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Saturday, September 7, 2013

Isn't it funny?

   Does anyone remember back to 2008? Congress was given an ultimatum regarding fully funding the banks 100%, regardless of how it affecting everyday Americans. Most of us are still reeling from it. Did they come to the American people before voting on giving the banks a blank check, think back far enough and they never really consulted us about Iraq ( Our spy network essentially fabricated or at least bent the truth ) Just so a President could show his daddy that he had balls. "WMD my ass." Afghanistan I understand and it paid off.

   Suddenly a leader does something so incomprehensible that 98% of the world agreed that the use of chemical weapons should never be used. It's more than a war crime it's down right inhumane. I say we should bomb the shit out of them for 60 day's. Now I'll admit the last minute idea of wanting Congress to come on board caught me off guard. I don't think he's being weak (Per Se) maybe he thinks that with a united Congress behind him, he wouldn't look like a war monger.

    Suddenly every Congressperson is having town meetings to listen. Bullshit it's just another excuse to fight against the Presidents agenda. They never listened to their constituents before, why start now?

   What ever his reasoning, we have definitely lost the element of surprise.


Wednesday, August 28, 2013


Simple question.  Did the Mayan calendar include a year 0? If not then watch out this December..

Friday, August 23, 2013


     I was born in 1965, in Detroit, MI. This puts me on the cusp of Baby boom and Gen X, (depending who you ask). I spent my early childhood in Virginia then returned to Detroit. My mother is black and my father white. I was baptized Catholic but am non practicing. I've had more than 4 years of college and a year of Technical school but never declared a major (actually I attended schools in the North and South, they don't tend to transfer credits between each other) I found all of these circumstances to have been very special. In short I have never known the surety of normality, where do I fit in?

   As I grew and matured, I wish I had simply stayed on the farm. The violence and the injustice perpetrated on the weakest (and dare I say the poorest) of our society (and the world for that matter) is shameful.  FDR wrote up a document called the Citizens bill of rights. Sadly it probably wouldn't have passed Congress even if he had lived long enough. I hear and see remarks by people (politicians and others) who say if UR poor it’s UR own fault, if you think that you’re as foolish as wrong-way Wainwright was.

     Virginia had wide open spaces, fresh air, fields to run in, streams to fish and beautiful star gazing on clear nights. Most cities have none of these it saddens me to say and things are going to get worse. In the history of the United States there has never been such a disproportionate balance in wealth (excluding the Great Depression) . I still say eating the rich (not literally) before they seriously arm themselves is the best plan, but what do I know? Well I know one thing, and that’s when it’s time to get out of Dodge. The time is approaching. I'm not espousing that doomsday is near but I think our over dependence on technology and the decimation of the non recovering middle class will be our undoing.

   The scales of humanity should be balanced, they are not and because of this the entire system worldwide is in danger of tipping over. If the environment doesn't get us first (ha ha).

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

What will it take?

    A great President once said “all we have to fear , is fear itself”.

    On any given day how scared are you? About your: health, the economy, your children or other family, etc.  In my life time I’ve heard stories of terrible atrocities committed by other governments and of course our own. I have to tell you that I’m glad I don’t have children because frankly I believe that our rights under the Constitution will be so eroded that we will live under a Fascist Government, disguised as a Democratic Republic.

      This isn’t as wild an idea as you may think, who runs Washington right now? The voters? Be serious, Corporations control DC. Lobbyist are there grocery clerks. This can easily be fixed, campaign finance reform. That Citizens United bullshit was the most insane act the Supreme Court has EVER let stand. Most people will vote for the person they see the most on TV and who has the best performance in debates. All of that cost’s money, in come the Lobbyist’s and the game is over. The gas lobby is a perfect example of this, they know fracing is contaminating the whole of the US. Do these corporations care? After all they have all the rights of a human being short of voting. These companies are exempt from the clean air, water and superfund penalties. Here’s the real kick in the nut’s a great deal of this natural gas will be shipped over sea’s, where prices are higher.

      Well keep your heads in the sand, you’re gonna turn around one day and all the cops will be goose stepping. Don’t say you weren’t warned.


Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Change is constant but it’s not always for the best…


I was born in the mid sixties, Born in Detroit and spent my early childhood in Virginia then returned to Detroit. I found both to be very special. As I grow and mature, I wish I had simply stayed on the farm. The violence and the injustice perpetrated on the weakest of our society is shameful.

FDR wrote up a document called the citizens bill of rights. Sadly it probably wouldn’t have passed even if he had lived long enough. I hear and see remarks by people who say if UR poor it’s UR own fault, if you think that you’re as foolish as wrongway Waynright was. Try living in a major city with a disability and no car. Drivers basically ignore you and are asking for litigation.

Virginia had wide open spaces, fresh air, fields to run in, streams to fish and a nice long school bus rides.

Most cities have none of these it saddens me to say and things are going to get worse. In the history of the United States their has never been such a disproportionate balance in wealth. I still say eating the rich before they seriously arm themselves is the best plan, but what do I know. Well I know one thing, and that’s when it’s time to get out of Dodge.


Thursday, May 9, 2013

Will we never learn???

Does anyone remember how profits and cost reports during the 80's and 90's were always reporting in the millions of dollars and now today everything is in the billions. All this cheap money floating out there from the Fed, nearly zero corporate investment. We are heading for another cliff. Derivatives are still legal by the way, did you know that. A CDO (Collateralized Debt Obligation) is a complex financial security used to speculate on or manage the risk that an obligation will not be paid (i.e., credit risk). It is a derivative, meaning its value is derived from events related to a defined set of reference securities that may or may not be owned by the parties involved.*  When the guy's who run these businesses actually put the fear of God into our politicians how is anything supposed to get done? These GREEDY fucks nearly bankrupt the planet and they keep their job or take a golden parachute. Do you realize the real reason we need a massive military? It's because if any country on Earth would have butt fu%$@d us like we did to the rest of the planet we'd kick their ass. We better wake up, the Chinese are getting stronger every day.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Facebook UR pissing me off


   You claim that someone may have been phishing my account well you have a confirmed email address to contact me to give me the ability to change my password. You ask me a security question that I KLNOW the answer to. I know where my mother was born you twits! If the account is temporarily suspended, what is temporary??????????? or Contact me if you would!!!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Penn’s Perspective: Wealthy or not in America

Penn’s Perspective: Wealthy or not in America:         Do you know how most people become criminals? Whether it's your neighborhood pot dealer or a wall street mega-millionaire. It&#...

Wealthy or not in America


      Do you know how most people become criminals? Whether it's your neighborhood pot dealer or a wall street mega-millionaire. It's a matter of fulfilling what they FEEL is a need. Most are type A's and just feel the need to over achieve, sad really.

     Ok so what am I attempting to explain? Quite simply that the poor have always and will always be victimized. Why? Simply put, to live at the absolute lowest rung of society you are constantly being hit from all sides. This has nothing to do with race although Caucasians overall have worked all their life but then they get closer to the end. They have home equity available to them and savings (I hope) and social security. I’m happy for them. But for the elderly living in section 8 housing, their future is far more bleak. Not to mention the entire criminal justice system is out to get them, lock them up and charge them insane fees. Everything from court fees to a fee for everyday you are locked up (in Oakland Co. MI anyway). It makes me want to vomit.

      Now how about our wealthy friends well honestly they give to charities and I don’t begrudge them making their fortunes. But I will say this, if you didn’t come from humble beginnings then you have no right to say you can empathize because you can’t. Have ever missed a meal? I doubt it. Your help is appreciated but no one rich or poor, wants to feel ashamed to take charity. So the next time UR on UR high horse step back and look at the bigger picture. U guy’s nearly Break the entire world economy, how many went to jail? My buddy may sell a bit of weed but if he gets busted his punishment is far more out of balance than it should be for the crime committed.

      What is that big picture, (I hope UR asking), it’s that we are all Americans and more importantly HUMAN BEINGS, not shit you scrape off UR shoes!                                                                                                                                                      AMF!!!              

Sunday, March 17, 2013

I call Shenanigans on the US Government !!!

     Well here we stand again on the edge of a precipice of a self created Fiscal mess.

      The ultimate game of who will blink first. Sadly the while they are considering who’ll blink first, we are stuck in the middle wiping the tears from our eyes.

