get shit done due to Congress and the Republican field are clowns. The next four years are gonna be a circus and just remember I tried to warn you.   There's an old saying, "IF YOU DON'T STAND FOR SOMETHING, YOU'LL FALL FOR ANYTHING"  This is currently my America and I am ashamed that such great peoples are being moved around on a checker board.   I would have written chess but that's too complicated for most you!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Penn’s Perspective: Happy New Year!!!

Penn’s Perspective: Happy New Year!!!: Hello All, I am eagerly watching news on the Iowa Caucus and a thought occurred to me. Evangelical Christians, yes the born again bunc...

Happy New Year!!!

Hello All,
   I am eagerly watching news on the Iowa Caucus and a thought occurred to me.   Evangelical Christians, yes the born again bunch.   How exactly do you get born again.    Do people run around torching people and then a religious ceremony is performed, hence "born again"?   Yes I am being cynical but they are an easy mark.   The point I am attempting to make is a simple one.  Religious Hypocrisy.   We in America have the only real God.   Seriously, if you aren't Christ centered you are up for all kinds of hostile comments and even actions.
   Now let's compare, In the Bible "the Christian holy book" We have creation and a lot of good ideals to live by.   Please note that the original Christians were Jews.   Now let's look at the Koran.  It Is in my opinion a much more inclusive book and it too is proclaimed to be the word of God.   Both have huge followings.   I don't think religious fervor is wrong  but fanaticism is all together different.  Both think they are right and preach so.   Honestly, I think they are both good books and have useful information in them but come on why would God give different information to different people?   Doesn't make any sense.   Once you understand that, religious tolerance is the only way to go.   So think about it.   By the way the Koran actually mentions Jesus more than Mohammed.   It's true.   So show a bit of tolerance and let 2012 be a much better year than those in the past.