     I really do understand both side’s argument but I cannot accept that there is no middle ground that can be reached. These “adult’s” are acting worse than children fighting over crayons. We all know the game is rigged for the rich to get richer, it’s been known since the first caveman discovered how to kill it’s first prey. The difference today is that the strain that the uber -rich have on the economics worldwide isn’t leaving any scraps for anyone else.

     Our government almost fears these powerful lobbies, a few of which: Financial, Medical, The NRA. The actual list is truly endless. So where does that leave those of us normal Joe’s and Jane’s who don’t really want to be zillionaires or even millionaires? We just want a 9-5, possibly love and the ability to retire without having to choose between  medication and cat food.

     You see America has reached a tipping point. It’s been creeping up on us but we have finally reached it. Technological, financially and medicinally which are the big 3 if you will. Use your imagination and think about 10 years down the road, best case scenario we are only slightly less out of debt, poverty will rise as well  as the ocean levels.  If we make drastic changes now we could fix the mess we’re in with in 10 years.

     To do this only takes common sense. No one is gonna die, the uber-wealthy really won’t be that much less rich, our teaching structure could be repaired as could our infrastructure. Because of this approach and attitude I call  Shenanigans. I call you out Washington. Step up to the plate and get to work or get the fuck out of the way!!!


Saturday, March 2, 2013

Attention Christians…

    If Adam and Eve were the first beings on Earth and God decided to destroy it with water, how did the population grow so quickly and diverse in just four thousand years, here’s a simple math problem even you fanatic’s can figure out.

    A woman on average takes nine moths to conceive, carry and bare a child, no one disputes this. Provided Noah had three women for each of his sons (which isn’t stated in the Bible) lets do some math. Best guess is that Noah died in the tenth century BC. That’s roughly 1000 B.C.  But for the sake of argument let’s say it’s been four thousand years from the flood till now.

    The average woman lived for about fifty years (over estimation) but lets just say it happened. Now the math:

    3 men and 3 women in one life time maximum= 50 years if women had children every 10 months that means they could create a maximum of  60 children during their lifetime. so that equals 60*3= 180 kids in a life time. Provided half is male and half is female (brother and sisters, disguising, but ok).

    So in 1000B.C. 180 kids are born

    In 900 B.C. lets square it = 32,400 and so until you reach the present day, do you know what number you get? 

    Don’t forget the Crusades, all the wars, The black death and The Spanish flu?

    Currently there are nearly 7 billion people on the planet of all colors, geographic locations and belief systems, LOGICALLY this process could not have begun 4 thousand years ago, use your common sense if you have any!


Saturday, February 9, 2013

Penn’s Perspective: Well guess what it snowed

Penn’s Perspective: Well guess what it snowed:        It’s really sad when so much fuss is made about a snow storm.     Well it sounds silly but I was a child when the 76-78 snowstorm h...

Well guess what it snowed

       It’s really sad when so much fuss is made about a snow storm.

    Well it sounds silly but I was a child when the 76-78 snowstorm hit us here in Michigan. You wanna hear something, we still had school!!!! Our nation is really getting soft, I’m not criticizing but it does sadden me that so much adieu is made about nothing. All this fuss about weather but we won’t do a thing about gun control, where are our priorities?

    It is important to be aware of the weather and all the noise the channels made about it probably saved lives but you know that unless you’ve lost a loved one to an act of G** you sometimes giggle when you hear about someone dying in a car or walking. Don’t blame me, G** did it. I’m just attempting to make a point about our society.

    I’ll keep this short. Our entire way of life will be changing at a bit more than a snails pace. These changes include: Politics, Weather, The Economy and other issues that affect our day to day existence. It’s like the live frog in a slowly warming pot on the stove. The information about the reasoning behind the Iraq invasion were found out nearly as soon as they occurred but the numbed public cheered a ok USA! Our current president is moderately better than Bush was but he doesn’t come across as witless (no offense).

    So what’s the answer, well it ain’t fox news! Traditional Republicans aren’t the answer but they could be part of the solution if it weren’t for the “tea party”. You good folks brought chants & guns to your rallies, Democrats brought signs and chanted. Do you see the difference, so jump on board for the big win. Leave the hysteria in the past and let’s make a positive change for the 99% of working Americans.


Friday, February 1, 2013

Amazon Rocks

     This past x-mas I purchased more than a few items from I found out recently that one on the recipients of one of the gift’s had a malfunction with it. An Mp3 player had died, I contacted Amazon and they sent out a new one, no questions asked. I was amazed by there understanding and immediate response, I give them my most highest recommendation for all sales, they are magnificent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Wednesday, January 30, 2013

A Warring Nation…


Since I have been alive we have been involve in armed conflicts with the following:

Vietnam War (1964–1975)
Post–Cold War era (1991–2001)
Persian Gulf War (1990–1991)
War on Terrorism (2001–present)

     Now I know I’ve said that this is not the America I grew up in, but I was wrong. I didn’t really pay attention to my early youth. We have been involved in an armed conflict somewhere on the globe during my entire life! How f*#ked up is that? Unreal, I guess with age does come wisdom to some people. Of all the countries named above how many can you point to on a map? By the way this does not include the covert operations carried on by the CIA.

    We have taken to calling every Vet. fortunate or not a Hero. This is to make US on the home front feel good since our troops are fighting pointless conflicts without an exit strategy! Will you please wake up and stop drinking the cool aid !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Before it’s all said and done there will be a reckoning and it scares me to write that it will affect us more then it will the American machine ie. our Government. Even though you may not remember how these conflicts started or ended do you know who does? The people we shot on the ground and carpet bombed from the air. They won’t forget and cultures have a long memory. Think about it!


Monday, January 21, 2013

Time for a re-examination…

    Why does \ did our President surround himself with the same economic advisors as old Alfred E. Newman? The simple answer is he wanted a second term. Alpha personalities always want to hold onto power. Wall street was never punished for the illegal (not to mention immoral ) act’s they committed. Some of them paid fines, but when it came down to it these damages did nothing to stop the abuses from occurring again. Our President talks a good game and seems sincere but as it’s said: The proof is in the pudding.  Maybe in his second term he can rally Congress to really get something done because aside from the Healthcare act he really hasn’t done too much. This from a campaign contributor!

Monday, January 14, 2013

Penn’s Perspective: Our history books lie and are incomplete

Penn’s Perspective: Our history books lie and are incomplete:      Tired of being pawns? Tired of cold war doctrines. Did you know you are an expendable pawn? Are you aware of these cold war doctrines? ...

Our history books lie and are incomplete

     Tired of being pawns? Tired of cold war doctrines. Did you know you are an expendable pawn? Are you aware of these cold war doctrines? Do you understand the lengths that the government, the US Government has gone to misrepresent world events so that business as usual can continue at the expense of innocent people all over the world! Our government was hijacked after the death of JFK. America's pseudo Romanesque attempt at military dominance of the world is seen the world over. We don't see it do to propaganda and or blind apathy. I have called on you to wake up before and sadly we get complacent and forget as long as the TV still works and you can watch American Idol and the local Mcdonalds is still open. We staved off Mitt Romney thank God but it's only 4 years away before the ruthless mongrels will be at the gates again. Stop being fooled by the evils of the world and do what you know in your heart to be right.

    Think all the allegations I made above are lies? Well read a world history book not printed in America. Get one from Canada,our northern neighbor. Our Presidents have been playing 3 card monty with information since WWII. All of the problems we are facing now were born from previous government administrations. The lies and misinformation that our government has foisted upon us over my life time alone is enough to make my head explode! We wanna make the world believe that we are the boss of the planet but we revert to the kindergarten politics of name calling when it's time for leaders to get something done for the American people.

      Aren't you sick of this bullshit!? These people are no smarter than the majority of us, more experienced with the political ballet that is the beltway, but if they don't or can't do the job we sent them there for than what good are they doing? Aside from obstructing progress, what has the tea party really done? They terrify the elderly and coerce citizens to vote against their own self interest. That's some major tap dancing. I've listened to all angles of the political spectrum, Dem., Rep., Green and Libertarian. How can you claim to be Christian and Republican today in American with out holding back laughter? These people (Republicans) have no human (HUMANE) compassion. It's fin for yourself or you're fucked. Well compassion is what separates us from the wild animals. Now if you wanna make the argument that Republicans are animalistic than I will accept that but thus far not one has stepped up to the plate and claimed this. Here's your chance to come clean Republicans...